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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. Sunday my FI had to go to dinner at a friends apartment in NYC so we decided to make a day out of it and go to Madame Tussaud's, the wax museum. I was so excited! Basically the way it works is that you start on the 9th floor and work your way down to the 1st floor again. When it was time to get on the elevator there was a line of about 15 of us plus 2 girls that worked there. We all packed in. It wasn't a small elevator, kinda like a freight one. Anyways, we get up to the 6th floor and the elevator stopped. The worker pressed the button to see if the door would open but nothing.. and the elevator started to shake. We started to go down again. She kept pressing the buttons and nothing was happening and we kept dropping. I looked at my FI and my eyes bugged out and my heart started to race, I felt it was going to beat out of my chest. The elevator kept shaking as we were going down. By the time we got to the 3rd floor the screen that tells you what floor you are on shut off. All of a sudden, we felt BOOOOOOOOOOOOM! We hit the ground! I swear I was about to have a panic attack lol They finally opened the doors from the outside to let us out but we were about 3-4' below the ground so they had to grab us one by one and lift us out of the elevator. Guess what we got for it?! $10 off! That was all our lives were worth hahaha
  2. I really like the BCBG. They never fail in making amazing dresses
  3. Here's a great idea I got from the Rachel Ray show this morning lol You can monogram chair covers by going to like Target or Walmart. Go to the mall to those stitching kiosks and have them monogram your initials onto the back. It's a great way of saving money to have something look elegant and expensive
  4. Congrats - Definitely post on how it went!
  5. Photoshop is expensive pretty much everywhere but there's a website that sells it cheap for college students. It's Creation Engine: Academic Discounts on Software If you or someone you know is a student, all you need to do is send in a copy of your school schedule. It's worth it..I bought Illustrator CS2 and an update to Photoshop (CS2).
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel ME TOO! I get super blotchy on my chest. Not so much my face. My mom said it's because I'm allergic to alcohol but that's just her wishful thinking. She hates alcohol, but I partake in a beverage or two. I usually start getting flushed after a couple and then everyone laughs at me. This also happens when I'm angry, sad, embarrassed or any time of emotion really. It's like a mood indicator. Totally sucks especially at work. Someone can piss me off and I try to keep a poker face but Bam! my chest turns blotchy and everyone knows I'm mad. I had to wear a high necked shirt for my speech class in college. It was embarrassing. this used to happen to me in high school. I remember having the hottest guy in school talking to me and I got so nervous and he said,"OMG, your chest is all red!? Are you ok?" Needless to say I wanted to crawl into a hole and die.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by tlomlad man and wife not sure who its bye Michelle Featherstone
  8. Has anyone ever used TRUE COMPANION by Marc Cohen? It's one of the most beautiful wedding songs I've ever heard. My cousin just used it at his wedding so that nixxed it for me. Here's the link to it on YouTube. Unfortunately there's no video for it but someone put the song with the lyrics. YouTube - Marc Cohn - True Companion
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by jarauz Jenny they look fabulous, just what I'm looking for. Nice and simple and straight to the point. Can you share the boarding pass template. I would really appreciate it. Thanks Jessica I did my STDs on Photoshop CS2 and Illustrator CS2. I think unless you have either of those programs, it wouldn't work. I THINK. Try it out! Either way, I made it a jpg to make it easier. Unfortunately I tried uploading it and it gave me an error so PM me your email address and I'll send it to you!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP Checking them out right now. I was told my twins weigh about 15lbs. But I like my girls that is the one thing that I would love to keep hehe I always say I'd be 15lbs lighter if it weren't for my boobs! I'm top heavy also.. WW is definitely the way to go. Everyone I know that's on it always loses (if sticking to the plan). I think I'm going to join very soon. I have a 20lb goal to meet by next February. My weight fluctuates so easy between 5-10lbs.. one day I could be 135lbs..the next day 130..the next 137lbs.. I hate it.
  11. I confess that ever since my co-worker pissed me off a few weeks ago, I've been doing everything I can to get under her skin.
  12. I love all of the colors you are using. Great job!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari I just got an email from JoAnne's fabric...the circuit is on sale for $339. Ohh thats a good price considering its normally $500 but make sure its the Expression Cricut
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by JamaicaBride08 I used them for my wedding and would definitely use them again. I used MAC. I few tips: Have someone with you who is comfortable helping you apply. None of my girls ever used them, and so I applied myself which was kind of hard. 2) Make sure you check your lashes RIGHT after your ceremony if you think that you'll be crying. One of mine started coming off after the ceremony from crying. Luckily, I fixed before anyone really noticed. Good luck! That happened to me once.. after someone took a pic of me at a bachlorette party and I noticed that my eyelash was falling off!! It was histerical! LOL
  15. On your wedding day, do you have a specific perfume you want to wear? I have been saving a bottle of Victoria's Secret "So In Love" bc it's such a soft and elegant perfume.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Awesome! I can't wait. I love make up so I think it will be so much fun to have someone else do it who actually knows what they are doing. At least I hope they do! They do..under my license I'm a makeup artist but I want to take more certifications.. its so much fun!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 Its looks awesome on you! You are too damn beautiful!!! makeup girl its the makeup! haha
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel MAC is having professional make up artists come in at our Nordstroms. I'm very excited and already purchased my ticket. I'll definitely have them show me the eyelashes. Mine are WIMPY! I got my makeup done once at MAC during one of their shows (for the Barbie makeup line). Here's what it looked like.. EYELASHES and all They looked so nice! Sorry my friend and I are kissy face picture people lol lol I'm on the left:
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 They are mostly in Illinois, Kansas, and Ohio I'm sure any place that does it can show you how to apply them
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by QuelMoffett I used to work with this gal who had eye lash extensions. I thought it looked great! But I think its INSANE the shit they come up with, I mean really - EYELASH EXTENSIONS??!! Dont get me wrong, I would def love to have them (if I could afford it and had the time) but I agree that it's kinda a pain to wash face and be oh-so-delicate. I dont even have a clue as to how they do this to your eyelash. OUCH I think it would hurt. I did get my eyelashed tinted though and THAT was FUN. It made them look more full. I would do it all the time if I had the time to do it- but who has the time. I tried to do it to myself one day (they sell the tint at Sallys) - and please do not be a jack ass and try this alone like myself- it even says on the box that it takes two people to apply - well needles to say I got black dye all over my face, and fingers. Not so nice. I lovvve makeup and things of this nature though. a friend of mine got it done and I was the only person to notice it lol I've been thinking of taking the class for it but it's a lil expensive so i'll wait and do it when I have more money. I saw it being done at the Hair & Spa show in NYC last year. It was pretty cool. They just glue it on but theres a whole process involved. And they do fall out. My friend said its like $20 everytime you go to reapply like 1 lash lol its expensive (hense why I wanna get my certification in it)
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 Has anyone had them applied at Mario Tricoci Salon? I am worried about having the MAC ones that I would have to do myself. Where is that? If you're not able to do them yourself, you can always get someone to help you. It's so easy..especially the band ones
  22. Cute seeing both sides of the story! Congrats and good luck planning!!!
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