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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek That's great Jenny. Congratulations! Thank you! Quote: Originally Posted by nikkianddean Congratulations Jenny from the Block!!! I am sooo excited for you!!! When do you start? and more importantly - when do you leave the salon? I have to go for fingerprints first (and a possible drug test, not sure on that yet) then I start training on July 21. I get paid to get trained in a classroom setting Then I can begin. I'm going to tell my boss at the salon on Monday. I'm so scared. I know they're going to be mad at me..... Quote: Originally Posted by Tara That's great! And with a fat lip, too! Just imagine if you had gone in there normally, maybe you could've been branch manager! Hehehe1 Congratulations! haha true. I covered up my wound pretty good today but this morning my FI was like,"EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" lol I'm surprised he even kissed me good morning
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by nikkianddean Leia, we're leaving for NY tomorrow too!!! You wouldn't happen to be on Virgin America at 7am would you I didn't know you were going to be in NYC too! I might be floating around there this weekend since I have a house guest that's never been to the city
  3. I got the job..and this one I'm going to take!! I'll be a full-time teller at a bank about 15 minutes from my house. Since I'm the 4th in my family (and my cousin is applying this week too lol) to be at this bank, I shouldn't have a problem learning and moving ahead. I'm so excited..I finally can help my FI with this damn house!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE Okay - I think the guy at the castle in Ireland (not the hippy looking gray haired guy), but the other guy - I think he was leading them on. He was a bit much. The one in Hollywood Hills was interesting. All those voices were crazy! I think the owner was obsessed with saying he had those people (Sharon Tate (?) and her boyfriends) spirits in the house. Sort of a PR thing for him - he'll probably be doing tours there pretty soon. I had to get some house stuff done, so those were the only ones I watched. Speaking of PR - FI and I were thinking they must have cut a deal with RotoRooter because they mention them at least once in each episode. Plus on the beginning of the show they always flash the van before the TAPS van. My daughter went on the GH website and said they have GH shirts for sale. I am totally going to buy her one for Christmas! LOL! Yea I hate when the people get SOOOO excited about having ghosts.. all they see is $$$$$$$.. especially that dude in Hollywood. Who wouldn't want those infamous murder victims haunting their house. Can you imagine if like Nicole Brown Simpson started haunting around.. lol Yea they must bc why would they still be plumbers lol I would've quit a long time ago with the money i'd be making off of GH
  5. If you are a foodie - check out Tao restaurant..it's SOOO good Have fun!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by MelanieS Yeah, Mandy, we only "did it" twice. Once for you and once for Grant. Yeah, that's right. LMFAO thats what I say about my mom.. shes such a saint that she only did it twice - me and my brother. HAS ANYONE EVER HAD A "SLUMBER PARTY"?
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel I know. I'm freaking excited! I haven't watched GH for weeks because of all the repeats. I wasn't impressed with the first season of GHI so I hope this one is better! I know..they didnt find ANYTHING. I'm surprised too because anywhere else besides America is so old with all that history... and I just can't get into the hunters themselves. I hate the chicks and the one main guy Barry I believe has shifty eyes lol
  8. Yea I was watching all night.. they had some good ones. I didn't know that idiot Brian became a dad.. GHI July 9! woohoo!!
  9. Thats one of my fave DB dresses. You look great in it.. and I love how they bustled it. I always wondered how'd it look.
  10. congrats! Welcome to the forums!
  11. It sucks when they go away Just try to keep yourself busy..
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by nikkianddean MY BAG WAS FOUND!!! I got some stinky note from building management that I should lock up anything that is valuable to me that could be mistaken for trash. I refuse to even comment on that part. I am just happy the bag is back. It's a good day!!!! stinky note hehe did they take it thinking it was garbage?
  13. oooo shizznit I gotta get my butt over to VS today!
  14. I think that PB is the BEST taste/flavor on earth..but I just can't bring myself to believe its good with mayo lol
  15. I do watch the show but I feel its so staged.. I can't help but watch though lol
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by riviera I am not sure where they get the food from.. We had our tasting at Aioli restaurant, so I do believe the food is prepared on the hotel ground.. possibly at Aioli restaurant kitchen, but with a different chef who is in charge of group events. Are you planning on having a tasting? P.S. I love your photo, you guys look so cute together!!! We were only going to have a tasting the week of the wedding.. I had heard good things about the food so I wasn't too worried. Did you decide on the package? and thank you
  17. JennyK


    happy planning!~
  18. wow wow wow! Gorgeous! That Chuppah is one of the most beautiful I've ever seen!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE Yes I know what you mean Hmmm...I'll have to see on the accupuncture. I have gotten it in the past for a back injury, but it made the pain worse. I never thought of it for anything else. How cute that you have pink hair! Is it sort of like Jess on Rock of Love? From what the women told me, the doctor gave them a needle in the ear to suppress and also some pills. They really dropped the weight. They told me it was very inexpensive. The two colors I mixed were fuschia and eggplant to be exact lol Get bored at work so I experiment lol I just face framed with the pink and kept my espresso hair color. This is me -->
  20. Ok I'm back from the interview. In her words to my mom, "Your daughter is LOVELY" hehe I'm interviewing with the branch manager tomorrow. I'll be the 4th person in my family to be working for this bank lol and omg, my Novocaine wore off by the time I got there but I couldn't help licking my wounds. LOL I don't think she noticed though.. I was scared she'd think my FI beat me or something but I covered it up with lipgloss.
  21. I love that last myspace pic lmfao lmfao lmfao
  22. welcome to the forums! I'm also a NJ bride!
  23. wow that was dramatic! But happy ending of course You looked so beautiful Glenda *tear* Congrats!!
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