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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Dbld78 Yes! Good one....I couldn't think of who she was talking about. Here's my other thing....is Harper Dharma or is she a true Other? Because when she appeared you heard the whispering voices. She's an Other. I believe all of the Dharma people were killed with the gas right? I dunno.. Heres another question - Who was filming Penny's father??
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by MrsTrussell2B Im becoming numb to the entire thing. I chose PPR because i was in love with the Chill Out Chic package. Now i dont even like it because the menu is not what i imagined. So im having to customize my wedding and reception and everytime i turn around there is another fee for something. Anyway if im going to spend $900 i think i would really need to more guests. after reading the posts of other brides venting about their guests backing out i expect my 50 people to be cut in half and the party will mainly be made of women so who are they gonna dance with anyway? LOL I was supposed to have my wedding at PPR but I backed out (even after sending in my deposit) bc I realized it was just TOO expensive for the guests to stay there and I wouldnt have anyone go
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by manda0812 great work, I love the Bridesmaid title, is that a special font? another idea to add to the list if I get time.. I just downloaded Photoshop CS2 so am excited about being more creative! I used the fonts Beautiful ES and Charlemagne Std.. Then I just played with the shadows and strokes
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel that's my number one fake eyelash complaint! I will have to ask about these. Did you purchase them at the MAC counter or do you have to order them on the internet? *crosses fingers* please say counter. i complain about the same.. im always touching the inside corner just to make sure theyre there. I also have my FI keep an eye out (hehehe)
  5. I have thought about making my own runners as well. It'd be cheaper than renting.. my resort charges an arm and a leg for every detail
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine hmm I was under the impression he was going to be charged with some federal charges since the entire situation happened in two states. They're saying that the only reason why he hasn't resigned yet is because he's battling to stay out of jail. Imagine going to prison.. and being in there with the ones you put in there yourself? He'll be dead in the first month
  7. Too cute..shes so tiny! You did a wonderful job!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline LOVE this idea and I may do this! hahah How did you do, microwrod or something? Anyway yes I think its adorable!!!!!!!!!! Thanks girls!! I did it with Photoshop CS2
  9. I was feeling creative this morning and have been working on a bridesmaid newsletter. What you guys think? It's all the info I can give my girls but since I have 8, I want to keep all of them in the loop.
  10. When Harper said to Juliette,"You look just like her?" who was she revering to? You think maybe Annie.. the little girl Ben was close to? I wonder bc we never know if she died when he killed everyone.
  11. I'm going to be walking down the aisle to November Rain by Guns N Roses
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by nikkianddean Mac #7 is nice but it's A LOT of lash. I would recommend Mac's half lash #20. I am actually wearing them in the picture below. I don;t think you can tell that they are fake, but they are a lot less to manage than a full lash. It gives you that sort of Angelina Jolie eye (very thick towards the outer corner). You also don't feel like the inner corner ispeeling up if you tear up (i always felt like the inside corner of fake lashes comes undone after a couple hours... MAC Cosmetics | Lash Never saw the half lash! I'm going to have to try it out!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Melba Stupid question, do you still put mascara on if you were to use the MAC lashes? I do.. just a little bit so it doesnt get clumpy but I like to kinda brush my lashes up into the fake ones
  14. I love how you are walking up to the Star Wars theme lol I'm a huge fan of the movies
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by neen pardon the harsh title, but i'm sort at the end of my rope. we may be changing our wedding ceremony and reception choice from the Paradisus Riviera Cancun because their prices and fees are just getting totally unreasonable. It's also unrealistic for families with 2 or more children to stay there affordably for our wedding. Of course, the prospect of having to research and select a whole new location and site have me completely depressed, but what else can i do! so...i'm wondering which brides out there feel like their site and/or resort are reasonable in terms of their costs and fees...and who feels like they're not asking their guests to pay an arm and a leg to come to their wedding? My FI and I have had this talk so many times bc of our resort! It's not AI (us and the guests are staying at a diff hotel) and it's charging us everything A La Carte.. for example, we pay plates.. not packages. The plates here are more expensive than if we were to do our wedding in NJ BUT since it'll be less people, it wouldn't be as expensive in the long run. The ONLY thing we get included is votives and our cake. We have talked about changing. We just might.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel hmmm...maybe try putting it on another part of your body to see if you get a reaction. But don't like glue your lips or fingers together. haha knowing me.. I would do that! lol
  17. Yea it could possibly be the glue.. it takes me FOREVER to get ever bit off
  18. does anyone's eyelids hurt after taking them off? I put a pair on for a wedding I went to on Saturday. It's Tuesday and my eyelid right where my lashes start is sore! lol
  19. Oops I forgot to answer your question.. I doesn't really minimize pores. Unfortunately we are born with our skin type so if you have large pores, they'll always be large. Its keeping them under control is the key.. washing your face and getting a facial every couple months to get rid of the blackheads.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline On the machine I got with the kit, it allows u to control the power. I def feel liek it worked so maybe I will wait it out and see... even thoug I'm positive the professional ones is way better. AND I also got a peel. I feel like it didnt do much though. I want a LAYER of skin to come OFF so I'm freash and glowing ;o) Does the microd help minimize pores? I love this stuff, I should take a class just for the fun of it and to learn. Where did you get the peel? Micro will definitely get that layer of skin off.. you can't go outside (especially if you do it in the summer) bc everything gets hot lol when I first got it done, I went into work right afterwards, and mind you, I work in a hair salon.. OMG. Everytime I walked near the blow dryers, my face would start to burn!!!!!! But that's just the first day lol
  21. Check out Honeymoon Registry and Travel Experts - TheBigDay's wedding or bridal registry for honeymoon experiences I've been thinking of the same type of registry since we already have a house and don't need much more
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline in the winter im pretty fair but i can get tan, is that ok? (im mostly irish) i bought this kit last night at target and i used it, a microdermabrasion, but from what you guys are saying, it dont sound like its very good. i mean, my face DEF feels softer but i dunno. maybe i should go for a professional one............ The professional one is much better.. try it out! Tell the esthetician to put it on a low setting. You can tell her how much power you want
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