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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. I got an update on this lol I got fully refunded after my FI sent them a nasty email Now I feel better about nearly having a panic attack
  2. To tell you the truth, I enjoy seeing you talk about this stuff bc normally it'd be us girls complaining that we can't find a guy blah blah blah and all they want is this and that and they don't care and they play games. It's nice to see the other side!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan Busted Tees - Funny T-Shirts - New T-Shirt designs every week - Crazy Tees Hilarious Cool Shirts omg i love the slater shirt! I dunno if that's where he got the shirt from but it was so funny when he gave it to me. He goes,"I thought of you when I saw this and I just had to order it." As son as I saw it, we both started to belt out,"I'm so excited! I'm so excited.. I'm... so... scared!!!" LMAO
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus ummm you should just give me the shirt and we will call the wedding photography an even trade hahhaa its histerical.. but you have to pin point which episode its from!
  5. no seriously You are just going to have to realize that us women are VERY complex human beings.. we can say we are meek & mild but we really aren't.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus oh helll yaaa stacy kerosi.... now on king of queens.. but she will always be mr kerosi's daughter to me.. i still only see her as stacy kerosi.. I have to take a pic of this tshirt my FI got me about a year ago along with the complete first & second season of SBTB LMAO I'm gonna go take a pic of it
  7. I did it at my job but we're all women and I was so excited to give it to them.. I'll go with your advice (how funny is that I have to question what the FI says and see if you guys think it's ok)
  8. It's so funny that you are going through this bc I was just telling my FI I would hate to be in the dating pool now-a-days bc it seems like all the guys have issues about something lol lol And I knew an awesome chick living in Seattle.. she just moved to Cali though
  9. I have sent out a big part of my STDs, but not all. Is it tacky to hand give it to family you'll see on Easter? I told my FI we'll just get their addresses Sunday but he's like,"Why can't we just give it to them.. it's just save the dates."
  10. Everytime I tried getting a quote from TA's in my area, they said that they couldn't go that far ahead (I was looking a little over a year before my wedding) and they told me to wait until March-April of this year. So now my research begins.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan Great, I will definitly make some this weekend. When you load that brush, what is the number under it? I guess you'd call it the resolution. I doesn't give you resolution to chose from
  12. JennyK


    Congrats on the engagement! You'll love this site - it's a wonderful resource!
  13. awww *sendin' out good vibes for the puppy* The day my doggie got neutered my FI felt so bad that he stopped on his way home from work and got him a new chew toy and a big steak! haha
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan Wow! that's great. I've got to make some brushes now. basically you have to white out everything else besides the image that you want. Make sure, if its close to the edge like this one, to put a box over it it, inverse the selection and white out the edges so you don't get lines.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I haven't found a PS brush like white aisle either. I'm just building up a collection of beautiful PS brushes & clip art so I'm not looking for anything in particular. I asked for clipart, because I didn't think many of the people on the forum do brushes. But, if someone has some great brushes they recommend, I'd love those too. I have a bunch of nice brushes.. I'll see if I could attach them here. Do you know you can make your own brushes?
  16. in those invites, they look more like PS brushes than clipart.. are you looking for the flowery images?
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by sm316217 Those are so great. I love scrapbooking too. I have so many books now and don't have any place for them. You can put them out on a coffee table or something. I only have 2 full ones. I'm working on the wedding one now.. I've also been asked to work on one for a co-worker which is fun bc I'll actually get paid to do it
  18. I've dealt with the same type of ex boyfriend right before my FI. He would blatantly do things to hurt me when he knew things were going good for me and my boyfriend (now FI). He'd randomly call in the middle of the night but I knew better so I'd pass the phone to the FI to let him have it. I knew me being engaged would bother him but I didn't care. My bf checked his blog one day and he wrote this long entry about me and how I'm now someone else's wife and he'll never have me back. Listen, don't stop living your life because of an ex. That means he wins and you'll always walk on eggshells. If you have nothing to hide, his issues are his issues.
  19. Thats great! You really are making a difference in your community. Good for you :)
  20. Yea I loved the lobby lol that's as far as I saw it but I have friends that LOVE GCR and stay there every year
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