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Everything posted by Celina

  1. I agree with most and say no. As long as they are in the same "family" or are similar. I started to be crazy over this, but kept the font on everything the same and in the same general colors.
  2. I can't stand those kind of people! I agree, they need to let families grieve. I work at the airport. When a fallen soldier comes in from war and they are transporting his body, the firefighters here go out with their rigs and lights and they all line up and salute the hearse as it takes the body and family members from the tarmac to through the secued area of the airport. Well, one time the funeral home got wind that some of those protestors were coming to protest when they brought the body out, so (I am SO not kidding) these bikers came and drove with the hearse and the family to escort them from the airport. The bikers were there as bodyguards in case any of the protestors were acting like fools! I am not kidding! We had a parking lot full of bikers here! I was so proud of them! They were ready to handle business! In this girls case, hopefully these awful people will back off and let the family have their time. It is such a sad story.
  3. I love the bow with the flowers. Very classy!
  4. OH - I know...what about doing it all? Put the monogram with some daisies around the base of the monogram! That would be pretty!
  5. I would say it's totally up to you. I personally wouldn't go with pink on pink - BUT I do think the monogram would jazz it up a little and make it seem more like a wedding cake. I think I've seen some silver wire daisies somewhere that you use as cake toppers too if you wanted the daisies. Hope this helps!
  6. I work for the Fire Department as an Executive Assistant to the Chief who oversees emergency responses at Denver International Airport. My job duties are long, but the guys just say if you need anything or have any questions about anything that goes on around here...ask Celina - she does it all! I actually work in a firehouse where the firefighters are on duty. It is an interesting job to say the least!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Raeka I was married at the Riu Jalisco and the hotels have the same WC's; Erika and Andrea. They are horrible about getting back to you via email. Not to mention impossible to get ahold of by phoning. But have no worries once you're there and have your meeting with them you'll e satisfied. Like like to plan in person, not through email. I saw the Vallarta venue on the beach and it looked beautiful. The Riu's flower vendor was AMAZING. I was inlove with my flowers lol Yeah - I totally agree with Mel - try the e-mail. It may take a while because they are on "Mexico Time", but eventually Erika will get back with you! Mel is right about the flowers - I totally fell in love with her bouquets that I am copying the style. Mel's flowers were stunning! Meaghan, let me know if you didn't get the RIU Vallarta info I sent you. I can re-send it! Take care, ~Celina
  8. When we were in PV we used the hotel safes and were fine. I guess we naievely (sp??) used the safes. However all of our stuff was there and we kept a lot of cash in it. HOWEVER...when we were touring the RIU Jalisco, we ran into some ladies that were on the same outgoing flight as we were. They recognized us and said that someone had taken some jewlery and a cell phone from their nightstand in their room. I will definitely take some sort of luggage lock with us to lock up our valuables the next time. I really didn't think of it till now. Great looking out!
  9. LOLOL...I am cracking up! There is nothing worse than not looking and falling in! That is the grossest thing in the world! I tell my family that the toilet paper, body wash and toothpaste fairy doesn't just magically appear when they run out of stuff! Sometimes you just can't teach an old dog new tricks..(or habits)! But EWWWWW....now that I think about it...it's one thing to do it at home, but they are guests in someone elses home and are stil pissing on the floor! That is SO YUCK!! Those boys need some home trainin'!
  10. We're getting married at RIU Vallarta and the WC there told us it was $50 for half day and $100 for a whole day pass. I'm not sure if the prices are different or how it works either but keep us posted!
  11. They are cute! Especially since you can customize them, I think it's a great deal. I've been looking for matches as well. These are a good price. I found match books, but they just didn't do it for me. These are nice. I say go for it!
  12. I am doing white calla lillies with white roses and my dress is ivory too. I'm all for it!
  13. We are using a TA. It just seemed easier and people could make a deposit and pay on it throughout the year. He can also answer any of their questions about passports and it takes some of the heat off of us. (Don't we have enought to worry about?) We also have some who are making their own arrangements and some who are staying at their timeshares. Although we have to pay for day passes for those staying at the timeshares - we added it to our budget. We figure, they are on vacation too and can stay wherever they want and whatever fits into their budget. We are just happy they have made an effort to come.
  14. This is a great thread! I am having the same issue as we haven't decided on a song yet either. So far we have these songs on the list for our 1st dance songs...we just haven't decided. 1. You're in my Heart - Rod Stewart 2. All the Way - Frank Sinatra 3. (I'm not sure of the title), but I think it's Someday Lady You'll Accompany Me..?? - by Bob Seger I'll probably walk down the aisle to Mexican guitar music.
  15. Do something on Vista Print. They come out really good and they are cheap!! I'm sure there's even a coupon around here somewhere...
  16. AAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaHHH!! I am so excited!! As soon as our TA calls me back, we are going to book our trip!! I'm so excited I could freakin' cry!! Actually - I don't know whether to scream or cry! I guess the finality of it all and the fact that I am marrying someone who my true soulmate is what overwhelms me and makes me want to cry. Whewww....deep breaths...OMG... why am I being such a big mush today?? Love you all and Happy Valentine's Day! ~Celina
  17. I was looking around and found that Old Navy has them for $5! They even have a beige/gold color for those of us wearing ivory instead of white! They also have some cute Mexican/mosaic designed ones too! Just thought I'd share! ~Celina
  18. Oh my gosh - I LOVE the sun monogram. Maybe because it's a sun - I don't know. Anyhow - all of it looks good!
  19. Okay - I know that I am the only one obsessed with my wedding. I am just mad that I just called my aunt to ask for my cousin (her daugher)'s address. She said she didn't have her address, but gave me her phone number. Okay - cool - whatever. Then she asked me what I was sending out. I told her it was the STD cards for my wedding. She was like oh, yeah, that's nice. THAT'S IT!! I don't expect her or anyone else to be over the moon, but I told her (in a somewhat excited voice) that we had went to PV in November and had a wonderful time, checked out the hotel and couldn't wait to get back. I swear...all I heard on her end was crickets! Not - "Oh, I hope we can go, Oh yeah, we're trying to see if we can make it"...nothing! To date - ALL of my FI's family are going, and NONE of my dad's family are coming. It just irks me. Her response (or lack thereof) is totally expected. I just didn't expect to hear the lack of enthusiasm right to my face. Oh well - I see where I sit with them. My dad's family just gets under my skin. My dad's siblings (all 8 of them) are close, but they are not close to me & my sisters. I think they are haters. The funny thing is, the woman that raised me and robbed my dad blind (they ultimately divorced when I was 21) - they are closer to her daughters than they are to us! None of that "blood is thicker than water" in my family! I just want to scream! It's no use in saying anything to my dad because he always goes to their rescue. Sometimes I could just disown my family. I am so blessed to have my FI and his family. His grandmother and aunt came over Saturday and offered to help with everything! His aunt offered to help with getting stuff for my OOT bags, his Grandmother said she would pay for the wedding cake and they offered to ship or take stuff down with them, make flower arrangements and whatever else we need from them. I think they are my little angels that were given to me to make up for the screwed up biological family that I got dealt with. You know - an hour before I talked to my aunt, my FI's mom called and said that their friends who we met on our last PV visit said they wanted to come to the wedding and wanted our TA's number. I was so happy to hear that. These are complete strangers we spent three days with. They are ready to hop on a plane and share our day with us. I was on cloud nine when she told me that they were coming. I know....you can pick your friends but not your family. Thanks all for letting me rant! I feel much better!
  20. They look great! I love those colors together! The satin ribbon is beautiful.
  21. Good for you! That is an awesome book! I think that is so cool of you to do for him! I wish I knew a photographer I was comfortable with - I would love to do that! I'm sure he'll love it!
  22. OMG - that is hillarious! I hate Chuck E Cheese. Those ball pits are so gross! That place is a germ infested dump! I refuse to take my kids there. I agree with Jared. They will see your dedication and it will all work out. Best of luck! ~ Celina
  23. I love it ALL! The dress is beautiful - everything is gorgeous! You are going to look stunning!
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