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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan Hey Jenny, I sent your fonts to the BDW font swap email. I just had to delete a few to make it small enough so I removed some that were already in the collection. The collection is huge already. It's also super easy to get them on your computer. I'm so happy with how this is working out!!! Nice I also am guilty of the sexy fonts
  2. omg.. Im watching and posting lol Finally they admit to Whitmore!!
  3. I was just listening to the song that was playing when I had my first kiss at 12! hehe It was "Masterpiece" by AtlanticStarr. I still get butterflies thinking about it and how innocent I was. Other songs that do this to me is "Fields of Gold" by Sting (reminds me of my hometown in Portugal.. we have those rolling hills that are fields of gold) and "Everything's Gonna Be Alright" by Sweetbox reminds me of a good friend of mine that passed away.. I played that song non-stop after he passed. Do you have songs that put you somewhere and all of your memories come rushing in?
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by JamaicaBride062108 Our wedding was planned first (got engaged in March) but she wanted a holiday weekend and didn't want to wait longer than a year so they chose this Memorial Day weekend. My shower was supposed to be at 12 or 1 at a nice restaurant with a private room, but hers is at 3 so they bumped mine up to brunch so everyone would have time to leave mine, go home and get changed, and be at the country club by 2:20-3. I'm just tired of sharing everything for the wedding and it's not fair to either of us. Some of the family has already said they would just bring our gifts to their wedding! WTF! FI gets mad at me because he is so protective of his family. They are all a little crazy and you can't say anything negative about them or he gets super defensive. Constructive criticism doesn't work either. Our biggest fight is the "you need to cut the f-ing cord" discussion. I'd be ok with most of this but I feel like they are the ones blowing things out of proportion or making things more difficult. (Seriously, would you not check before you scheduled a shower?) I'm just venting! I vow to never live closer than 6 hours away from those people! I don't think my sanity can take it! What makes you any less important than her? I don't get it.. they're walking all over you and your FI seems to allow it if he's getting defensive. You are going to be his wife, he needs to have his family respect you for pete's sake.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by JamaicaBride062108 I'm pushing for "the Book of Love" by Peter Gabriel but FI thinks it's too slow. YouTube - Book of love - Shall we dance Of course this is the boy who wants"F**K her Gently" because our first date was to a Tenacious D concert... I LOVE LOVE LOVE Book of Love!!!!!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus and i think you have your own life to thank him for that because im sure it made you not do it huh ... so there oh you know I'm always thinkin' of Sandy everytime I drink --> p.s. I vaguely remember that diff'rent strokes episode. I was just watching it the other day for the first time in soooo long. My fave episode was the kidnapping episode!
  7. I wouldn't go..it would only make you feel bad. That would be you being the bigger person. What does your FI have to say about all this?
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus thats like the episode of growing pains where mikey and boner went to that party and everyone was doing coke and mike took off and boner stayed but then mr seaver got the call from boner to tell mikey that "he didnt go to the bathroom" and that was the code that he didnt do coke... ahhhhh child hood television... who rememberes the child molesting "different strokes" my fave episode of GP was when Carol's boyfriend Sandy (played by Matthew Perry) died in a car accident bc he was drunk and at the end of the show Kirk Cameron gave a PSA regarding the episode and said how 2 people die in a alcohol related car accident every half hour..
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 I wonder how much she got for those!! So cute either way... $6Million.. nice chunk of change for pics
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by nylalany And I"m not sure what to do with the color chart wheel? Aren't those HTML? They're RGB Do the colors have to match EXACTLY to another aqua color?
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl Arrghhhhh! I have the exact opposite problem! We have listened to "our song" and the song we will all be walking to so much over the last few months to get in the mood, that whenever we hear them on the radio or ipod we turn the station or change the song. I don't want to get sick of them, that will just cause me one more thing to do last min, find and download more songs! Yikes! I'm with you.. I was listening to it so much that I started to not wanna hear it! So now ONLY when I am really in the mood to hear it, I'll put it on. There's one song though that always get me choked up and its True Companion by Marc Cohen. Everytime he says,"And I lift up your veil" I always get teary as hell!! lol
  12. 4096 Color Wheel Version 2.1 I agree with cheesediva.. your colors will be off so your best bet is to tweek until you get what you want.
  13. I'd love for him to do it..he's been telling me its what he wants since he's not a jewelry person.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizz Ummm....NO! If he's not even engaged, has no job and no real plans, then don't change what you're doing for him! bingo. don't let him tell you what to do.. but here's what you do do lol Send out your STDs before him so that way they plan for yours not his hehe
  15. Welcome to the forum! This is a great resource for your planning
  16. Morgan - I'd check that the BDW email is working.. I got one of those Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently
  17. Ive pranked and been pranked.. my boss the other day pranked me by putting a fake cockroach in my towel basket at work.. here I am folding towels and I had to get up to do something.. so I see her folding a towel.. im like,"whys she doing that" but oh well. I go to continue folding and I let out the biggest scream!!! I can't believe she did that to me lmao
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by carly I think this is a great idea and now need to work on getting some cool fonts! Oh yeah, and figuring out how to extend my trial of winzip without actually BUYING it! just get the evaluation version.. it lasts forever lol
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus woohooooo... and ummm its not "chicks" its "LADYS" haha haha chicks, ladies, bitches.. it's all the same btw i'm friends requesting you
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan Great! But, if you want to be a part of the font swap you can do that too. That way you will get all the other fonts, not just mine. I can't wait for all the fonts!!! I definitely will!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus hahah sweet.. send them to my photography myspace MySpace.com - Jean-Marcus Strole Photography - 30 - Male - SEATTLE, WASHINGTON - www.myspace.com/jeanmarcusstrole and if they are worthy ill add them to my friends one haha I'll have lots of single chicks at my wedding too I'll introduce you to lol
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