I went on Wednesday night to see New Kids on the Block and..... my life is now complete hehe I had never been.. I waited 20 years for this moment! It was at the Nassau Coliseum in Long Island. I drove 2 1/2 hours (thanks Belt Parkway traffic) but it was all worth it.
Back story - My FI bought these tickets a while ago for me and my FSIL. We got them on stubhub.com so I really didn't even think they were real. I didn't believe I had 5th row until I actual got my ticket scanned lmao The guy goes,"Wow, these are great seats! How'd you get them?" And thats when it hit me. I go,"OMG, they ARE real!!!" And my FSIL starts going,"OMG My brother got us these tickets, she's marrying my brother!" hahahahaha When we gave the next guy the tickets, he goes,"Down to the floor ladies" We were screaming the whole walk down the stairs. When we got to our seats, the other guy goes,"Close enough for you?!" And I swear I must've needed a Xanax at that point...
We spent half of the concert in the 5th row and then when they performed in the middle of the arena, these idiot girls decide to run closer and leave their spots in the front.. so I said to FSIL,"Go!!!" So we grabbed our bags and ran to the front row! They were so close I could see nose hairs. AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING!!!! I was able to make eye contact with Jordan and he smiled at me 2x and Donnie also made eye contact. As I like to say,"Me and Jordan made sweet love with our eyes" LMFAO
At the end of the night, they were on such a high from the fans..you can really tell they are amazed by the loyalty through the years. They seemed so moved by the screams and posters.. the got into a huddle at the end and started spinning around laughing and playing around with each other. It was so nice to see. As Donnie said..they're not going ANYWHERE!
I was also able to take video from the front but you can't hear too well from all the screaming (and I'm sure I was screaming too at that point)
Didn't I Blow Your Mind
YouTube - NKOTB 9/24/08 Nassau Coliseum
The Right Stuff
YouTube - NKOTB 9/24/08 Nassau Coliseum
Here's some of my favorite pics..
You can view all of them here: xjuicyjx629/New Kids on the Block - Page 1 - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Me & FSIL Cheri