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Everything posted by Celina

  1. I was looking at Koozies in an OT catalog today! and was considering doing some. Those came out really cute! Thanks for posting!
  2. As I was opening the post - the picture was loading and my son who's watching the picture load says "those are cute". You got two thumbs up from my house! LOL! Thay are cute!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl wow what a thread. ANYWAYS, the doc told me to start taking Benefiber (completely taste-free and very easy to mix in juice, water, yogurt, cereal, whatever) to make my poops softer and more shiny ..... Abbie, I was like oooooooooohhhhh...softer shinier poop! I am all about the sparkles!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel South Park's Mr. Hankey can be our mascot: Actually this is a toy- I'm off to find one! This can be the trophy for the poo champion. HAHAHAHAHAHHA! HOLY F*UCK - THAT IS THE FUNNIEST THING IN THE WORLD!! I just lost all of my eye make up Rachel. OMG - that is perfect!
  5. Well - I just basically stood there with my mouth open! I was totally shocked! She said this as we were getting of the bus to come to the fire station. Once we got here there were 140 kids and a ton of adults. I kind of just let those girls run free. After their firehouse tour the kids were going back on the busses and would be reunited with their parents in another part of the airport. Since my daughter and I weren't going back with the rest of the group I asked one of the ladies who was in the group that I was with to take them back. I told her what she said and she said she would tell her dad. From the impression I got, everyone really thought their dad was a nice guy. I don't know the deal with their home life but I was totally apalled at their behavior - as were the rest of the adults who were in our group. Even my boss who works with the Childrens Burn Foundation (so he works with a lot of kids) - said to me this morning "My God - those kids were terrible! - Obviously you didn't know what you were getting into when you offered." I was like - yeah duh! Oh - I forgot to say, the little one called my daughter fat. OMG - That little girl almost got pounded! My daughter got in her face and in her meanest 10 year old voice said, "What did you say?" I had to pull my daughter away. I don't condone violence and know kids can be mean, but on the inside I was so proud of my daughter for standing up for herself. Some of the adults on the tour who heard this and saw what was going on kind of snickered because they knew the little one TOTALLY deserved it.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 No baby stories... other than my brother was a month early (induced) and still weighed 12 pounds and my Mom had him natural.... lol... WOW!! - What a woman!
  7. Okay - yesterday was bring your kid to work day. I have my sweet, polite, well behaved angelic daughter with me. We did a tour of the airport and there was a dad who worked here who had his two daughters ages 10 and 7. The dad didn't want to do the tour so I - being the nice mom that I am, volunteered to chaperone this guys two sweet little girls who I later found out were actually his little tyrant ass bad behaved obnoxious daughters! These kids were SO obnoxious. I soon found out why the dad dumped the kids with a group of strangers. He needed a freakin break! These girls were so bad! Besides myself, other parents had to firmly tell them to stop spinning on the poles in the train cars, get up off the floor, quit jumping around. We were on an escalator and the little one would get to the end and would just stand there. Twice she almost caused a huge accident because she would just stop. I had to push her to get her to move because I almost had four people fall on top of me! Okay - so we are in a bus and the older one says to me, "Did you have to take off your bracelets to get through security?" - I say yes. The girl says,"your bracelets are so pretty." I say thank you. My daughter chimes in, "yeah, my mom loves sparkly things. Her nails are sparkly, her ring is sparkly and her bracelets are sparkly - my mom loves to sparkle". The little girl says, "This lady on a tv show said that if you are a woman and you have too many sparkley things that you're a whore." My mouth fell open! My daughter says, "Mom - what does that mean?? The little girl looks up at me and says very matter of factly..."Thats just what that lady said on tv, so you must be a whore too".
  8. Whheeww....it has taken me since yesterday afternoon to finally get my shit straight (I couldn't resist!) and read this post without being interrupted! Maura - you can count me in! I have been looking into a cleanse for the past month! Me and one of my BMs have been thinking of doing this. I'll probably order it next week though. I am SO pumped to do this! I was watching Oprah a while back and Dr Oz was on there showing how stuff gets stuck in little pockets in your colon and it doesnt come out. You know how I've been trying to kick the processed foods crap too ~ I am SO all about this!
  9. Thank you SO much for posting those pics! I have been wondering about those bags! They are so cute - what a great deal! They are great gifts and I love the hats.
  10. The M&M people told me that they are fresh if left in the original packaging - even if you bought them 9 months out - yep - they are still good! I would either carry them on or put in checked luggage. I think either way they would be fine until you got to the hotel and got them unpacked.
  11. OMG - this is terrible! I would be heartbroken. HOw old is this guy? She is looking for love in all the wrong places. Give her a couple of months in Alaska all by herself and with a little luck she'll be running back home. She is so young. She has her life ahead of her. I am so sorry for this. This is terrible.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek The maraca pens were really cute but the flip flop playing cards are kinda tiny. I think they'd be hard to actually play with. Cool on the pens! I was going to order some from Oriental trading. i picked up some playing cards at the dollar store. they are the regular ones but came two in a pack for $1
  13. We are doing this as well. They will reserve an area in the restaurant for us and will even set up the way we want with table numbers, seating chart, etc. We are renting one of the bars and are having our cake and drinks and dancing separate. I say go for it.
  14. I got the same hat but it has "Bride" spelled out in rhinestones. $1 - you can't beat it!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Opice34 Oh, that sounds pretty!! I've been struggling with color because I really love purple. But not so much the tropical shades of purple....I love plums and aubergines...and I was struggling with such a deep, fall color at a tropical wedding. We're getting married in a garden overlooking the ocean, so it will be very colorful with the green grass and the turqouise water. I'd like something that would contrast the green and the blue. So...I'm thinking of still going with a deep purple but having really bright colored bouquets with some orange in them. I think orange or a berry color would be really pretty against the blue and green but most of my girls wouldn't want to wear something that bright. So, I'm thinking of a more muted color with bright accents... Have you picked your bridesmaids dresses yet? OMG - I love those colors. Wow - they will be SO stunning together! Sounds beautiful!
  16. My daughter and I totally want them! (it's bring your kid to work day and I brought her) - showing her how I totally am on BDW throughout the day) hehe!
  17. Well, after laughing so hard at Abbie's comments about Rachel's lack of smell-good - one of the men I work for came in this morning and says - "Good morning C - it's Admin's Day and I forgot to get you anything - but would you like a breakfast burrito? - I brought them in for our Chief's meeting". (which I don't attend) Nice that he was upfront - however since I am the Assistant to the Fire Chief that oversees 100+ firefighters and not one of their ratty asses remembered the one day to acknowledge what I do - they can all kiss my big ass!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl haha, it's because you took the smell good thing off your siggy you forgot to make sure you smell nice at all times! LMAO! RIGH ON CUE ABBIE! I LAUGHED SO HARD I SNORTED!!
  19. I was wondering how that went! Glad it worked out.
  20. Wow....what a big freakin control freak! I am so sorry she is this way. Hopefully things will settle down and everything will work itself out. Don't feel guilty for standing your ground either.
  21. On Robin's link on Heidi's teaser pics - if you scroll down to the bottom of Robin's link, there are pics of Courtney and TK's wedding.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl hahaha my BFF does this little lift thing where she lays down a little higher than she should be then scoots down without lifting her butt. so it gets shoved away from her upper thighs and doesnt make funny lines! lol - THIS IS HILLARIOUS!
  23. I don't think you are. I have the same problem. I was thinking the same thing as you, except with my feet! At the end of the summer I always have these flip flop tan lines on my feet! So now I am considering going shoe less all summer just to not have those stupid lines! LOL! You just want to look your best. For pictures sake (remember - pictures last a lifetime) - I don't think you are overreacting at all.
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