Quote: Originally Posted by Duchess Dear Maura's co-worker...You better look out because I AM in Chicago, and we don't mess around in this hood!
And, you're situation is hitting way to close to home, so maybe channeling my rage toward your tyrant can help take my mind off of mine.
oh yeah..
Dear Maura's Co-worker:
Mess with my girl again and be ready for a BDW can of whoop-ass to be opened up on you!
Dear IRS:
You fucking bunch of idiots. What the fuck did you do with my 2007 taxes? I mailed them to you on February 13th along with my corrected 2006 taxes. It's funny that you found the 2006 taxes I mailed and not the 2007. Find my paperwork and send me my damn ass money! I have bills to pay! Can't you see I'm trying to stimulate the economy by having my wedding in Mexico? Don't even think of holding out on my stimulus check either - you guys have my taxes and one of your lazy ass employees probably stuck it in a pile somewhere and now you can't find it.
Dear Self:
Quit eating processed foods. You know they make you sick and you feel as bloated as a beached whale. Get some fresh vegetables and quit making yourself feel sick. You know better!