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Everything posted by JennyK

  1. Thats beautiful! I love love love to cross stitch I did my first when I was only 12 yrs old
  2. I would check tripadvisor.com and see the traveler's pics. it'll give you a real feel for the resort through others' eyes
  3. thats a great idea! I do think maybe at the end giving them the card so it's fresh on their minds..
  4. It sucks.. I dont understand why they dont have anything until less than a year before.. doesnt give much planning time.
  5. thats so cool! I actually had Tom Cruise film War of the Worlds in my development and didn't even know it haha there's a scene where he's running into his ex-wife's house and its the same exact house as my mom's. Unfortunately it was only like 2 days of filming and they kept the spectators far back from him
  6. Welcome to the boards!!
  7. I really like dress #1 although both are really pretty. Dress #1 to me is just more beachy
  8. JennyK


    welcome! I grew up not too far from you - Linden
  9. Congrats! The house is beautiful :) Love the kitchen!
  10. I can offer you info on Le Meridien & CasaMagna. Casa was my first choice..I did the whole site visit but bc they didn't have my date available, I went with Le Meridien (which I'm totally happy happy happy with).
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by roxych1k Great pictures, they have helped so much! Especially since Dreams isn't available for next April 2009, it's already all booked on weekends! So all those hotels were great options, especially Le Meridien, the terrace looks awesome, I am concerned about how expensive it might though. My wedding will be at Le Meridien.. it can get a little costly. They don't offer packages so basically it's like having a wedding in the states.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyCheese Thank you for the site...I posted a thread earlier looking for a BD photog in NJ. theres not much out there on that website
  13. I'll be staying in the Great Parnassus in Cancun with my guests. It's very affordable and beautiful with a kids water park!
  14. I've camped outside of MTV studios from 3am until 3pm just to get a glance of the Backstreet Boys.. lol true story.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Betsy I bought this book before I found BDW! I loved it actually - It was really helpful - and I bought it off Ebay so I got a good deal! oo I shouldve thought about ebay lol I bought it at Michaels for probably double
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus wow..... why is there ALWAYS such drama with the brides maids.. why do women have to be so catty and jealous always. women just need to learn from the groomsmen... 1. grab your flasks, 2. talk about the opposite sex, 3. walk down the aisle, 4. and then party at the reception, 5. AND NOT CAT FIGHT they just gotta realize that not everyone cant be in the wedding party and sometimes you choose someone to be a BM or MH for a specific reason and that doesnt mean you like the others less. its not the end of the world ... well dont let it ruin your day. cause i dont want it effecting you and making you stressed out for the photos. cause im not about to have a stressed out bride hehehe I know.. seriously! Ehh I won't let it bother me.. I was already starting to think I went BM crazy and asked more than I should have lol lol The best part is that I already started to buy things in 8's.. so now I get some gifts too hehehe
  17. Congrats - It looks so nice!
  18. My SIL had it when she was pregnant with her first child. She basically had to watch what she ate. After my nephew was born, it went away. It didn't come back after her second baby either.
  19. welcome to the boards~
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