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Everything posted by Celina

  1. Doesn't this drive you nuts?! I am in the same boat. Maybe you two need to meet by yourselves and get some dates and times scheduled. Tell her exactly what you need her to do. Maybe you can get a feel if she is in it all the way or not. Maybe she just needs a little more nudging to get on the ball.
  2. Your bags are cute. I love the tag on the front with the seashell. Cute idea! Nice job!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE Thanks for sharing!! I need to get to Target so I'll be sure to check them out! I went to Target last night and they didn't have any. I was SO bummed! I'll check around at a different Target this weekend.
  4. If all of your guests are staying at RIU Vallarta, maybe you can ask the WC if you can reserve a spot in one of the restaurants in advance and just go back to the hotel for dinner?
  5. I am SO FREAKIN FRUSTRATED! Eveything I like, my FI doesn't. I am at the point where I am over it. I see myself turning into a bridezilla over this. I designed the initial STD letter, the STD Postcard and now I have started looking for actual invites, and nothing I pick out is to his liking. He just says, "Oh bring me some more, get more samples". Why? So he can just shoot me down again? Maybe I need to take a wedding break. I don't know. I am so overwhelmed with it all right now. I know we have plenty of time, but I am a neurotic planner and this is so stressful. The only help or opinions I get is from him and his mom. His mom is usually agreeable, but he keeps shooting all of my ideas down. My BM (my sister) is MIA, my MOH lives 2 hours away and doesn't have a computer to check her e-mail. I don't have a mom - my dad's wife could give a rat's ass. My dad...he's another story altogether. So the only people I have are you guys to listen to me rant! I think I am going to leave the invitation thing alone for a while so I can take a breather. I think tonight I'm skipping the PTO meeting and I am heading straight to Target to peruse their dollar aisles - and on the way home I'm stopping at Noodles & Co. to buy some macaroni and cheese. Mooooooo. Thanks for letting me vent. ~Celina
  6. I would suggest having them do a reading or something. We will each be placing roses in reserved empty seats in memory of our deceased parents (my mom and his dad). Other than that I really don't have any other suggestions. Sorry!
  7. I'm anxious to hear what others have to say on this one. The people who have outright said they would not be able to come after receiving the initial STD letter, I haven't sent them anything else. Otherwise I have sent all of the info to everyone. By all the info we did an initial "Save the Date Letter". Which was a wedding announcement that had all of the resort info and our TA's info. We sent those out last September for our wedding this November. Last month we sent out a STD postcard. As people tell me they absolutely can not make it, I just cross them off the list and don't include them in future mailings. Not sure if it is right or wrong, but I figure why bother with the cost of postage?
  8. Thank you ALL for sharing so much with us. I am TOTALLY stressing about the freakin' cake! I am now considering deleting some of the OOT bag items since some people will only be there for 4 days. We decided this week to go with the IPOD - so your advice confirms our decision. Thanks for all of the advice! Keep it coming!
  9. OOOHHH....I LOVE Ann's words! I especially like the "old and respected names" and the "in the city of"... remember it is a Destination Wedding! (I may use Ann's verbage)
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 Sounds like she needs a good ass kicking!! We can all go bridezilla on her, that'll teach her! Dont piss off the BDW crew! LOL girl you are on a roll today! Yeah - I agree, let's open a can of Whoop-ass and show HER who's boss!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl Haha Yari, you just love that gangsta style left-hand driving action, and that your excuse! Me too, hehe! You are HILLARIOUS! I hadn't even thought about the elevator thing making your ring sparkle, but sure enough, this morning I was in an elevator and my ring sparkled and caught my eye too! I think when your nails are done, your ring looks better too.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Jessalyn It's so hard to decide....I want to wear it all a veil, a tiarra and flowers in my hair.....think that would be too much stuff going on? LOL Seriously, I want to wear flowers too. I like your idea Ann ...Thanks. I am with you!! I am wearing a veil and a flower. My dress is kind of plain though. I didn't have that "AHA" moment until I put the veil on. Then when I put the flower behind my ear when I looked in the mirror I was that beautiful Mexican bride I always envisioned as a little girl. Even my BM and MOH were wowed. Another thing - when in your ENTIRE life can you get away with wearing a veil? I am wearing mine all night! That moment will never come again! You are only a first time bride once!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by IrieBride08 This is a trip, because I recently had a wedding dream too! I dreamt that it was my wedding day, the ceremony was about to begin and I wasn't dressed! I kept asking where my dress was and people kept saying it was arriving soon. I finally get the dress and keep trying to make it down the aisle on time, but different things were keeping me from arriving at the ceremony site! I couldn't find my shoes, they lost my bouquet, all my wedding guests were drunk, and my FI is standing at the alter wearing tacky jean shorts and a yellow tee-shirt with cowboy boots! I felt a little better when I woke up because I realized that even with my FI standing there looking straight CRAZY, I still couldn't wait to marry him! OMG! I keep having dreams like yours (Except without the FI in the yellow tee and boots)! That I keep losing stuff, and things aren't ready, we're running late, I missed my flight, and I'm being hurried around and things keep getting in my way from getting there. I try to not let them bother me. I just think subconsciously I am worried I will forget something or won't be prepared.
  14. This is such a hard decision to make! We are having the same problem as we speak. I am not the most music literate person. I just like what I like. Anyhow - we are going to meet with a local DJ and see what he can download onto an Ipod for us and just use the hotel equipment to hook it up to. That way we have current music, plus he has all of the Mexican music that is current here. Someone made a comment earlier about how the music is outdated at the resorts. Come to think of it, that is probably true. We were in PV and some guy next to us was BOOMIN' a hip-hop song that was 3-4 years old. He was rockin' it like it was the hottest thing! At our resort it's $130 an hour for a DJ or $40 an hour for the sound system you can hook an Ipod up to. We are only having 40-60 guests, so we decided to just go with the Ipod. I have a charasmatic uncle who can probably emcee.
  15. We are doing our own centerpieces as well. ($50 for a small centerpiece is not in our budget). I would think that you would be responsible for getting them done, and the WC is responsible for getting them on the tables.
  16. We had ours made at Monogram Wedding Cake Toppers, Crystal cake toppers We got the brushed metal. It came out very pretty. I haven't decided if I want to add any crystals or leave it plain. They were the cheapest we found and they had the script lettering that we wanted as well. Good luck!
  17. I'm a PV bride too! You will fall in love with it! Congratulations and happy planning!
  18. One more thing to add to my Target list! Cute beach bags $2.50 Cheap manicure sets $1.00 Little tins $9.99 Keep em coming!!
  19. I don't think I have a favorite wedding movie. Who do you wish you didn't have to invite to your wedding?
  20. Thanks for sharing!! I need to get to Target so I'll be sure to check them out!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari This is a little gross, but my mom freezes the leftover Halloween candy every year. This includes M&M's and they still taste great one year later. OMG~~!! That is hillarious! Well - if it's good enough for my girl Yari ~ then damn it - it's good enough for me!! My fiance is so cute - I was reminding him about the M&M thing and he goes and grabs our son's M&M's (a.k.a. potty rewards) - he holds one up and turned it sideways and said, "See honey - they are just little E's turned sideways, it was just meant to be". ~ Gotta love that guy!
  22. I didn't know where to post this so I thought I'd try here.... Since you all got me talked into having M&M's as favors I have been searching the sales! Well, in yesterday's ad Walmart has pastel blue (my wedding colors) bags of M&M's for $2.96 a bag which is 1/2 off of the M&M website price! If I bought them now and left them unopened in the bag and put them in a freezer bag and froze them - do you think they would hold out till I took them out of the freezer before the wedding in November? I have a deep freezer and a regular refrigerator freezer. Thanks! Celina
  23. Okay - so the centerpieces at our resort cost $50 a piece. They are fairly small so we will need to have 10 at the most. The dinner setup is long tables that seat 10. so I was thinking of putting two at each table. Well - I was thinking can't we just go to a florist there and buy some flowers instead of paying that enormous price tag? We'll be there early enough - plus I will have enough aunts and grandmothers and girl friends there to help get this task done. I don't want huge arrangements with tons of flowers - I think less is more, so something simple will do. The problem is, I just don't know what to use for a vase. I do not want to take 10 glass vases on an airplane. I was looking on line and found something called Vox - it's a disposable vase, but i can't find any vendors here in the US. So after looking at them, what they really look like are fancy boxes with a plastic liner for water. That is easy enough to do don't you think? I just need some sort of a container. Nothing too tall or too wide and something I can take with me and pack flat. Let me know if you guys have any ideas. Thanks! Celina
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