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Everything posted by Celina

  1. OMG-OMG-OMG - I can't wait to see them! My computer at home is so slow that it takes forever to load pics! Way to go on gettin me to work early Monday morning Rach!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenn3878 I saw these and LOVED and want to order them for BM and maybe one for me to wear one day! My sister is plus size too and I wasnt sure she would be comfortable in it. How is the material ?-She was afraid it would be clingy and stick/accentuate her "bumps" as she put it! LOL No ~ it's not clingy at all. It's very flowy. The dresses are very light and the material isn't clingy. Quote: Originally Posted by twinkletoes Very cute, and you cant beat the price! Great find. Do you remember the style # or name? I'm having difficulty finding it on the website. TIA Type in V Neck dress - that might help it come up. Let me see if I can find a packing slip.............I'll be right back....................the item number on the packing slip is 1G-U0796 As of Friday, they were still $19! Hope that helps! Quote: Originally Posted by roo66 why do i live in the uk its just so expensive here .where did you get them? could we order online?.just love everything about them I ordered them online at Newport-News: Women's Clothing, Sportswear, Shoes, Jeans, Special Sizes, and more
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 SO cute! Good find! I might have to steal those. My MOH is heavy set do you think they will look right? I changed the dresses because the girls sizes varied. My sis and MOH are plus size girls. The new BM is not. These dresses fit well on my MOH who is not top heavy, she just has junk in the trunk! She wears a size 20-22 and it looked cute on her. I have one BM who hasn't tried hers on, but since she isn't top heavy either, it should look fine. I bought the plus size girls an XL. I mention the top heavy part because I tried on the dress, and I am top heavy and it didn't look good on me. When I say top heavy, I am talking triple D's! Most of the world isn't as endowed as I am, so I'm sure she'll be fine. It is a stretch jersy knit and is very forgiving. The back is a v and it doesn't go down too far. You can wear a regular bra with it too. It looked cute on my skinny BM too!
  4. I see it - and I saw those at the dollar store too - they are TOO CUTE! I almost bought some!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Uhh ya! 100 lobotomies in one day! That's horrific! I kept saying it looked like there was blood splatters all over the walls too- specifically in the stretcher room where that girl got dragged across the floor. Please tell me why she still works there if that really did happen? I wouldn't buy that story, but she had a freakin witness to it. The other girl had to jump on her to stop her from getting dragged. FREAKY! I think that other girl - the bigger girl, she laughed too much. She was getting on my nerves. She's the one who said she saw a big black form in the doorway. Yeah - it was like blood splatters! I wish they would have caught some orbs or something on those little things where the lights light up. That would have been cool.
  6. Since my sis is out of the wedding, I ended up having to change the dresses and therefore our wedding colors. I found these dresses and really like them. The girls can definitely wear them again and they are very forgiving. I got the two BM's a dress in the teal color and my MOH the same dress in the silvery blue color. Sorry about the light blue pic - I couldn't make it any bigger. They will be wearing a cream colored flower behind their ear and will wear cream colored flip flops and matching starfish pendant necklaces. These dresses were $19 at Newport-News: Women's Clothing, Sportswear, Shoes, Jeans, Special Sizes, and more They are a jersey knit and are very cute on!
  7. Keep us posted and give your doggie a hug!
  8. Yep - I'm going to start a project list this weekend. I need to get more organized. I have a lot of little ideas in my head of things I need to do, but then I see all of these great ideas on this site and start all over!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek Oh man i just started my diet yesterday. your killing me abbie. lol I could lick my screen right now. I just licked my screen - right there where the little swirls are on the side of the plate ....yum, yum, yum!
  10. Right when I read your last post - I was thinking - maybe this will bring their family together and will give you guys a chance to see something in her husband that she sees. She sounds like she is in a lot of pain. I am so happy that you guys were there to be with her. My thoughts and prayers go out to your family.
  11. Have a wonderful wedding day Stephanie! You are in my thoughts today and I hope that everything goes wonderful for you!
  12. I hate to disagree, but after looking at tons of pics to show my FI and his groomsman, we all decided that when the groom wears a shirt the same color as his GM's, he looks like one of them in the pictures.
  13. Very cute! Love the length and like everyone else said - you can def wear again!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by MelissaH DH & I just spent the better part of our day on the couch watching Ghost Hunters on You Tube - the one at the Rolling Hills Asylum was pretty cool because we've been there - one of the scariest places I've ever been, and we didn't even go inside! Was that the one last night? Okay - why do I always get on and read this thread before I go to bed? I'll post tomorrow - so I don't get scared and have bad dreams. .....okay - one more thing...the one last night - the owner said they did lobotomy's there with NO anesthesia! The walls looked all weird like they had splatters on them.....creepy! Okay - now I'm going to bed!
  15. He mjust have rocked her world or something! Her new song cracks me up....only Mariah could get away with singing the words..."on Youtube, Youtube"...I crack up every time I hear it!
  16. Everything I have read says exactly what Amy said. If he is that upset, get some return address labels with both of your names on them. It may not look as nice, but maybe he'll be happier with it that way and it may make him feel not so left out.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by jessyg20 Ladies, I've been dreading having to tak glass centerpieces to Punta Cana, so I'm experimenting. this is my latest trial...Blum box..easy to fold, made out of cardboard. (Disregard the candles) LOVE - the blumebox! We are using them too! Those came out really nice - I like the starfish. Did it fold up well even after you decorated them - with the decorations on?
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by nikkianddean I didn't even catch the pic of you guys together up there. She's so cute!!! No matter how old they are....they are still boys. My brother got "Mama's Boy Forver" tatooed on his arm. Need I say more? I TOTALLY WISH that when my son gets older that he tattoos that on his arm for me! Mothers and son's have a different relationship. I absolutely worship my son. He is only 2, but has had my heart since I carried him inside me. Don't get me wrong - I love my daughter just as much, but in a different way. Jenny I am SO happy that your SIL showed up! - AND with a bouquet! We MUST see pictures! It sounds like an absolutely joyous day for your mom. She is lucky to have you and your FI!
  19. We watched it...and I 'm not sure if I should comment yet since Jenny missed it. Needless to say I woke up with my back killing me because I had to sleep with my daughter last night. She was SO scared. She does this every week! Yet - she is OBSESSED with watching it! She wouldn't even eat her dinner she was so in to it! It didn't help that when I went to bed with her the winds were howling - so I totally see why she was freaked out!
  20. I saw that picture and gasped! If that isn't the snappiest thing I've ever seen, I don't know what is!! I LOVE IT! I say dye the slip and not the shoes. Love it, Love it, Love it!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel This time was so hard for me too! We really cut out a lot of things we did during the savings period (movies, dinner, trips, etc) and DH was not having it. He was so pouty about me cutting back the spending and I was so pissed he didn't get it. We would fight over the budget constantly. In the end, it's totally worth it. Focus on the good stuff. It should help you get out of this slump and get excited about the wedding and trip. As for your MOH, I think honesty is always the best policy. IF you can't afford it, you can't afford it. She should understand. Also understand if she can't afford it either and ends up not going. It will get better! My FI is JUST LIKE YOU! I spoke to one of my BM's and she said she would give me the gift of $200 to help out my MOH. I can't find it in me to take her up on her offer. I have to really think the MOH problem out. She is the only one of all of my friends and family that I want there; that's why this is so hard for me. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 Celina, I am so sorry to read my date and time twin is going through a rough time! ........If you are feeling bummed maybe look at pics of your resort or other things you already have to remind you of your goal. You could even put those pics up around the house too! I am SO going to do this! I already have a pic of our view from our room in PV on my desktop background. I have this HUGE calendar of beach scenes. More pics! Gotcha! Quote: Originally Posted by JamaicaBride062108 I feel the same way! Now that the wedding is almost here I'm kinda freaking out! I have paid for most of the wedding myself, probably about 50/50 with my mom, but I have done every bit of planning. You really do just have to look forward to the wedding and what it means. This is not just any other day, it's your wedding day so it should be treated as something special. You are right - it is something special and should be treated as such. I am going to keep your quote handy (next to all of my pics posted around the house) as a reminder.
  22. I am so tired of cutting back on everything all for this stupid wedding. FI sees the light at the end of the tunnel (a 10 day vacation) - however I don't. I can't eat anything cause I'm on a diet, I can't go anywhere because I had an unexpected dentist bill to pay (I sucked up all my flex cash for the year on my daughters braces which I underestimated on - my fault for not budgeting last year), I want to go to New Mexico this weekend to my cousins birthday party, but can't go because gas is so damn expensive in my SUV, I am supposed to have a party on Friday but I am cancelling that too because I don't want to deal with it. I could afford all of the other things I want to do but I am paying for a wedding!! I am overwhelmed with my whole life right now. My MOH is poor and can't afford the deposit for her trip and now I opened my big mouth and said I would pay the deposit which I thought was $300 - but it's actually A$500. I can't find the courage to tell her I can't pay for it so I haven't said anything to her about it. I feel like such a loser.
  23. It's only 4 hours. They will just be getting back before it gets too hot and the sun is really up. I say let them go. My FI is doing a fishing trip - just the day after the wedding.
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