Quote: Originally Posted by T.O.Heather Good to know it's not just me that has to deal with this!
here is a small list of some things my dog likes to destory:
-high heels...to date, about 12 pairs
-my Chi hair straightener
-Toothbrushes and toothpaste
-Babypowder (exploded the container all over our place...we came home to a cloud of white powder everywhere!)
-iMac Mouse
-Socks & underwear
I could go on and on! Each time he eats something, we make sure it's hidden away somewhere from now on, but then the next time he feels like eating something, he finds something new....so frustrating! Our place is tiny and we're running out of room to put things away! My dog has destroyed my couches (one couch looks like it's melting thanks to him lol) all of my wooden furniture in my living room (2 tables & a coffee table) and he's eaten the corners of walls throughout my house. He's also eaten my ATM card, my Coach wallet, a bunch of shoes and flip flops, every pillow in my house has been de-stuffed by him, destroyed 3 rugs (one we actually had to just take out completely and put tile down instead)
the list can go on too haha