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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. You'll only need a few hours to recoup not days.. it really isnt THAT bad lol
  2. MAC is definitely the best for eyelashes! Well worth the price
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I don't think she is online. I doubt she will after the feedback she got lol
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus personally i prefer the canadian wax job. not a brazilian. the canadian, as i call it, is where you wax everything inside the bikini line and you let everything else on the outside grow so that it looks like a bald man. you can even do a comb over if you so choose then. hahahah okay im very very sorry for sharing that. maybe im the only one who thinks thats funny HAHA thats the funniest thing ive ever heard! LMAO
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Lorilou what's the difference b/n a "french" and a "brazilian"? I think I know but any pros know? also if i have a BD shoot on Saturday, when should i get it done? Ive never heard of the french but I can only assume its NOT waxing at all lol
  6. Here are some of my scrapbook pages: The night we got engaged - My grandma's grand/greatgrand children (I'm on bottom left) - My nephew (I did the letters with the cricut) - I made this for my fiance of his best friend that passed - I made all of the swirly things with the cricut - Nephew's preschool graduation - My niece - Made this for my mommy - All about ME! hehe -
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by MsShelley Weddingbee Blog Archive Picture These Rings here are some more ideas the gummy bear one is so cute
  8. Congrats and welcome to the forum!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Adrianna I've been debating going for a full Brazilian, but I think I might just do it. I have to try it at least once haha, reading this thread has both motivated and scared me to do it lol I'm Pro-Brazilian.. it's an amazing feeling once it's done and he'll love it LOL
  10. this is the template I used! It's great..everything's right there for you to modify and it fits perfectly into the #10
  11. Last time we went away we left my dog with his trainer. This time around, I don't know what to do..if they trainer will take him back. It's so expensive to board him at his vet but it's probably the best option.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus do you know how many times that infomercial has sucked me in and alsmot made me think i should order it because i would have all these uses for it... it sure is cool but ya im not a scrap booker hehehe. maybe when i get engaged ill get one .. cause then it would be sweet haha I know that infomercial.. Its for a papercutter with a light. GENIUS! lol I'll post pics of my scrapbook pages.. I'm insane with scrapbooking. My friends and I have scrapbooking parties once a month cause more than one mind always works best.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by pvrdestinationbride We are using We Are Man and Wife by Michelle Featherstone. I love that song!! It really fits Quote: Originally Posted by JABride Not decided yet but really like All My Life (K-CI & Jojo) ... just love the words .."all my life, I prayed for someone like you and I thank GOD that I finally found you ..." All My Life was my senior prom song.. get butterflies everytime I hear it
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Alipires1 Where in Jersey are you from? I'm South Jersey. Freehold
  15. I just scanned the DIY forum and couldn't find the template. I'll re-attach it here but who ever created it, please let me know so I can give you credit! Ticket Jacket - Blank.ppt
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP They look nice but my eyes are acting funny tonight what are your colors.? They are Magenta and Orange.. but I added a little bit of burgundy also
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Chiquita Those look fantastic! How did you do the fold over envelope? Did you make it or buy it? I got the template somewhere here on the board, I could find it if you'd like. It was done on Powerpoint. But it was very easy, I just folded them over 3 times and sliced the corner point of the inside flap. Then I poked a green brad at the end to hold the flap shut.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by twinkletoes Very cute! I also am doing the fold over envelope, I love it! Did you make your own monogram? I hadnt thought about putting it on the outside, but its very cute like that. How many did you end up making? Yes, I made my own monogram.. after making about 10, I finally decided on this one. I made 50 STDs.
  19. Here's what my ring looks like.. I can't get a clear image of my actual ring when I try to take a pic of it:
  20. oh the clothes! I've left that up to him. Guaranteed when time comes, it'll be my responsibility too haha Actually, he likes to be stylish so he might take the reigns..we'll see
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by plumsugar I've been meaning to look up a spanish song for the father/daughter dance, but didnt know of any related to that dynamic!! Thanks for the suggestions ladies! How awesome! I'm one county over (Essex) I'm about 3 down.. Monmouth lol but grew up in Union County
  22. Here's Jost Van Dyke Island (My fave Island on earth):
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