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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. LMAO I've seen that before.. I asked FI if I can have one just like it lmao
  2. Congratulations Kathie & Ryan!!!! Hope your day is wonderful and beautiful as you!
  3. I actually have a wedding today! Its supposed to be an outdoor ceremony but I highly doubt that'll happen.
  4. JennyK

    15 days

  5. Its like you guys read my mind.. i've been on a crazy shoe hunt the last few days. Thanks for the links!
  6. I've been thinking of you all day! Hope its wonderful and can't wait to hear alllllllllllll about it! *hugs*
  7. GHI is horrible (yet I'm glued to the TV watchin' it). I know..when it said,"Leave me alone" freaked me the f out!
  8. omg omg you guys see the season premiere tonight?! It was AMAZING! They got so many EVPS!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha oh! So I guess I haven't seen it in 3 years then? I bet I could go rent the last season and get caught up quick! Maybe I will do that this weekend. I thought I was many seasons behind! Oh wait....man. The Cleaner comes on on Tuesday nights. I need to DVR something! Im on last season and we're plowing through them so I'll be up to speed within a week or 2. It's getting so good I can only imagine what this season is like.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha Hold the damn noise! The last episode I saw was when Lem died. I thought the shows on FX were new ones? Were they just reruns?! There was another full season after Lem's death. That's what I'm watching now. Yesterday, the brand new season (as well as the final) started. So basically we are 2 seasons after Lem's death
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by kacie3344 I'm obsessed with Lem!!! What a cutie! Since it's been 2 years since the last episode and a year since I've seen it, I have to admit that I was a little confused last night. I'll have to read up on the blogs. Shane is terrible, and Mara is even worse. True, Mackie did tie her up, but I still can't stand her! Dutch always cracks me up with how awkward he is. Hahahaha. And Claudette is awesome. Can't wait for next week! yea he's in another show now called Saving Grace. I love Kenny Johnson so much. I celebrate his entire collection
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE HOLY MOLY JENNY! I LOVE your dress! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE lace on dresses. The mantilla is goregous! You look beautiful - congrats on sticking with your gut and getting what you wanted! Did you get the pink shoes? Yup, I'm getting the Christian Louboutin "Very Noeud".. I just bought them this week so I'm anxiously waiting on them to arrive.
  13. Which school? My FI just had his first day yesterday at Rutgers. He's going for his Master's in Business Management or something of that nature.
  14. When I worked in a hair salon, I got tips CRAP! But we were also in a not so affluent area so my boss kept her prices cheap and in turn made all of our clients cheaper. I would color and wash someone's hair if not more and only get $2-3.
  15. lets definitely keep in touch
  16. I have also booked Carlos with Mannia. I've only heard great things about him
  17. this website is freakin' awesome! I book market it to get those crystals to add to my centerpieces. Thanks for posting!
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