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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian Haha! Most of the time Brian says "Wanna do it?" or "Let's do it." as nonchalantly as he would say "Where's the phone?" or something. Yeah, that's a real turn on. yup.. and I always know when he's trying to get the courage to say it too lol drives me nuts ughh
  2. StylePress Flip Flops - Beautiful Bride Flip Flops I'm loving this website. They got such cute stuff!
  3. I like when he plays with my hair or kisses my forehead I hate when he straight out asks for "it"
  4. Kauai is definitely my favorite island on earth. I wish I could've gotten married there. So beautiful!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by KHarrod It's true that they offer you such a low rate because you have to sit through the 90 minute timeshare presentation. It's your choice to buy, but they can be quite demanding. I'd rather pay more and NOT listen to anyone
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Sarah Would your sworn enemy even know you did BD pics? lol So true! LOL I'll contact Angelica. It's funny bc I didn't know Jen used her.. I was just on AG's blog and I saw pics that looked like Jen's.. I'm like,"I swear I've seen her on BDW!"
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Sarah Jen (NYJen) just had her BD photos done by Here are her pic threads: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t16473 and http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t16103 This is the photographer she used: Angelica Glass Photography The fabulous Leigh Miller referred her I LOVE Angelica Glass's work! My sworn enemy that I don't talk to used her for her engagement pics.. do you think I could still use AG without looking like a copycat? LOL LOL
  8. I'm going to bump this bc I've been wondering the same thing. I want to find a good BD photog in the NYC area but I don't really know of any
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenn3878 Looks like you have to go to a timeshare presentation for 90 minutes I got suckered on this one time it was awful! ahhhhhhh ok I won't go with them then lol
  10. I just went through the same with my job. Try to get unemployment. It's something.. This economy is suffering so much
  11. Ive been sending STDs to people that I'm sure won't come, but to be "nice" I'm still sending it. If they come back and say they definitely will not come, then I will not send an invite. I have family that lives in Europe that my mom and dad are telling me to send them invites. I doubt they'd come, but again I have to send an invite.
  12. Has anyone ever used it? My mom and I were thinking of going on a "girls getaway" in May since my FI is going on his own little vacation so I figured I'd look at..what else, Cancun! I wanted to stay at the hotel I'm planning on having my guests stay at. I saw this website Luxury Resorts , Family Vacations & Timeshare Vacation Packages to Popular U.S. and Worldwide Destinations. but I wanna make sure it's legit. Someone on tripadvisor used it and seemed to not have any problems. Their deals are so good! I found for 5 days/4 nights in May $759 for 2 people!
  13. Those are funny pics! I would have said somethign to the WC to go get all those idiots out of there!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride I agree 100%! Jlo is such a diva that I expected some divalicious names. I'm shocked she would name her son the same name as X-tina b/c I feel like stars are competitive about this stuff. Shame on JLo lol Maybe it was all a big plan so her Max gets more attention than the other Max lol j/k
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 It will all work out for the better when the other spa opens! Maybe you will even get a free membership to the gym!! We had talked about that with the spa owners . We'd get employee discounts so our membership would be $60. My FI bought my membership for me before the gym opened so I got an even better deal and only have to pay $40 a month forever no matter if they raise their prices WOOHOO! Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline Well I think it's great that you actually have more than 1 job- at least you are trying. But don't worry too much b/c in time it will pick up, the weather is getting nice, summer is around the corner. I always bitch and moan that I have no $ saved. It's never ending I swear. I am SO stressd right now about $$ I could jump outta my car while driving. I should be more like you, Juicy, and all those other peop's out there that have more than 1 job. ARGHHH It sucks having to run around everywhere but I've been lucky with the employers I have. They're flexible with my schedule which is key. I might even be trying to get another job on the side making scrapbooks for people. I just feel bad having some debt going into this marriage. I wanna get my shizzznit straight lol
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsB I hope everything works out for you. That would be really cool to work at at gym though. I always wanted to be a esthetician. I think that would be a fun job! It really is a great job. I relax as my clients relax and you get to meet interesting people.
  17. Hi Cherrie from Jersey! My FSIL is Cheri from Jersey too hehe Welcome and happy planning
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by amandalovesryan i already have DDD boobs, DD depending on my weight, i would love to have them brought back up to where they belong! Gravity sucks! Im with you. I'm a 34DD and it sux! I mean, I love their size but my back hurts a lot and gravity is definitely starting to mess with me! I'd like a breast lift after I'm done with children.. we'll see Good luck Kat!!!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride I am drooling in anticipation to see Emme & Max. Those spark way more curiosity. Me too.. are you a bit disappointed with their names? I mean, she didn't have to name them Apple or anything but I thought they'd keep it closer to their roots. Plus Max is Xtina's kid's name
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 Wow, what a crazy time you are going through! I hope it all works out. That would be so convenient for you to work at your gym and so close to home (saves on gas too). Sending great vibes from the Windy City. aww thanks for the vibes Yea the gas is definitely hard for me. My hair salon job is an hour away so I actually spend more on traveling than I make!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Do you guys know that Christina fired her publicist and some senior manager, along with an assistant b/c the People magazine cover of her baby didn't sell well? And now it turned into a big competiton to see who will sell more Christina or Nicole. Apparently Nicole's copies are flying off the racks. Christina gotta get over it.. no one was that interested in her having a baby. It was more about Nicole and JLo. (Now those babies I'm DYING to see)
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