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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by T.O.Heather Good to know it's not just me that has to deal with this! here is a small list of some things my dog likes to destory: -high heels...to date, about 12 pairs -my Chi hair straightener -Books -Magazines -Toothbrushes and toothpaste -Babypowder (exploded the container all over our place...we came home to a cloud of white powder everywhere!) -iMac Mouse -Socks & underwear I could go on and on! Each time he eats something, we make sure it's hidden away somewhere from now on, but then the next time he feels like eating something, he finds something new....so frustrating! Our place is tiny and we're running out of room to put things away! My dog has destroyed my couches (one couch looks like it's melting thanks to him lol) all of my wooden furniture in my living room (2 tables & a coffee table) and he's eaten the corners of walls throughout my house. He's also eaten my ATM card, my Coach wallet, a bunch of shoes and flip flops, every pillow in my house has been de-stuffed by him, destroyed 3 rugs (one we actually had to just take out completely and put tile down instead) the list can go on too haha
  2. Here's what I got from my WONDERFUL secret elf Erica (Ethrondson). She knew the way to my heart - scrapbooking supplies. I can't wait to start using everything!
  3. welcome to the forums!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus oh man. you're a riot...that so reminds me of a quote david spade said on the show "just shoot me" "All women are two drinks away from a lesbian experience"... LMFAO I'm going to admit it but it's probably true.
  5. I should really call this lady and find out why my dog feels the need to eat my entire house to the ground lol
  6. I voted for number 2..a twist on your original cake
  7. welcome to the forum~!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by kevsgirl Ouch! That's rude! I don't know why people don't understand that we have closer relationships with some people, even if they are sisters and brothers of others... grrrr... You can only do what you can do. Your intentions are good. Don't get too upset about it all. Just write "and guest" and stick 'em in the mail. That's what I did "& Guest" lmao Quote: Originally Posted by Christi I'd address her envelope as "Ms pull the stick out of your ass myspace deleter" LMFAO!!!!
  9. ok, I'm just trying to do the right thing over here.. btw now i'm mad! I was going to send my cousin a myspace message asking what her boyfriend's last name was and she deleted me off her myspace! I didn't even notice til now! I knew she was upset that I asked her sister to be in my wedding (who backed out bc she didn't want her sister to be upset) but you don't delete someone off myspace unless it's serious lmao now i'm mad lol lol
  10. I'm printing up my envelopes and I'm wondering how you guys addressed the guest of your invitee. I only know their guest's first name. Should I put: 1) Joe Shmoe & Jenny or 2) Joe Shmoe & Guest or 3) go crazy trying to find out this person's last name
  11. welcome aboard! Bora Bora sounds amazing!
  12. you got a lot done girl!!! I also got my BMs the AB Swarovski pendants.. I just have to buy the chain still. HAPPY BIRTHDAY btw!
  13. Happy wedding day Abbie & Doug!! Can't wait to hear all about it! *BIG BIG BIG TIGHT HUGS*
  14. I'm sorry to hear about your Nana. My thoughts are with you *hug*
  15. There's a girl on the knot Ashley that used Damask (although I cant remember if she was DW or not..not that it matters) and it was GORGEOUS. I say go for it!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by quiche Did anyone see last night's episode when the bride tore up her veil? So crazy that show is!! She is the craziest bridezilla i've ever seen.. but i also think she did it for show
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