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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Infinity22 I just had a co-worker come back from the Gran Caribe Real Resort in Cancun and he said they literally had no beach due to Hurricane Wilma. How are the other beaches in and around Cancun looking? I just went down in January and going back in May.. it didn't look good. Most beaches were destroyed. I stayed at the Oasis Cancun and the beach was really bad. At another site visit I went to, the water literally hit the side of the building. Some of the beaches looked to be ok, but most lost a lot of sandy areas.
  2. I loveeeeeeee to scrapbook. I get my inspirations from my pics, stickers, and paper. Here's some websites you can get ideas from: Scrapjazz.com - The Scrapbooking Megasite Scrapbook.com: Supplies and Scrapbooking Ideas They have good quotes, galleries, and a superstore where you can by supplies.
  3. Welcome and happy planning :)
  4. I just finished making my treasure chest box for my nephew (my ring bearer) Dante. I wanted something different and all of the shells I found weren't that nice. We're going to put sand inside the box and it'll support the wedding bands. Here's my materials list from Michael's: Wooden box - $4.99 Brown stain pen - $1.99 Black stain pen - $1.99 Stickers - $1.99 Alphabet stickers - $1.99 TOTAL - $12.95!! My pics -- FRONT I personalized again by putting Dante's name on it as well as my wedding date: SIDES BACK:
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Damn Jenny, as crazy as that is I totally believe it. I'm willing to bet he hit them all! I remember being in junior high and it was a big deal to kiss a boy. Now kids that age are giving blow jobs instead of kisses. It must have happened back then too but not as a general rule. I hope that by the time I have an adolescent daughter there is a chastity fad going around! oh yea he probably did.. its so sad how these girls make themselves look. You are right.. back in the day, it was about kissing. I didn't lose the big "V" until I was 17 but I didn't do it again for about 2 years after that. High school is a scary place. There sorta is a chastity fad.. like those rings those Jonas Brothers are wearing. They're such teenies maybe these younger kids can look up to that.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by twelve_piece So here's what I don't understand- why were Lauren and Brody acting like she was leaving for the entire summer when she was only in Paris for 1 week?? Who gets replaced in just 1 week And who wears that much makeup to go skiing? so true!! I can't believe they made such a big to-do out of a week. I can't wait for next week!
  7. Yea I totally agree with you. Girls these days are insane! A few months ago when my FI and I went to Cancun for our first site visit, we ended up staying in Party Central Oasis Cancun.. omg... while we were standing on line for dinner, this one girl no more than 16-17 wasted off her assssss goes up to the guy standing in front of us and was like,"Hi! Remember us from last night?!" He goes,"Um yea.." She goes,"Just wanted to say hi, there's a new girl with us... you could hit that!" And she made the motions.. I looked at my FI with my eyes bugged out.. my mouth dropped to the floor! Guaranteed.. he "hit that" lol lol
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa congrats! that is so exciting!! my FI works in Vineland - not too far from there I remember driving to a party in Vineland.. felt like the middle of nowhere lol Congrats Ali!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by sunnydaes I was a flower girl when I was 10:) I think a flower girl dress is appropriate for a 9 year old. what does it look like? this is the dress I have for my flower girl (who will be 3 yrs old)
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by dmarie17 Okay you bikini waxing experts, I need your help. So I went about 10 days ago and got my first wax. I don't know if I didn't let it grow out enough beforehand or if I'm just a hairy sasquash or what, but my hairs are already growing back. The lady told me it's better not to shave it if I'm planning on making this a waxing a normal part of my grooming regimen (which I am). So what do I do? I'm sure as hell not plucking all of them out. Help please! it'll happen the first few times you go until your hair is used to it.. hair grows at different speeds and stages
  11. My niece and my nephew are going to be my flower girl & ring bearer. I want to also make my young cousin a part of my wedding. By the time I get married, she'll be almost 9 yrs old. Do you think that's too old for a flower girl but too young to be a junior bridesmaid? I don't know what to do.. I'd want to put her in a flower girl dress, but I don't want her to look like a baby. What should I do?
  12. Why do they have to embarass themselves like that..
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari I really liked the episode. Wow, can't believe they killed Roseau (sp?) too! Crazy! I wonder who was shooting darts at them?! I feel bad for Michael, I can't believe Sayid turned him in. That was a little weird. I can't wait unitl the next episode. yea that bothered me that Sayid did that..
  14. Island In the Sun - Weezer Margaritaville - Jimmy Buffett
  15. OMG I just cried laughing watching that video!!!! LMAO Definitely staying away from streamers! LMAO I'm still cracking up
  16. They got A LOT of hibiscus stuff in OT! I was just checking out their circular I got in the mail today
  17. I work in a hair salon.. I have some weird customers! I have one that LOVES to stick her hand up our skirts! Thank god we're cool enough to yell at her but last summer I had a mini skirt and had to stand in front of her.. she just dug her hand up my skirt.. I was like,"WHOAAAAAAAAAA LADY!!" and she just giggled
  18. Im surprised they killed Roseau or however you spell it.. but she's not that important. I feel bad for Michael even though he killed Libby & Ana Lucia. I mean, we'd all do it to protect our own children. They did have a raft in the beginning so maybe Michael, Sayid and Desmond can get off the ship before they blow it up.. hopefully. Good episode.. not as great as the others but good
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Gretchen This thread has me thinking of waxing now too.... But I am SCARED! There is NO way I could try Brizilian at first... But, armpits sound like a GREAT idea!! I will have to look for someplace to do this in Indianapolis! brazilian's are for seasoned waxing lmfao j/k I'd start off with something easy to get used to the pain
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline blahahaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa too funny. i do agree though, sad to say. not all babies (if they arent yours that is) aret very cute. my godson looked like a bird, his mom even said it but she still thought he was the most precious thing alive... ahahah he is a handsome lil man now though. i guess going threw the birth canal sqeezes them... lol no idea. LMFAO I cant believe you said he looks like a bird!!!!!
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