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Everything posted by Celina

  1. Corey, Everything came out beautiful! You did a tremendous job! Have a wonderful time! Congratulations!!
  2. These are SO cute! I think I may go get one for my MOH & BM! Thanks for sharing! I love the idea of the black ones for the single guys - great job!
  3. We chose November for many reasons: 1. November is good weather in Mexico and it's before the busy season. 2. My FI's parents own a heating and a/c company and November was a good time for them to get away. 3. We wanted to give everyone plenty of time to plan. 4. November is a slow time for me at work - so it's a good time to be on vacation.
  4. I LOVE those bands! OMG Bling Bling!! Great cake idea!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by svisconte Im on the fence about it. I cant wait to marry my fi and take his name but at the same time i dont want to part with mine. My name flows so nicely now(selina marie visconte) and now its going to be selina marie cole. I asked him if he would hyphenate the names but he laughed lol OMG ...we almost have the same name! I am going from Celina Marie Salgado (very Latin) to Celina Marie Ellis ..WTF?? I like my last name! I really dont' want to change it by my FI laughed at me too! The funny thing is, my daughter (not biological to my FI) has already changed her name to Ellis. All of her schoolwork says "Jada Ellis" - she loves it! It is so sweet! What is really funny is my FI is half Hispanic as well! He is part Mexican, part Scottish and part German. He gets mistaken for Italian or European all of the time. When we were in Mexico everyone spoke Spanish to me and he had to answer because I speak very little Spanish. He would laugh at me and say - DO NOT answer them or even try to! It was so funny.
  6. YAY!! Another November Bride! Congratulations! Let the planning begin!
  7. Are you talking about Pie in the Sky from Puerto Vallarta? If so - Their chocolate cake is delicious! Their buttercream frosting is VERY buttery - but still good. It is very moist and kind of heavy (if that makes sense).
  8. I vote number 3 because it is a huge expense for such a short while. You can't bring your flowers back so why waste the money? Plus, the parasols will look so pretty!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by newfiebride I'm actually going to make mine...I got jewellry kits from Michaels that were on sale for $1.00 in my colors and then just bought some extra jewellry wire in case I needed it... AAAhh..that is so funny! I did the same thing!! I haven't started making mine yet. Let us know how they come out. I don't have a pattern either. My thought was measure and bead....measure and bead...
  10. Sorry, I didn' t read this till now. When I start to break out after waxing or using a hair removal cream, I use neosporin all over my face. It works wonders. I just leave it on and it clears up. Your face will seem oily, I recommend using some oil blotting tissues to help absorb the oil. Even the bristles from powder are going to irritate you more. I agree to use a tinted moisturizer as well instead of all of the chemicals in the foundation. Hopefully your skin had a chance to calm down overnight. With some rest, you'll be refreshed and it will all work out. Good luck! I'm sending good face vibes your way!
  11. Celina

    Hi everyone!

    Welcome and congratulations on 25 years!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by flygirl Anybody making those "tears of joy" tissue packets for the wedding day? what kind of packaging are you using? I read that someone got translucent envelopes off oriental trading but I can't seem to find them. Okay - I found them... Wedding Favors - Personalized Wedding Gifts from Bliss! Weddings Market They have they have a 50 pack of medium glassine envelopes for $7.99. The medium ones should fit the tissue. I was going to order these but haven't yet. Let us know how they turn out! thanks, Celina
  13. Thanks for the heads up! I have some "love" stamps I was holding on to for when we send the invites - I better just use them before I use the forever stamps. Between the post office, public service and gas, we are going to be in the poorhouse!!
  14. Hi Deb, We are getting married at the RIU Vallarta Hotel. Their wedding coordinator services are included in the wedding package. I guess it all just depends on what you want to do. There are so many choices. Let us know what type of wedding you are looking for, if you want it at a hotel, a private restaurant, or a villa and I'm sure someone here can help you give you some direction. Good luck and welcome!
  15. I have a website bookmarked on my computer at work that has those envelopes pretty cheap. I can get it for you on Monday. I was going to make those as well using the translucent (glassline - I think that's what they are called) envelopes with a little label that said "For your tears of joy", and just have them placed on the chairs along with my program fans.
  16. I dont know why I eat! Some of it is emotional, some of it is boredom. I promise tomorrow I am going to buy me some new tennis shoes, and I am going to get my fat ass up and start with 30 minutes on that treadmill and some arm exercises and some crunches (no - not Nestle)! My weakness is sugar. I've been doing better since I gave up coffee because I used to have to have a little cookie, piece or bananna bread or something of that nature with my coffee. Now that I cut it out, I have been doing somewhat better. I have been so tempted lately, but I haven't given in! Tomorrow is a new day...we can do it! Can I get a moooo mooooo??
  17. Knock..knock...knock...Did you hear that?? No it's not the pizza or Chinese delivery guy, it's me knocking on the FCC door! I want to join too! Believe me you - every time I put on my wedding dress and see those flabby arms I cringe! My dress isn't even the slightest revealing anyway and I still feel like I look bad! My dress has a full back because my DDD's need some support! There is no way in hell I was going to go strapless! Do you think I've done anything about it? HELL NO! What is my excuse for not getting on the treadmill...I need new tennis shoes. I am going to go out tomorrow and buy me some! Come on girls! We can do this together! I know - it is SO hard being in a rut but I think we can motivate eachother and have some good laughs at the same time! We don't have to be "fat cows", we can be "busty beauvine's" (is that how you spell it??)
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by cheese_diva I agree. I think you need to go to your local invitation shop that carries this brand. Usually paper/ink colors aren't a problem to switch and they'll have swatches which you'll want to see in person. The Consortium Invitations THANK YOU!! I didn't know that! I called Consortium and they gave me the number of a local stationary company and I am going to go by this weekend! YAY! She told me the same thing that I could change the terra cotta color to blue I just couldn't change the paper! I am so freakin happy I could scream! Thank you!!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE They are "Elite" brand of invitations. I would love to find something like this - only in blue and cream. I have searched high and low and nothing It is "Elite" brand and the item number is 7W2-2240. Our colors are blue and cream and white. I like this style, I just can't find anything like it in blue.
  20. They are "Elite" brand of invitations. I would love to find something like this - only in blue and cream. I have searched high and low and nothing
  21. I love this invitation. I can not find it anywhere in blue. Everything similar to this is blue and brown. I want the design to be blue; either light blue, dark blue, whatever and the background to be ivory or ecru - we can figure out the rest later. Can anyone help me make this? I am so tired of looking for invitations! This is driving me nuts!! (Sorry for the attachment, I could not get the picture to load!) Thanks! Celina Invite Example.doc
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Christa Hmm Jennifer, maybe you should go for the legal ceremony then. I would hate for you to feel like you are being deceptive. HOWEVER, should you choose to go the deceptive route I think you could totally pull it off. Who would know whether the officiant is a judge or not? And, you can always bring your souveneir marriage certificate & sign it after the ceremony so it looks like something official is happening...just some thoughts. Christa - Chief Investigator...........THAT IS HILLARIOUS!! I keep hearing Dragnet every time I see your picture! Anyhow, I was thinking the same thing, just take a souvenier certificate and have your attendants sign it. We are doing a Justice of the Peace wedding here, before hand as well and have only told a couple of people. Our thoughts were the same as yours in thinking we could save the extra money and spend it on something else. Plus We didn't want to be bothered with bloodwork and sending birth certificates.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by JamaicaBride062108 Mandy that's kinda how I feel about my step mom! She is so controlling! She had the audacity to give me a lecture on how expensive our wedding would be and she needed to attend a family reunion the week before but, "don't worry, we'll scrimp and save so your dad can make it." FI can't stand her! I mainly just ignore her. Is your dad married to my dad's wife? They sound exactly the same! When she found out that my dad was going to give me his calling card so I could call PV to get wedding cake information she said to me, "I thought your dad was saving that card so he could call his family in Mexico to see if they were going to THAT wedding". "THAT" wedding she was referring to was MY WEDDING!! I haven't spoken to her since. That was like a month ago. She is such a witch! I want to scream at her.. !!!
  24. Oh man, I am so excited for you guys! Sounds like you had a whirlwind of a trip Edna! I swear, every time we went in to town, we tried to stop there at Pepe's for the tacos and we missed them! I LOVE tacos al pastor! We have a little place here that we found that has good tacos. Mmm...we will definitely make it there this next time!
  25. I agree with the others and suggest you send her the invite. If she is mad for some reason, then maybe she won't go! Since your time is going to be divided among all, you really dont' need to say much to them anyway. To avoid the ripple in the group I'd say invite. Also, if you did see her later after the wedding at another function, there isn't that awkwardness.
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