I got a small update on "loser" hehe
I'm too nice I swear. She's been talking very little to me but friendly. Today I was doing some busy work by where I wash hair. She comes to the back and just sits down on one of the washing stations and puts her head back.. I was like,"Are you ok?" And she just shook her head and was WHITE as hell! I bolted into the waxing room where I had some chocolate stashed away and gave her a few pieces.. her sugar was really low. She was like,"Thank you so much.. I'm seeing stars, my sugar was low." With her being pregnant and all, I put aside our issues to help her (my boss was busy doing hair). I was scared she'd pass out or go into labor lol I was like,"Um..is the baby moving?" And she looked at me and we both giggled because she knew what I was afraid of. I got her a cold towel and put it on her forehead and pulled up a chair and sat next to her until she felt better to walk again.
And guess what.. after that, she probably saw I wasn't a horrible person that she perceived me to be I guess bc she did my hair for me and we talked about this Spanish soap opera! I think she's realizing that she was wrong and making the effort.
Now I just want an apology.