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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. I really like Option B. You still get your calla lillies but it's less expensive
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa Jenny - i love John Edward - how much does it cost? you have to post an update? i am so jealous! I cost $175 a ticket. He sure makes out with these types of shows! Quote: Originally Posted by jkcz0702 That is so cool how did you get tickets. Good Luck I bought them off his website but seems they sell out really quick. I bought these tickets back in December. There was about 300 ppl there I'd guesstimate. He did like 10-12 readings and answered questions. Unfortunately we didn't get a reading It was amazing though. I love him so much and all he stands for so just watching him in action was so inspirational. One thing that I noticed that was scary - most of the girls that got the readings we young widows. A mother got a reading from her son that passed not too long ago. John was on the money with a certain picture hanging on their staircase and how the father called him "peach fuzz" after he'd get a haircut. He was also on the money with this woman who was a nurse and helped a little boy be "comfortable" when he passed. The boy came through and told her thank you. Unfortunately, my FI didn't change his mind.
  3. ohh if I only knew! I bought supplies yesterday to make my own bouts
  4. Wow Morgan..it's time! Have a wonderful trip, enjoy yourself and can't wait to hear all about it when you return!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by ethrondson I have been wondering if he was still around. I used to watch him on Crossing Over all the time, but haven't seen it forever. I am a believer, and would love to go see him sometime! Let us know how it goes. I definitely will It should be a small setting and it's from 7pm-9pm so I hope he does a lot of readings
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 Don't get me wrong I certainly don't think hes a croc of shit lol like I said sometimes he's bang on - its like everyone he is not gonna get it right all the time lol it'll be a good feeling in that room tho with our without a reading yea definitely. I'm taking pictures with me for good luck but I told my mom and FI, NO TALKING about anyone once we walk in the building.
  7. welcome and happy planning! There's lots of info on this site that can help you.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 i watch it over here all the time and spookily enough it's on as i type this lol i believe but I think he can be a bit wide sometimes lol I prefer Lisa Williams lol But have a great time it'll be fab lol my opinion of him is this - even if he's a crock of shit, he's very inspirational for the people that are going through a loss. If his words can help them cope and move on, then he's doing the right thing.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by kacie3344 I'm looking for a FREE wedding website that has a lot of options. The knot's version seems so boring! And it seems as though a lot of them claim to be free and never are. Argh!!! I use WeddingWindow.com and I love it.. gives me a lot of options and freedom to do what I want. They also have a large selection of templates.
  10. No not that dude that ran for president but the Psychic Medium It's going to be me, my mom, and FI. I'm a believer as well as my mom but I just can't convince my FI - he's a realist. So I'm HOPING HOPING HOPING John Edward would do a reading for my FI. Anyone ever watch his show Cross Country?
  11. you can also click on your name once and then click on "Find more posts by"
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Rachelle E. Love, Actually is totally "our movie". Like most people have a song...we don't, but we can both watch Love, Actually over and over again. Funny: I LOVE When Harry Met Sally, Notting Hill, Hitch, You've Got Mail, The Runaway Bride, Sweet Home Alabama, Strictly Ballroom, Fools Rush In Weird: Lars and the Real Girl, Juno, The Secretary, What Dreams May Come Action-y: The Last of the Mohecians, Mr & Mrs Smith Dramatic: Pearl Harbor wow you know Strictly Ballroom!?! I thought I was the only nut that is obsessed with that movie lol lol
  13. 1. The White Wedding Dress Before my planning process, I always had "white" in my head. When it came down to finding "the one", it was Ivory. I have a different opinion now on the white dress. Whatever You like, whatever you feel comfortable in, and if you feel like a bride..it doesn't matter what color you are in. 2. Wedding Rings Wedding rings to me are very important. They symbolize our unity and commitment to each other. I was given my grandmother's wedding ring not too long ago, and although it's a plain platinum band, it's beautiful because it reminds me of the great love she had with my grandpa. I would love for my rings be in the future of my children, grandchildren and so on. 3. The Bridal Party Bridal parties are your cheerleaders for the day. They're supposed to remember the little stuff..that you are too busy to pay attention to. 4. Your father giving you away My father and I have a rocky relationship. I still believe in this tradition though. You only have one father..no matter how you look at it. 5. An over-the-face veil (blusher) This to me is just fashion.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline I say if you're going to be BAD--> BE BAD!! Eat the entire thing, just shove it all in your mouth and enjoy it! We're entitled once a month! hahaha I'm trying to be a good friend here.. if it was me, I'd be eating 2 and not telling a soul lol
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Eat half of one...maybe even just one bite. im with everyone on eating a lil of it if you are trying to be good. It'll eat at you if you don't have it so don't deprive yourself.
  16. ^^ thats for you. and this is how I pictured you writing this -- > but anyways, I'd tell him "listen, if you are not going to contribute, then you can't eat the food everyone else paid for." If he gives you a prob, tell his boss.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel I just watched this on Sunday. Cute cute movie- and sad. I bawled my eyes out for awhile. I'm so used to seeing Hilary Swank play some bad ass chicks (or guys) so it was nice to see a softer side. I had the chance to see this movie on my flight down to Cancun a few weeks ago but since I have anxiety on flights, I refused to watch the movie knowing I wouldn't be paying attention lol
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by cmmdee Oh, gosh, so many to choose from but I loooove 1. Love, Actually 2. Princess Bride 3. Sleeping Beauty (Not really romantic but it's my fave Disney movie and the kiss is the kiss to end all kisses!) ooo good list! Love, Actually is amazing! Reminds me of my FI since he learned how to propose in Portuguese like in the movie Princess Bride is one of my top favorite movies of ALL time. I've actually considered "Storybook Love" as my wedding song
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel I also LOVED the notebook. Hmmm...I got a list one time from the internet and tried to watch some of the "older" movies that I had missed. I ended up loving The Way We Were with Robert Redford and Barbara Streisand. Another really good old romantic movie is Love Story. It's got that famous line "Love means never having to say you're sorry"
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by PenMarie I don't really have any suggestions I can think of now...but I had to comment on your pick of "Legends of the Fall" -- that movie is worth its weight in gold just for Brad Pitt as Tristan...love the beginning when he comes riding in on his horse with his long blonde hair flowing in the air...he is to DIE FOR!!...daggone!! I go into a trance when I watch that movie. hehe not one scene where he doesn't look delicious.
  21. Most of the time, when the FI is out with his friends and I have the night to myself, I like to sit in bed with a bowl of ice cream and watch MY movies that he refuses to watch. My Top 3 ROMANTIC movies to watch are: Legends of the Fall (watched this one Fri. night hehe) Romeo & Juliet (1968 Franco Zefferelli) The Notebook What are yours? Any suggestions?
  22. wow those cenotes are amazing! Thanks for sharing your pics
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