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Everything posted by Celina

  1. I like #1 because it looks better on you. I like #2 because of the sparkle - I just don't like the back. You look more comfortable in dress #1. They are both pretty dresses.
  2. Load the pics! - I want to see them! Every time I go to Wal Mart - it's a $60 minimum trip so I hate going in there ~ but I'd love to see the bags!
  3. Morgan - I am getting to this late but OMG his expressions are hillarious! If it matter - I go with the majority vote!
  4. YAY for you Kate! I was thinking about you yesterday! Glad it all came together! Happy planning!
  5. I found these cute little shirts at Old Navy yesterday. They were on sale for $10 each. We are going with a custom made shirt, but one of these would work as well. One shirt is white on white embroidery and one is white with navy blue. Either would look too cute with a pair of jeans and some little brown flip flops!
  6. Good luck Stephanie. Hopefully I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that the new plan works out and nothing else comes up. I'm so sorry you are going through this.
  7. Great finds! I picked up the same candles from Michaels. I love the blue coastline smell. Thanks for sharing!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Love it Maura. The bottom looks so comfy. I want to jump right in it and just take a nap. Rachel is a nut! LOL I am SO late in seeing this pic! Maura - I love this dress. You look so pretty - I love the lace and the bodice! I would love to see a pic you in the dress with the ML sash just to see what it would look like. I agree with everyone else - you look beautiful!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by carly Is this it? YUP! That's it - except it seemed like it had a little more scroll work on it than this - so I would say yes - it's VERY similar.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Duchess Dear Maura's co-worker...You better look out because I AM in Chicago, and we don't mess around in this hood! And, you're situation is hitting way to close to home, so maybe channeling my rage toward your tyrant can help take my mind off of mine. oh yeah.. Dear Maura's Co-worker: Mess with my girl again and be ready for a BDW can of whoop-ass to be opened up on you! Dear IRS: You fucking bunch of idiots. What the fuck did you do with my 2007 taxes? I mailed them to you on February 13th along with my corrected 2006 taxes. It's funny that you found the 2006 taxes I mailed and not the 2007. Find my paperwork and send me my damn ass money! I have bills to pay! Can't you see I'm trying to stimulate the economy by having my wedding in Mexico? Don't even think of holding out on my stimulus check either - you guys have my taxes and one of your lazy ass employees probably stuck it in a pile somewhere and now you can't find it. Dear Self: Quit eating processed foods. You know they make you sick and you feel as bloated as a beached whale. Get some fresh vegetables and quit making yourself feel sick. You know better!
  11. SO - last night me and the kids went over to FI's grandmothers house. She asked me to find a knife and cake server and to let her know and she would buy it for us. Well before I could get a chance to tell her, she tells me that she already picked one out and was just waiting to take it to get engraved. I was seceretly scared that she bought something I wouldn't like but I figured that she bought it with love and I would just be happy with whatever she chose. Well, we're sitting there talking about the wedding and she brings out this black velvet box and this is what was in it...... http://www.thingsremembered.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/TRproduct_10001_9951_559166__3044__4171____1_~|~|~ |~|~|~ (hope the link works). OMG - It's the cake knife and server and it is absolutely beautiful! Totally something I would have chosen AND.....what does it have on it SOME BLING!! It is so much prettier in person. Actualy the one she showed me seemed a little more ornate than this one. But it is very similar. Absolutely beautiful and I was SO happy! So now - of course I need to add the bling to the E! So last night FI comes home and I told him how beautiful the set was and I said to him, we need to try to match up the E to the set by adding a little bit of swarovski crystals on it. He said - "Yeah that's cool. I told you my grandmother has good taste". HA HA HA HA HA!!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel What's your cake stand look like? I'm confused- is it like the one you posted? I pretty much agree with advice so far- pick one thing to be the "bling" factor in the cake and keep other areas more simple. It's kinda like accessorizing your outfit you know. Don't want a huge gaudy necklace, monstorous earings and a huge braclet. Otherwise it looks like Britney Spears was your stylist for the day. Yeah Rachel, it is the one that's posted - except the cake will be plain with a single blue ribbon on the base of each cake. Only the top cake will have flowers around the base of the monogram - the rest will be plain.
  13. AAaaah! I don't know what to do! The E is so scripty-scroll-ey and that cake stand is so scripty-scroll-ey too. Looking at them together gets me all dizzy! Maybe it's just the cake on the picture and all of those flowers. UGH - I just might have to order the cake stand and get some foam pieces or something and play around with it and see. All of those swirls just seem overpowering when I look at them together. Maybe adding some sparkles on some of the E will actually tone it down.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by cmmdee Thanks, guys. You have all made me feel better! We have had this planned for a YEAR AND A HALF. So it's MORE than enough time that everyone has known about the date which is just 2 months, 2 weeks and 4 days. But who's counting. LOL She is being such a ding dong! EXACTLY - what a little brat! Don't let her bother you. I'm sure they'll find a way or they'll just have to survive a couple of days without eachother!
  15. Rachel you are so funny! Sounds like you guys had a good time!
  16. Okay - We have had a terrible time finding a cake and have resorted to using the hotel for a cake. (which I have heard is good). Well - they will only do a 2 tier cake and my greedy ass wants a 3 tiered cake! The only thing is, I am too intimidated to try to do a stacked cake with the dowels, etc. and the only 3 tiered cake stand I could find looks like this: With our topper looking like this: Our cake will be white or ivory with a blue ribbon as decoration on the bottom of the cake and some fresh flowers around the base of the topper. My questions are - do you think the topper needs some bling/crystals? Should I add any more to the cake (flowers)? I think the stand is very ornate and the cake should be toned down. I don't want the cake to be too overwhelming like the one on the picture. Whatddaya think?
  17. OMG - this makes me sick. My heart aches for this little girl.
  18. Your family is so adorable! I just want to hug that little boy of yours! What sweeties!
  19. I voted other - since May is Mother's day why don't we do pics of you and your mom, your mom, or your favorite women?
  20. It was the first thing I bought wedding related. It had a lot of good information. It gave me a place to start and a good idea of some of what I was getting into. BDW has helped the rest of the way!
  21. OOOhhh - good call on the bracelets - 7 bangels would be cute!
  22. How cute! That tanktop is hillarious!
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