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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE Hmmm...if you find out let me know. On a side note Jenny - your new siggy pic is awesome! You and FI look good together! (But I bet you already knew that !) I know it's not an "on the market" kind of pills.. KWIM? I've been trying to find more myself so once I do, I'll let you know. Another suggestion that I know works is acupuncture. I know two women that did it for cravings and they lost A LOT of weight. and thank you! That was taken when I was blonde. My hair changes with the seasons..I have pink in my hair now lol
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by weddingchick Oh and good luck with the interview! You'll do great! Yea I think I got this one since it's for a bank that my mom works for, my SIL and godmother also work there.. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenn3878 Aww Jenny, so sorry to hear about your lip!! Can you reschedule?? Ehh I'd rather not since I wouldn't want it weakening my chances.. I just have to pray for the Novocaine to wear off so I can talk like a decent person lol
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Dreamgirl08 Thanks for this very useful resource...I'm def. calling her. have you gotten in touch with her yet? My session is coming up.. I'm nervous! EEEKKKK!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by weddingchick Sorry but LMAO too! I can just imagine you writing responses to the interviewer and passing the tablet over with a cracked and bloody smile. Ok a little dramatic indeed. Seriously - A little lip gloss will do fine. Call it the Hollywood/So Beach lip injection look. Simply fabulous!!!! Yea I think I have a gloss with a red tint in it.. lol disguise it
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP Oh I am sooo sorry. Just try not to say a lot ot th or s sounds so that tho dont slound like slis. hehehe. Also bring a dry erase board so that you can write your responses. Just trying to lighten the mood. Sorry hehehehe I like that idea.. I can write,"Hi, I need this job. Thank you, Jenny" It'll work perfect!
  6. Thats such a great idea for a forum! It's one of our favorite kind of threads
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by nikkianddean Oh Jenny!!! Sorry to hear about your lip. Very surprised to hear your dr's response - you have a small mouth? that dr certainly doesn't know you that well LMFAO seriously
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 pmsl it'll be fine just tell them straight off - when you go in lol always happens when you don't want it to sods law and if you don't get the shop they don't deserve you anyway lmao ya know when I read your responses, I always read them with an English accent. So cute hehehe but yea, just my luck huh?! I will tell her so in case I'm drooling all over the place she knows why hehe j/k
  9. wow.. your own father.. I'm amazed at how low some people can get!
  10. and I got another job interview in a few hours! What do I do put ice? She said my lips cracked because I have a small mouth LOL With the Novocaine and a bloody lip.. I don't know how I'm going to survive this interview I need to laugh so I don't cry.
  11. your pics are so cute.. I love the huge smile on your face. I was just at the Crown Plaza a few weeks ago to see John Edward. It's a nice hotel. And wasn't the Naked Cowboy sweaty and greezy lol
  12. I've taken some pills before that suppressed my appetite and made me really thirsty (in turn peeing my brains out and losing 3 lbs in a day). I wish I knew the name bc they were given to me
  13. send out a mass email.."Where the F is my envelopes people!?" hehe
  14. Can't wait to hear all about it! Parabens menina!!!
  15. my FI didn't give me a budget.. but I was trying to keep it under $30K total. So far I'm nearing $20K..
  16. JennyK

    Newbie here

    welcome to the forums!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by DreaW yes it's Juanes I love his music. and thank you I LOVE Juanes! I love your sig
  18. Congratulations on your new baby!
  19. JennyK

    Sept 13th

    welcome to the forums!
  20. SeaSide Beach Weddings & Seashell Bridal Bouquets & Pillows, Bridal Shower Favors here's another site for inspiration
  21. wow beautiful! Can't wait to see how you tie it all together. Congrats!!
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