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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel I would look into having someone custom make you a dress. That way you can customize it to fit the look you are going for. Thats not a bad idea.. I have a client that's a seamstress and she's offered many times to make my dress and my BMs. This way I get exactly what I want Quote: Originally Posted by staceyandadam Very exciting!! He is also the photographer my fi and I are booking! And you must be the one and only Jenny that is getting married in Cancun the week before we are getting married in Playa del Carmen! Congrats! Can't wait to talk with you! aww its ME We'll definitely be in touch
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus hey jenny, and brooke, and trish.. do i have some photos for you to see. holy crap... i got the entire wedding party to jump into the pool at midnight and of course i got pics. and then underwater photos of them. its awesome... hahaha That sounds so cool! Can't wait to see your pics
  3. I went into the Aqua Cancun during site visits. Its a beautiful resort. It feels so..spa like when you are in it and they're all dressed like they can just give u a massage at any moment. I had asked to talk to the wedding coordinator there but she was out to lunch and I just left knowing that it'd be out of my league price wise.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by lauren c. i used mac (#10 i think), and had the girl at the salon put them on me. the only bad thing was the glue. it was like elmers, but didn't dry clear. so when the girl put black eyeliner on my top lids, it looked gray..i dont think anyone noticed. the good thing is that they stayed in thru 3 jumps in the pool. then i pulled them off and my mom wore them on her cheeks. hehe I like #10's and #7's.. did you pull your eyelashes out with the fake ones?! I'm always worried I'll be eyelash bald lol
  5. I LOVEEEEEEEE the I'm F'ing Matt Damon!! I find myself singing it all the time lol lol I heard about the Ben one. I'm going to check it out now.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by trisha0612 GREAT choice for photog! I LOOOOOOVE that dress for a TTD! It's honestly AWESOME! Its by the same designer that did the "November Rain" wedding dress..shes gotta be so expensive
  7. at least they are kids and don't know any better.. I got it from 2 clients at my job. It made me so sad.. not even mad just sad that people are so inconsiderate.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Alipires1 What kind of program do you have? I was looking for someway to hook it up to my computer. maybe with a USB cable.. I couldve sworn you could hook them up
  9. Here's the nicest close to November Rain dress I could find. I absolutely LOVE this dress but it's way out of my price range. I just dont know how to do a search for this kind.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus ya. if you can find a dress like that it would kick some serious bootayyy... gonna bring it back rocker style for the TTD shoot thats what I want.. I want it sexy but different.. I just refuse to make Greg put on an Axl wig
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan yay! can't wait to see your pictures. I imagine they will be really fun. Are you walking down to november rain or wearing the dress from the video in your TTD? A friend is going to play alternative rock songs we like on the piano & taht is what we are using for the ceremony. We'll have couting crows & red hot chili peppers at our wedding. Yea I've been searching for a similar dress like her's for the TTD. I found one website I still have to call..they got really cool looking dresses that are mini in the front and long in the back like her's. I'm so excited lol Her dress was I believe one of a kind and worth $8000! I love alternative/classic rock I like RHCP! Fave song is Dosed
  12. I chose February 14th not because it's Valentine's Day but bc I wanted February and a Saturday. It seemed like the best one bc it's President's Day weekend and my guests could stay a little longer if they wanted to.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus woop woooop *raising the roof* ... oh wait sorry im a little out dated with that one. lemme break into the cabbage patch. it will be my HONOR to photograph your wedding jenny (and gregg if you're actually reading this as well) any bride that is thinking about walking down to november rain is top in my rankings Or the running man
  14. I'm so excited!! He's non other than Jean-Marcus Strole - Photography After seeing his work and speaking with him one on one, he's exactly what my fiancee & I have been looking for. He's fresh, hip, got a great personality (as you all have seen his posts around here), but most of all very reasonably priced. I'm so excited!!! One less thing I need to worry about and can scratch off my loooonggggggg list.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by LALA That is so messed up!!!! I probably would have peed my pants...and cried. I ALMOST cried. I wanted to see who would panic first before I did. lol I was so close to asking someone in there for a Xanax
  16. I loveee those shoes! The beige would go better with the dress but I want those coral ones!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Nic Dragomire thats easy.. I would not change what I do for anything and thats the truth! my question is: if you won the lotto what would you do first? (after quit your job) Pay off our mortgage! If money wasn't an object, what would you do for your wedding?
  18. I always recommend Neosporine. It brings down the redness
  19. I got 11 pashminas for $50 in Times Square! I love the deals
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Oh hell no! Girl you are from Jersey butt buddies to NY. You know better than to take $10. You should have gotten loud and made a scene like a true NYer. They would have refunded you, trust me. My friends always make scenes and they get everything comped. LOL. Seriously though, I'm glad your okay! haha butt buddies they fully refunded the people that wanted to just leave but since we wanted to still go, we only got that discount. We did complain but they said that's all they'd do for us. We already sent a "strongly worded" email lol The funniest part about it was.. when we were dropping, I kept looking at people's faces, and they all had the look of terror but waiting for the first person to freak out and start screaming. I was so close but didn't wanna be the idiot lol
  21. I use Xanga.com and it's pretty easy. I want to think I have time to make my own webpage with my own blog so I opted for the easiest thing I could find with the most options and templates.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus holy crazy... i would have thought it was part of the experience... are you sure you werent in one of those elevator rides like at disney land or something? atleast you didnt get stuck The workers were trying to joke with us by saying that but no one was laughing lol Here's me sneaking a kiss...
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride08 OMG! That is scary. I can't beleive they only gave you $10 off. And it was originally $8! The lady buying tickets next to us was told by the ticket counter girl "Our elevators aren't working so you have to walk up the stairs to the 9th floor. We can give you $10 off" My FI was like,"WHOA.. how does she get $10 and she wasn't stuck in the elevator!?" So they gave us the extra $2 bucks. We really just wanted a full refund (so I could go then buy myself some Xanax j/k)
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