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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Raeka Jenny, that's awesome. I really like what you did with that photo! Care to share more? I have a ton.. I have to see if I have it on this computer though lol Once you get the hang of photoshop, you can spend hours and hours messing around with pictures.
  2. Hi Stephanie! Congrats and happy planning
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Raeka OK stupid question, what does illustrator do that Photoshop doesn't? They are two different programs that can be used together. Photoshop lets you manipulate your pictures (ex. brighter, crisper, size). You can also add brush strokes to your pics for example: Here I added font, changed the colors around and added the squigly strokes. WIth Illustrator, you create your own vector images. It's hard at first but once you get the hang of it, it's so much fun and you feel like you can do anything! I have a portfolio (somewhere in my house lol) of all my Illustrator projects I had to do for school. Started off making easy images like a paint brush, radios and we moved up to creating our own t-shirts and posters.
  4. what a relief that they came! I'm really glad everything worked out.
  5. Thanks everyone! Everyone who crossed their fingers for me - it worked! I think I'll be going out for a little bit with my "mentor" next week to see what he does
  6. I think as DW brides, we don't limit ourselves as to who we can have. We have much more freedom in choosing. For me, sending someone from NJ is the same as sending someone from WA (which is where my photog is located).
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by monicabrandon2008 YAY!!!!! So happy for you! You will do great! now I'll really be asking you questions lol he gave me a book to read over with overviews of whats to come. I start June 30th
  8. Im gonna hijack the thread but has anyone ever looked into Sapphire Beach? I went to their beach years ago and it's what made me decide when I'd get married, it'd be somewhere tropical. There is a beautiful extension that is over the water and at the end is where they set up for the weddings. You can see St. John perfectly. I wish I can find pics.. it's GORGEOUS.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by jkcz0702 That is a cool idea, makes me nervous what some of my guests will film though :-) thats what Im thinking.. knowing my groomsmen.. they'll be taking video of their butts or something lol
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by pinkchick Thank you, yes I designed the dress myself and had it made. Was perfect for the beach!! you had a beautiful wedding! Congratulations
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl i think you can if you use a different email ahh good call. I got 2 other email addys so I'll use them
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Congrats, Jenny! Best of luck in the new field! Thanks! Im so excited and nervous at the same time.
  13. your so cute! I'm like you too - I hate store cake lmao (btw tooth whitening is an awesome gift!)
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian No. Brian has his own internet addictions so he doesn't care. mine too! he's such a gamer lol
  15. !!! I GOT THE JOB !!! They said I'll be working under someone *its the loan officer I met when I first interviewed* and I get his commission when he's training me. He said I'll start making money my first week.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by becks Hi Jenny! Here's my two cents, and do with it what you will. Yes, the mortgage industry is very tight right now. People's commission-based income has plummeted in the last several years - not so much because the bosses aren't paying, but that there are so few new loans out there. That being said, I would be surprised if coming in young and without a book of business/existing clients they would put you on a straight commission. You will more than likely have a base salary that will just barely keep you in PB&J and cover your rent. Everything else will be commission based. So, if you sell mortgages, you make money. If you don't... I hope you really like PB&J. If they offered me a straight commission job, no, I wouldn't take it. They have to be willing to make the investment in you to train you properly and see that you can feed yourself and keep a roof over your head while you develop a client base. After all - you're taking the risk that their brand is going to be good enough to allow you to make the contacts that will let you develop clients. Hope that helps! and GOOD LUCK!!! definitely helps! I will take everyone's advice with me. im leaving now - ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i'll let you all know how it went. I have to meet with the partner of the firm.
  17. I voted! OMG toooooooooooo cute Abbie!
  18. JennyK


    happy planning!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by monicabrandon2008 What they say is true and I'm glad you have people to talk to that are in the industry. 50/50 split is good and they definitely need to give you a salary when they train you. GOOD LUCK! But if they dont offer me any kind of pay, I shouldn't take the job right? Quote: Originally Posted by Sandra E. Good luck Jenny!!! Thanks!!!!!!!! :)
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline Hollllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  21. I like seeing the sash on the dress. Like Danielle said, makes it look more fit.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I'm taking that on july 17th! I'm also taking a dreamwaever class in july. Nice! I was amazed at what I did with Illustrator. Unfortunately it's one of those things you have to stick with or else you'll forget a lot
  23. Good luck with the planning! July 2008 is right around the corner
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