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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. Have a great time Jen!! Don't forget to show us pics when you return
  2. I also have this problem. Actually it was one of the few reasons I went off of BC. It happened when I was on the Nuvaring and a few different types of pills. It really sucked bc I never thought I'd be the kind of stereotype to "fake being asleep" just to get out of it lol Sometimes I think it's just pure lazyness on my part.
  3. Yup, I broke down and bought the book I'm a planning freak so I try to use every resource I can find. This book is actually really informative. I read a few sections a night and I'll be taking it with me for my 2nd site visit next month. I'll probably start posting for you guys some of their tips to help all of us along this journey!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari That is so crazy, but at least it's really no big deal for you to not have her in the wedding. nah.. I already had 8 girls.. now it's 7 (and if my SIL who is my MOH doesn't stop being a beeotch) I might be down to 6 haha
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by carly Wow, sometimes people are just crazy. But why couldn't she call you herself? That's weird in itself. Her mom called my mom lol I guess she was embarassed to tell me. Her mom said she felt bad that her sister was jealous..and so that there's no problems between her daughters, Sara just wouldnt be in my wedding. Ridiculous!
  6. So my mom calls me yesterday to tell me I got a phone call saying that one of my bridesmaids (my cousin Sara) can't be in the wedding. Why? Because her sister, who is closer in age to me, is jealous! I'm kinda bummed out about this bc I didn't think it'd be such a big issue. I come from a very old world Portuguese family. My aunt (Sara's grandmother) would talk so much crap if I didn't include either her or her sister. So I thought I was doing the right thing by asking her to be a bridesmaid. I do get along really well with her so no one "forced" me to ask her. I don't get it, what if she had 5 sisters. Would I have to have asked all 5?! LMAO wtf!!!!?
  7. JennyK


    welcome to the boards!
  8. When are you going in May? I'm also going in May to visit my WC at Le Meridien
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by can't wait! I love Alicia Keys "No One" song and think it would be perfect for our first dance since it will happen on the beach but my fiance thinks its ghetto so he axed it! Ugh! Soo, I think we both decided on Ingrid Michaelson "The Way I Am ". I fell in love with her since I first heard her on Grey's Anatomy. What I also like about this song is it isn't very long...something like 2:15 . I hate when the song drags on and guests have grown tired of looking at the couple dancing. The song The Way I Am is so cute The first time I heard it, I had to go download it
  10. They're both so pretty but I like lace #1. It'll be more noticable
  11. Welcome to the boards You'll definitely find a lot of information here!
  12. I did a site visit to both resorts in January. What questions do you have? Both resorts were gorgeous!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Saraha Dont worrY Im doing the same thing, per plate, alcohol, etc. Do you find it more stressful?
  14. Have a great time, which we're sure you will! PICTURES PICTURES!!!
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