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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. Red wine Would you rather someone be honest and hurt you or lie and save your feelings?
  2. look to the right of your siggy.. it says ""QUOTE.. click on that.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Betsy Seriously I can't tell the difference - I know I'm a weirdo! What is your fave piece of clothing? the "little black dress" Are you a morning person or night person?
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Garden State Tankini White or Wheat? Wheat LOL I like your question how about this one: Butter or Margarine?
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Brunello What is your favorite book? Lords of Discipline by Pat Conroy What CD can't you live without?
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus gorgeous gorgeous... and Kauai is my fave island... its so beautiful and lush... I've always called Kauai "mystical"..
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Heidi Do you guys read the Lost writeups on ew.com? They're GREAT! Check out this week's: 'Lost' recap: The loves of Juliet | Lost | TV Watch | TV | Entertainment Weekly | 1 for starters, that's a horrible pic of her.. looks like she's got some skin disease lol but I try not too read too many things on it bc I like to come up with my own theories lmfao I just like to watch the enhanced episodes..
  8. Here's a question- if Jack's all hot and heavy with Juliette right now.. in Kate's flash foward, he tells her he loves her still... so does something happen to Juliette? Does Ben really keep her?
  9. I'm so excited I finally got my bridesmaids dresses. I went shopping with my sister-in-law (my MOH) and we found these dresses in Macy's. The exact shade of pink I was looking for and style. It actually matches my dress a bit! Plus I wanted a mini skirt for my girls. I bought the dress for 3 of my BMs whos sizes I knew. I was scared the sizes would go before I'd get back to Macy's. Here's a pic of my BM Lauren trying on her dress. Don't mind the background lol I took the dress with me to work for her to try on.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Heidi Yea, he's been in the credits since this season started. It's only a matter of time! f'real? lol I thought that he was taken out since he hasn't been around since like season 2
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Heidi I just think Michael is way too obvious... that said I've thought it would be Michael as soon as there was someone on the boat! This is how Lost makes me feel sometimes: BUT I LOVE IT!!! I saw his name at the beginning of the show.. it's gotta be michael lol lol he's definitely Ben's guy though.. he took a bullet for him to get walt off the island
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by CarrieRN We were throwing around the possibility of Jack's dad being on the boat. Remember in the flash forward when Jack was at the hospital and was talking to the chief surgeon (or whomever that was) and he said to page his dad? And he did see his dad a lot on the island and the coffin was empty. Maybe it is related to the whole Daniel Faraday sort of thing? Thats a good possibility. This show is so unpredictable that I wouldn't put it passed it. I always wondered where the body went. Are you liking Jack with Juliette
  13. I really think it's Michael and Walt. Do you guys remember when Michael left? They told him to follow the same coordinates. And I believe that "someone" has been able to come and go from the island. Possibly Walt?
  14. Thanks for posting - I've been looking for flip flops for my BMs.
  15. Ive been dying for a thread about Lost haha Im such an insane fan! I've always had a hunch that Penny's father had something to do with the crazyness. I believe that these people are working for him. Ben is such an amazing mastermind as much as I hate him.
  16. I saw them in Cancun when I was down there recently. I thought it was so cute but $30 was a bit much.. but different and cute!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl Doug does this all the time, but it actually cracks me up. At least he's honest! Usually I'm feeling like that, but he is the one who says it out loud! hehe I like how you said "At least he's honest!" So true. Why beat around the bush?
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus why is it that i always come into this thread during the sexual questions.. LADIES... i have to remain professionall... *snickers* "favorite cereal?" never heard of the snickers position.. must be something totally cool that we never heard about Fruity Pebbles! Do you remember your first kiss?
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP hell no what is your favorite car My favorite car right now is the new Infiniti G37 When was the last time you lied to your FI?
  20. Ive booked with Expedia and Travelocity and never had a problem. Liberty Travel is also really good. Good luck!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari OMG, I have to get these. I love them. I think I might get them to wear the day of in the A.M... so cute
  22. Site visits are fun bc you get to really see what it will look like. Since you already have your wedding booked, you should ask you WC if there are any weddings going on in June around the time you want to go. That way you really get a feel for what you wedding will be like.
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