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Everything posted by Celina

  1. In order to get them to match, you may have to go to a tailor. Hey - I just noticed you're getting married the day after me! You should post on the November brides thread. Anyhow - Definitely get the pants if you can find them and as for shirts, if you want them to match I say go with the tailer. Also, another suggestion would be to wait until you got to Mexico and buy their shirts there. They will more than likely have two of the same in the two different sizes.
  2. I'd be pissed too! I would pay for the DJ but not his wife! Will the resort let you use their DJ equipment?
  3. Oh Rachel, That is so sweet of you to say. I asked FI this over the weekend - here is our conversation: ME: Honey, what if you don't like my dress? FI: You don't have to wear it that long. ME: What do you mean? FI: You're not wearing it the whole night are you? Aren't you going to change into something more comfortable? ME: What do you mean change? Are you going to change? FI: No, I'm not changing. That's why I'm wearing something comfortable. Some girls get two dresses. I don't know. I just assumed you would change. WTF I felt like choking him! He was so nonchalant about the whole thing. I have been pouring over every little detail and he's like - oh whatever! NO - I'm not changing! My question had nothing to do with me changing, my question was what if he didn't like it. Now, my attitude is whatever!!!! I'm sure he'll like it and yes - I am wearing my dress and my veil all night long! When else can you get away with wearing a veil? This is my one and only day and NO I'm not changing! In the end I'm sure he'll like it. I just didn't like his response. Pheww...that felt good to get out!
  4. At Michaels in the scrapbook paper, they have some. It's like 79cents a page though.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl celina, where did you get the blumeboxes? I haven't ordered them yet - I was just going to order them from Blumebox wedding centerpieces, table decorations, place card holders, flower vases and potted plants Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Celina- From what I've read on here, starfish are so fragile. While I agree that they look great on the blumebox, do you really want to waste time in paradise by glueing things? You could always take them and if it doesn't work out, then no worries! I think it would look pretty still without them. Or maybe there's something else we could think of that would add a bit more to the design instead of unpredictable starfish. Nah - I don't want to waste time glueing. Plus - they might think my gluegun is a real gun and it might be a security nightmare! LOL! AnyhowI could just add a little tag with our names or whatever - that would be cute too!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek they baby shower for my bros wife ended up being really nice. It was a lot of work, but she really enjoyed it so it was worth it. Of course i totally went of my diet this weekend, and now i'm back on. so my weigh in for the biggest losers isn't going to be good this Weds. i'm just going to try to be really good to try to make up for it. My bm dresses are a chiffon material so they will be flowy on the beach. And i'm getting them in a turqoise color. Here's a pic from the designers website: it's actually one of the two i picked out in December but than we changed gm shirts so i went out looking at 5 other stores, and still came back to this dress. i really love it. i don't know why i kept looking. my sis isn't too fond of it she doesn't think it looks right on her. I tried to explain to her that she was trying on a size 10 and she's like a size 4, so once it's fitted to her it will look great. She's such a skinny little beyoch, she will look great in anything! OOohh...I LOVE that dress! Nice choice!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Opice34 Oh - and my favorite part is probably the bustle! I think it's so cute! Here's the dress shop lady showing what the bustle will look like. What a cute dress! The bustle is cute! Great choice! Danielle - yep - I like getting wedding stuff done too. Right now I am focusing on getting one thing done at a time. This past weekend was a bust for me too. The only thing I did wedding related was look at the new In Style Bridal magazine and am kicking myself for asking my FI, "Honey, what if you don't like my dress" His response..."Well, you don't have to wear it for that long." I asked, "So what do you mean by that?" He says, "You're going to change arent you? You're not wearing it for the reception are you? Don't you want to be comfortable?" I could have killed him! Honestly, I almost cried. I feel like we are on two different planets when it comes to this wedding. Some questions are better left unanswered.
  8. I think we are going to go with two as well. Probably a Mexican guitar type of instrumental song.
  9. Wow Morgan - that was a lot for your friend to tell you that much! Most of my friends or family that can't go are just avoiding me! LOL! Becky - hopefully once she has a minute to think it through, or talk to you she will be back on board. Give it a minute. I'm sure you guys will work things out. Good luck!
  10. This is the second time I have heard this. I don't know for sure, but we'll see what others say....
  11. Geez - what a bunch of idiots! Some people just dont get it. Just knowing you are a caterer, they should have the common sense to ask!
  12. I'm sure it will be better than you expect. Just be yourself and enjoy your friends' party. Let us know how it turns out!
  13. Those were my thoughts exactly! I think we are going to do white roses with the same colored blumeboxes as jessy has. I'll have to find a ribbon that matches. I keep going back and forth on the starfish. Should I just take the glue gun and glue them on there? They are really cute and it adds to the beachy theme.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Kriswim Just make sure its not too windy!! They might blow away! Hopefully there will be enough sand in the bottom to weigh them down. Quote: Originally Posted by vtello thanks..I guess I will be shopping at Michaels this weekend..lol how are u making them? My plan is to get the small white bags and get a small doiley. Use some spray adhesive and spray on the doiley and glue it on the inside of the bag. I got a straight edge cutter that makes a lace design for the top edges of the bag. Put some sand in the bags and use tealight candles. I got teal colored tea lights to go with our wedding colors. Maybe the bags will have a slight teal glow. I'll post pics when they are done. I still have to find some small doileys first!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Kishalee I too am in the short boat. No..no...we can't be on the short boat...sounds too much like the "short bus"! - and we ain't even going there! LOL! I love the title of this thread..."For the shorties in the house"...makes me want to throw my hands up and yell..."shortie over here..wooo-woo"...LOL
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Celina- probably a stupid question but did you try dawn on the grease? Yes- we tried everything! Dawn, kitty litter (to absorb the grease), all kinds of cleaning and degreasers, we went as far as trying muratic acid - all that did was pull the color out and make it look worse. In the end the stains won and I bought the rug! I forgot, I had a REDNECK neighbor that lived across the street from me. This family had the most obnoxious kids. They had a boy who liked to start fights among all the kids. It had gotten to the point where he wasn't allowed on our property, and none of the kids would play with him because he was always hitting them. One day obnoxious boy, my daughter, my son and another neighbor boy were playing outside. I was sitting on my neighbors porch watching the kids play. Well, obnoxious boy snatches a toy from my then 1 1/2 year old son. My daughter saw him and told him to give it back. Instead of giving it back, he threw it at my son. I let my daughter beat his ass for a good 30 seconds before I said to stop! LOL! I know its wrong but he SO had it coming. His mom came out and said "Aren't you going to make her apologize"? I said "no - your kid does it all the time when you're at work and your husband lets your son terrorize the neighborhood. Kids will be kids! " To make a long story short - she threatened to have her 200lb - 6ft tall - 15 year old son "handle it" with my daughter. I ended up calling the cops on her for threatening my then 9 year old daughter. The police were very nice to us and gave her an ASS CHEWING! They were renters and eventually moved. After they moved out the owners were there cleaning and we were talking and I was tellling them about this, they said they had no idea they were like that.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyCheese How old is your son? He is too cute. Good luck with the trainer, I too need to get my workouts in. Its so hard to stay focused and consistent. grrr Oh - thank you! He is 2. He turned 2 in December.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Awww thanks. I bought it from a vendor the day before! It had these cute little butterflies on them that had beaded embellishments. It was so comfy and I didn't even have to wear a bra. I miss the honeymoon. Don't you love those vendors? I had some major bra issues while I was there....that's a whole other post! Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel haha- he makes weird faces because he can't keep his eyes open! LOL LOLOL! That's funny!
  19. LOL - Steve always has that "Steve-O" expression going on - he cracks me up!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Me too. The ambiance there is awesome- like the lighting. Same thing at the PV one. I think it would make for some really great PRO pics. I tried to take pics of it, but it didn't work. I'll post them. Cool little lights. A little to dark for my wimpy camera, but you get the idea. Steve enjoying his fajita. After we stuffed ourselves. I just think the place is soo cool and totally chill. I love how the tables have paper tablecloths. Your dress is SO cute!
  21. I know - it is kind of dark. I have a few of FI and our son but they were kind of dark. I have one of my daughter but she was passed out at the table. We put a bunch of drinks around her and took pics - she looks like a drunk! Actually, we had hung out at the pool all day and she was exhausted. Here's my pic of my FI and son - you can kind of see my daughter next to him passed out!
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