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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl Jenny I LOVE it! Where did you get your pail? well I had been looking around online for one but didn't find anything I liked. Me and the FI went to the pet store (Petco) to buy dog food and doggie shampoo the other day and this pail was sitting there on the clearance rack with shampoo! So I technically got it for free bc what I really was buying was the shampoo lol
  2. Here's mine: MySpace.com - Greg & Jenny - 27 - Female - Freehold, New Jersey - www.myspace.com/xjuicyjx
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by KellyandMatt08 I made my appointment for tomorrow too. I'm nervous! no need to be nervous! I just had mine done 2 days ago while I was at work.. I work in a salon so inbetween customers I ran into the waxing room and did it in 10 minutes! lol no pain no gain.. I was in a rush and wanted it done
  4. When you are home sick as hell, the creative juices start to flow! Here are pics of my flower girl's pail. I couldn't get the starfish to stay on so I opted for the sand dollar. I wanted to make it different yet personal so I put an "A" on the sand dollar for my niece & FG Anjolie. That's her personal touch. Then on the bottom, I took a rub-on from my scrapbooking and wrote "This day I thee wed". All in all, my materials cost me just under $30.
  5. Welcome to your new home
  6. Here's a starfish clutch from Love, Me - Bridal Boutique by Celebrity Wedding Planners
  7. MTV's ParisBFF.com | Homepage This is so ridiculous.. although I'd sign up just so I can do this if I win -->
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by CarrieRN I thought the bodies that Ben gassed were the ones in the pit that Locke fell in after being shot by Ben. I don't mind the flashbacks, I like that it fills in some gaps in info. What about the black box? Maybe they can listen to it and figure that part out? Because the real black box would have been in the cockpit which was on the island. oh duh! you are so right! But knowing Ben... who knows lol The black box could be a fake just like everything else.. athought it'd be interesting to see what information is on it
  9. Here's some pics I found: Also found other colors!! 10 Water Accent Lights For Centerpieces [FP-AL08510] - $39.98 : ViBride.com, African American Wedding Mall LED Lights, Centerpiece Lights and LED Candles
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline I wonder if purple would look nice or tacky, its so hard to tell to me... id have to try them out i guess. to be honest, I think any color would look nice if it's matching your theme
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Jenny I have no idea what the heck is going on! I wish I did though! The only thing I don't get is that the creators had promised not to have any more flashbacks. And then when they did the Desmond centered episode they said to the fans that they hadn't broke their promise b/c he was time travelling so it wasn't technically a flashback. But yet last week's episode was a flashback of Juliet. So who knows what the heck is going on! hehe I know, we're all in the same boat! There's just so much information that its impossible to keep up.. but that's what makes it so much fun
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 He told me they are re-doing their website. But he responds to emails very quickly. Which is a huge positive to me. Fortunately and unfortunately for me, my resort isn't AI so I can get whoever I want.. Carlos sounds great from what I read!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride I think Ben planted those bodies or the Dharma Initiative. Okay last night's episode really has me confused. Ugggh! it was probably the bodies that he gassed up..but didnt they realize that they werent the same people? Unless they'll used the excuse that the bodies were decayed.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride I think that's how I saw it too. But then the date of death on the tomb was the date of the crash. Which would make no sense. So for some reason I think something weird is going on. I dont know anymore! Maybe he dies on the island.. bc when jack was on the stand for Kate, he only said like 8 survived
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by md_ocr i'm actually considering using these. Does anyone have any other pictures of what they look like? I've tried doing a search but it just brings up the same picture. Also, do they come in different colors? Ive tried finding colored ones.. once I come across it I'll let you know. My friend's at her wedding was green.. it looked awesome.
  16. Thanks! Everytime I find his link, it's not working. I'll email him instead
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride You know what? Scratch everything I said. I think I'm confused. LOl. No one pay attention to my last post. Just pay attention to this one. LOl. Okay I had read in several places that Jin was one of the Oceanic 6. Then I read somewhere that people remembered that at Kate's trial it was mentioned that allegedly 8 survived and they brought back 2 bodies with them or something. Also the person who died had a tombstone that read September 22, 2004, which was the date of the crash. I am officially confused. I want to bang my brains out with a frying pan or stab myself in the eye. LMFAO you are cracking me up.. I believe that Jin's was a flashback and Sun's was a flash foward..at least thats how I saw it at the end..? I mean, Jin has only been married to Sun (so far we know) and he said he was only married 2 months..
  18. CustomizedGirl - Personalized Customized Sheer Longer Racerback Tank something like this? They're actually on sale!
  19. Not only that, if you mix the crystals with it, it'll look SO nice Mystic Crystals the lights are $8, the crystals $5.. so for probably under $20, you can have really nice looking centerpieces
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by CaliaA07 ok so do ben and Aaron dont count as one of the 6? I dont think ben would? I doubt it.. I doubt anyone even knows about Ben besides the other "6"
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari I am so bad...I totally looked at this thread. What is wrong with me? its like a car accident, you dont wanna slow down and look but you know you always do
  22. I just went to a wedding on Saturday where this was part of the centerpiece and it looked awesome when the put the lights down and everyone was on the dance floor. Water activated Diamond Light It's not that expensive either!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Seriously and here I am reading this thread, when I should be avoiding it! Okay, I will not return back here until I see it. Go ahead and spill the beans girls! we'll wait for you Yari!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari I missed the show last night...darn it. I hope my DVR recorded it. I don't remember seeing it on the list, but I was super tired. So it was Michael...we all knew it. Someone dies!! Agh!! I so have to watch it tonight. hehehe hurry and watch it before we reveal who it is
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