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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. FI used Rosetta Stone to learn Portuguese before we went on vacation to Portugal last year. He did really well. Every night for about an hour and a half he'd do it.. They teach you in an easy way of retaining it. He hasn't used it since then but Im certain if the stuck to it, he'd be able to understand a whole lot.
  2. Welcome and congrats! Where will the wedding be?
  3. Both speeches were amazing but I couldnt be more happy! I cried when Obama came out.. ahhh so happy
  4. yea she sucked.. I never liked her and he was definitely smitten.
  5. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. I also have a 3 stone right in emerald cut. I know this is a bad pic but here's my ring with my band. I didn't think that different stones would look right but I liked the way it looked. It also has a slight curve.
  7. Have an amazing time! Can't wait to see all of your pictures I can't believe how fast time flew
  8. wow your planning is so detailed and unique! GREAT job on everything!
  9. I cant believe this.. lol wow. The £100,000 white wedding for the 16-year-old girl who lives in a caravan | Mail Online
  10. Im giving him the BD book and a card.. I doubt he'll even know to get me anything lol
  11. I find birdcage veils very sexy. I saw that black one on etsy as well as a red one..
  12. welcome home!! You look stunning - cant wait to see more pics!
  13. Your pics are beautiful! sucks that you had that stress with the WC but overall seems like you had a wonderful time.
  14. Dez - i've been thinking about you! I've missed youuuuuuuuuuu but I'm glad you are ok and back! *big hugs*
  15. welcome back! can wait to see pictures
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