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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. I was thinkin' about her yesterday. Seems like she's been got for a while right? lol
  2. welcome to the forums Ben!
  3. JennyK


    welcome and congratulations!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by chibi411 yeah... my BF since jr high owns a beauty school and thats the line she uses, so i was lucky that she supplied the samples!! now I wish I snagged them from work when the spa closed down lol
  5. JennyK

    I'm a newbie!

    congrats and welcome to the forums!
  6. JennyK


    welcome and happy planning!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Dez921714 Maybe take a break from it for a day or two...you still got lots of time yea when my mojo isn't flowin'..its not flowin'..
  8. JennyK

    First post

    Welcome to the forums and happy planning!
  9. Great ideas girls I dont have smaller starfish.. but these are actually pretty small. Lets see what I can do
  10. I changed the flower but I might just do away with the flowers all together.. I put my hand next to it so you can kinda see the size
  11. do you think the orchid is too much? Like.. if I switched to a smaller flower it'd be better? It isn't that big in person but I can see how they're competing.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by StephanieMN I wonder if it might be too much. Maybe it's too big to be pinned. What about using just one of the two or do you want to use both? I liked the two but didn't know how to make them fit snug. Maybe I'll just do the flower alone.
  13. Yea I had heard that.. I'm happy for them. They're both really funny women and cute together
  14. welcome to the forums! I'm from NJ too
  15. I went on a site visit there and toured the property. It's very beautiful. If you have specific questions, let me know
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE OH Man! Well that sucks that you didn't get a read. Awesome though that you got to see him. Don't forget Ghosthunters tonight! Yea.. I have weird obsessions with strange people - John Edward & Howard Stern. lol I love love love the both of them. Eek! Thats right - it better be good this time. I've been disappointed the last couple of episodes.
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