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Everything posted by Celina

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl bets, those pics are swesome! i love so many of them you look so beautiful and happy i gotta ask, who was the grumpy gal wearing the orange shirt in the back row of the gazebo?? HA - I was wondering the same thing! Betsy you looked beautiful! Your dads shoes were great! I loved your cake. I loved the pic of the priest holding the rings. Your family picture is beautiful. The horse and carriage is SO pretty - I love the fact that the driver was all suited up too! You guys took some really nice pics. Thanks for sharing and welcome back!
  2. I just watched the finale. I can't wait for the reunion show. Daisys exit was hillarious. She had some other dumb comment as she was leaving. That poor girl. She will end up getting used and exploited she is such a donut! I couldn't stop looking at her hair. All of her extensions had fallen out and you could see the short hairs poking through in the back. I was obsessed with it!
  3. I think it's cute. My BM dresses are kind of plain too. I like the idea of bling-ing up the straps. Look at Newport-News: Women's Clothing, Sportswear, Shoes, Jeans, Special Sizes, and more They have some cute dresses on sale now. As for this dress, I think it's fine. Is she wearing her hair up or down? I would put a flower in her hair. It's very appropriate for the beach.
  4. Betsy - Glad your back and a married woman! Sounds like you handled everything with your SIL like the poised lady you are and had a wonderful day! Glad to have you back - can't wait to see pics! Also sounds like your party was better than SIL's. Hers pretty much sounds like it was an afterthought!
  5. Isn't it funny! You are not alone. Keep it at a minimum if you can. I know it is so hard when all of the cute summer/beach clothes are coming out!
  6. Jenny, I was in the same situation a couple of years ago and have since worked it out. I could go into it but it would take up several pages! LOL! Bottom line is you need to tell FI that his behavior and the fact that he allows her to do this is totally disrespectful to you. You can't make him choose. He is a grown man and you can't choose his friends. Making him choose isn't working. Like Ann said, you need to tell him that HE has to set boundaries with her. HE has to tell her that her behavior is unacceptable and he is in a committed relationship with YOU and therefore SHE has to stop it. Once he stands his ground and shows her that his heart is with you she should stop just know that it may take a while. Based on her continual attempts to make it uncomfortable for you whenever you are around, he really has to stand his ground. Whatever you do, for the first couple of months (starting at Saturdays wedding) Make sure you go out with him whenever she is going to be there. Don't avoid her. Go and be polite (I know - easier said than done), but killing her with kindness will work. After you have a heart to heart with him and make sure you two are on the same page his actions will stop her behavior. It may take some time but trust me, it will work. My FI's excuse was that they had been friends for a long time as well. I told him I didn't care and he didn't understand why he had to change the way he carried himself around her. I had to explain to him that the things that used to be okay are no longer okay. In order to get him to understand I had to explain to him (or remind him) tht she was not the one he wanted a relationship with, he chose me and in choosing me that meant that he could still be her friend, but the total disregard for my feelings in the way he played up to her and into her little stupid games was was absolutely going to stop or I was out the door. Fortunately my FI's heart was true and was in the right place and while it took him some time to get it under control it has worked out. It has taken almost 4 years for me to even talk to this girl. I know they still see eachother at work (she goes in when she is off - they both work at the same bar, just not on the same nights) However, we both go places where she is and because we run in the same circle of friends he had to be the one to put her straight. I would say for the past year, I have tried to be her friend. Not in a friendly kind of way, but in a social kind of way (does that make sense?) I know where he and I stand and I think she knows her place now. I have invited her to some of our parties and she has invited me to some of her parties. Don't think I go to her parties alone - you can be sure I have one of my girls with me! I just try to be civil. We are in NO WAY best friends, I am just nice and myself. When I see her I do make sure my E ring is extra sparkly and I always look good. I make sure to drop a line or two about OUR son and wedding plans but hey those are the things going on in my life. She is married, childless, jobless and is a party girl! Haha! As for your SIL - my advice would be to not even mention "T" to her. There is no doubt that you are going to run into her at some point, so you kind of have to make it work out. Start with a good sit down with your FI first. Keep your relationship with your SIL just that - she is your SIL. Don't gossip with her or tell her too much. I would definitely keep her at arms length. Good luck! ~Celina
  7. Your dress is AMAZING! OMG - it is beautiful! Congrats and have a wonderful day!
  8. Tami, Everything came out so nice! You have been a busy lady! Your guests will love it all! I love the fans and the tags on the pashminas. The starfish theme came out really nice! Have a wonderful wedding! ~Celina
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl we're doing a sand ceremony to include them, hold on a sec i'll post the wording we'll use.. ok here is is: Sand Ceremony Minister - TREVOR: There are two children who will share in this marriage. Trevor and Alixzandra will now come forward to help us with the Blending of the Sands. The joining of this new family will have a deep influence upon them. We realize that in order for the home to be a happy one, it is essential that there be love and understanding between the children and the adults being married. For Trevor and Ali the celebration can be more than just witnessing. This is an opportunity for them to bring themselves into the new family and in a symbolic sense to give themselves to this new venture of the marriage of their father. Abbie and Doug, today you are making a life-long commitment to share the rest of your lives with each other and honor Doug’s children as well. Your family relationship is symbolized through the pouring of these individual containers of sand. One representing you, Abbie, and all that you were, all that you are, and all that you will ever be, one representing you, Doug, and all that you were and all that you are, and all that you will ever be and another container for each child. As you each hold your sand, the separate containers of sand represent your lives to this moment; individual and unique. As you now combine your sand together, your lives also join together as one family. You may now blend the sand together symbolizing the uniting of the children and bride and groom into one. Just as these grains of sand can never be separated and poured again into the individual containers, so will be your marriage and your family. you can do a search for sand ceremony and you'll get lots of other ideas on it as well, if you like it, that is! OMG Abbie! I love this! We haven't yet decided how we were going to do this. I want to do a sand ceremony too and may copy yours. It is beautiful, short and very sweet.
  10. My dress is ivory. I was surprised to see so many ivory gowns on the poll!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by becks Could you tie the card onto the handles with a bit of ribbon? They are really cute! I like Becks idea! Too cute!
  12. That is the prettiest beadwork I've seen on a dress. It looks so nice!
  13. Monica your cups are SO cute! FI had a cow when I told him I wanted to do them for everyone - so I think I'll just do them for the bridal party. Your cups came out so cute! I love the little sayings on them!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel HIS last name? Are you taking it? Then I would think it would be "our last name." I like it as is, but I think a few sparklies would make it pop some. Maybe some clear ones? Honestly, I don't want to take it. I like my name and I'm used to it. Ha! BUT - I said I would. It will take some getting used to. My daughter already writes his last name on her papers from school. I'm having a hard time letting go. I asked and was shot down. I'll wait a while and see. I'll wait until we have our decorating/DIY assemble stuff meeting day when he's not there and say his grandma said to do it! HA HA!! He can NEVER tell her no!
  15. All three are cute and look good on you! Great choices!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyCheese Nice, I like! Are you planning to bling it also or use it as is? I'll have to check out that website and put it on my list...thx for sharing. I TOTALLY wanted to add some bling - but FI said no. He is such a party pooper! He's already mad that I took over on wedding colors and invitations. He said that no way was "His" last name going to be covered in blue sparklies.
  17. I think they are so cute! I love your logo. The green just pops with the pink! Great job!
  18. Here's my dress - except it's Ivory instead of white. I paid $89 for it at Lanebryant.com ~ Celina
  19. We ordered this from www.creationmetal.com It was around $37. It's the 4 1/2 inch brushed metal in the Easystreet font.[/img]
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by MoWife I HATE cleaning! I just spent all day today avoiding housework. My husband works the 3-11 shift and I bet you at 10:30 tonight I will be running around vacuuming and doing laundry so it doesn't look like I wasted my whole day! Ha Ha Ha...I do the SAME THING!! FI works 4:30-3am and I wait until the kids are in bed to clean up. When he leaves I wave him out the door then I veg out! I watch Oprah, anything on TLC - Bridezilla...make a half-ass dinner for the kids. Then come 11:00 at night I'm up mopping the floor, running the dishwasher. I LOVE doing yardwork (if that's considered house cleaning). I LOVE to pull weeds! It is so theraputic.
  21. That's wonderful! Can't wait to see more and hear about everything! Congratulations on becoming a Mrs.!
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