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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. Welcome to the forums Lori! Where are you from in NJ?
  2. Hey guys I just met with Brandi and she was AWESOME. I can't wait to take my BD pics! I scheduled the session for Tuesday, July 15th. Gives me time to lose some extra lbs. I also told her about BDW so hopefully she'll join and speak with you guys. Her work is amazing.
  3. Congrats and welcome to the forum!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline geez how do u guys do all this stuff, i cant even pretend i know how. i wish i knew how to do that picture editing stuff. what did u use?? I have a degree in Communications Design which is like comp. graphics.. better be putting it to some good use right? lol We used Photoshop.. it's easy to use
  5. I hope you dont mind but I tweeked it a lil.. I smudged the edges to give it flowing lines..
  6. that looks great beck! Mine would look the same so I hope Martha likes it!
  7. try getting one of those thin scarves.. I had one really bad when I was 15 and it was the dead of summer while I was away on vacation w/ my grandparents.. try explaining that one to grandma! Get a good concealer with green in it..it counteracts the red
  8. JennyK

    New here

    welcome to the forums!
  9. JennyK


    Happy planning!
  10. Didn't we have a bet? Like 1000 points or something lol
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Kryztan I have stayed at tucancun, it is nice. I like Grand Oasis better (property is nice) than it though and I think they are similar in price. The Oasis does have nice property..all the peacocks! I just wasn't a fan of their restaurant schedules.. 2 1/2 hours to get into their steakhouse!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha It is, Jenny! If you can, that would be great! If not, it's oaky, I'll keep looking. I appreciate your help!!! I'll get on it..is it ok if I get it to you by tomorrow? I'm home all day so I'll PM you the finished product
  13. Is your resort Gran Bahia Principe Riviera Maya? If so, I can try adjusting it for you
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by starfish kate I'm going to the show here in Boston and I'm ashamed to say it will be my 6th show- the first one in about 15 years though. Unfortunately my best friend who used to go to all the shows with me will have a 1 month old infant and can't come. I'm very excited! nice!! I was also looking for Boston tickets.. I'll go anywhere where theres good seats
  15. I'm trying to find a nice affordable yet Mexican-y feel type of hotel for me and my guests. Even though I'm getting married at Le Meridien, we're not staying there. I want my guests to have a hassle free vacation so AI is a must. In May I stayed at Great Parnassus and as much as I loved it, it doesn't feel "Mexican" lol They don't have much property at all except for the hotel and pool.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Dez921714 haha...I was gonna ask if you put a little laxative in it :-D ooo good one! "Here's a chocolate for you!" and it's Ex-Lax hahahahahha Quote: Originally Posted by cmmdee Jenny, I am so sorry to hear you are going through this. It is a very uncomfortable situation to be in. I've been through something similar as well before. It's not fun at all. I say she is just jealous. She wants to make you look like the bad guy because she wants to BE you. Don't let her have the upper hand and don't feed into her b.s./pettiness. Just smile and do your job and ignore her if you cannot stand her (my approach). Like the saying goes, If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. It's better to avoid conflict altogether. Sounds like the wicked witch won't be there much longer anyway. Amen to that! I TRY to avoid the conflict but sometimes I just get so heated with her.. I'm the beeotch that makes the nasty remarks to someone else so she hears just to get under her skin Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 You are so on my wavelength lmao i hope its from a place that isn't a leg mind you lmfao oh no - definitely a lil higher
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by ethrondson "The Taboo Naughty But Nice Sex Show is an upscale consumer trade show dedicated to romance and self-improvement - most of all, it's a lot of fun! The show's primary objective is to bring the industry together with prospective buyers in a comfortable, sophisticated and non-threatening environment." - taken from Taboo Sex Show - Home Page - Edmonton Show It is so much fun, you can see all types of toys, lotions, oils, etc. They have seminars, fashion shows, they give out samples, and you can buy just about anything. If you ever want to get some crazy looks, go to a sex show with your Mom and then say, 'hey mom, come look at this!'. My mom goes with my friends and I and we look around, then when it comes time to buy stuff, we go separate ways. Sorry for the hijack! wow this looks like so much fun! I wanna go!! Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline YES, you have to do that. OHH how much fricken fun. Now i want to go! This show I'm going to is in Long Island
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by ethrondson It would be a busy 2 weeks for me because the w/e before the NKOTB concert is the Naughty & Nice Taboo sex show that I go to every year!! 3 trips to the city in 2 weeks for me. I am going to need a vactaion after that! LMAO whoa elaborate on what that is?!
  19. I definitely like the second one better but it's your call. Guaranteed he'll love anything you have on the minute he sees you walking up the aisle. Since you still have time, you can stop the order on the 1st dress and go in and try others on.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by ethrondson That is so awesome. My MOH asked if I wanted to go and when I told her yes, she said that she was glad because she was thinking of getting the tickets and then laying them on the table so when I helped her move I would see them and say what are these? Then she would tell me that they were NKOTB tix and I was going with her. Anyway, she said she was going to look into getting some, and when I asked her about it, all she said was 'Yup, I looked'. That was all she would say, so I am not sure if she maybe got them and is planning on giving me one for my b-day or what! Oh well, I will be able to let you know in Aug if I get to go to their concert the week before we leave for our wedding. that'd be so awesome - NKOTB & marriage in the same week!
  21. oh man I'm sorry your family have to go through this. We'll definitely keep everyone in our prayers. *hug*
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