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Everything posted by Celina

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 I found the bags at Super-Size Mircofiber Tote Bag with Large Front Pockets #LT221-Black Polka Dot which is wholesale accessory market. Yeah I have my RSVPS for Sept 18. Speaking of AHRS...what are you all doing? November is kinds of a tough month with holidays and all. We were thinking about waiting until Spring so we could BBQ and all, we arent doing anything formal at all. We have a great home with double decks and a finished basement for entertaining so not going to rent a banquet hall or anything. those bags are cute! Well - I didn't want to do anything big. The thing is, we have SO many connections for things, that it wouldn't be a big deal for most of it. Location would be the first thing - I was thinking we could do something at my dads church basement which is really nice and they have a kitchen and a separate entrance. We could do something for a couple of hours and a breakfast brunch would be enough. I was thinking of doing a brunch the Saturday before Thanksgiving. If that doesn't work out, I was thinking of doing an open house all day on the same day. We have a small house and when we usually have stuff it's in the summer because we have a big yard and patio. I even thought of renting a tent and some heaters for our patio. The thing is, I want wedding stuff to be over by the end of November. Food isn't a problem. My FI is a chef and we have several friends who are caterers - so I'm not worried about that. If it's at our house it would be kind of nice too because while we are off getting married we plan on having our kitchen, laundry room and bathrooms tiled and we may get new countertops too! We are registering with these guys I know who own a tile company. Our plan is to have them do the work while we are out. This brings another question...I'll start a thread on that one...
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 Well my MOH is my sis so she deserves something nice and the diamond studs for the girls are a nice keepsake I thought. Am I nuts? Celina, I will have to post my dress when I get home I dont have photobucket access at work, bastards! When are you guys sending out invites? I was thinking late July early August? The bags I am wanting to get are described as such(cant post pics cuz of damn photobucket): "Fabulous diaper tote, beach bag, or all-around large tote. It's got a heavy duty plastic lined bottom, wipe-clean inside and big pockets for bottles, sunscreen, or miscellaneous. Durable microfiber construction * 3 huge pockets on outside front of bag * inside zip pocket * double webbed handles with 10" drop * wipe clean inside * oval bottom with heavy duty plastic lining * 20" Wide x 14.5" Tall x 9" Deep " I will need about 15 of them so not too many No, you're not nuts! I know, I hate work sometimes too! I was thinking early august too - with a September 22nd rsvp date. (Sept 22nd is FI's b-day - he thought that would be a cool date to have them back - I know - he's a dork!) Plus, that will give me time to get my FI on board with my plan for an AHR ! hehe! Your bags sound nice! Where are you getting them from?
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek booo i have to wait to i go home to look at them celina, my computer word doesn't have all the fonts i have at home. 30 ppl is good, are you still expecting more to book? steph i would love to be your moh and get diamond dangle earrings, i bet they're pretty. for my bags, the ones i originally bought from cheap totes were .79 a bag (i think now they're .99) and the iron transfer paper i bought was $20 for a 20pgs. so that was like 1.79 a bag. the ones i now have are 2.50 a bag with the imprint already done. what kind of bag are you getting for $4.95, they could be a lot nicer than mine. Mine were nothing special just cotton totes. You know - I'm not sure if anyone else is booking. My dad has a huge family and only 5 on his side are coming. FI has a small family and all of them are coming! I really want to have an AHR, but FI said no. I'm just biding my time - I'll figure a way to squeeze it in! Me too - I want some dangle diamond earrings!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 Ok ladies, if you dont mind me asking how much does each tote cost including the tote and the logo? I found ones for $4.95 each that I love but dont know if I am nuts for paying that much. Today I got my flowergirl flip flops that they are going to decorate for the ceremony and I ordered my FG gifts (diamond studs, they are both 10 years old) and my MOH gift, diamond dangling earrings. Oh and I made my alteration appointment to have my train cut off. Totes were 99cents each. I have a friend who works for an embroidery company. She is embroidering all of our bags with our logo and the handkerchiefs for FREE! I was shocked! I told her I could pay her, and she said NO - they do so many huge orders - 1000 + - that my 30 bags were nothing! SHe is doing the logo with the circle, palm tree and it just says "Puerto Vallarta, Mexico". I figured that people could use the bags over again if it wasn't SO personalized. How sweet of you to get them diamonds! I'm getting my girls (MOH, BM's, and Flowergirl) silver starfish necklaces. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 Celina, yeah it costs a few points to look, but I did anyway and I am glad I did, I love it! Very cool! Yeah for getting stuff done! I swear us Nov brides are rockin! We are getting a lot done! BTW - where can I find a pic of your dress??
  5. Denver sucks! We don't have any little China town. Maybe I just need to get out of the suburbs and venture into the city! I am going to venture into some Mexican stores this weekend to try to find another little sombrero!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek celina, you got a lot done. that must a relief that your mom, bm and aunt booked their trip. Where's the pic of your logo? you can't mention that your logo is done and not show us what it looks like. i have bags from cheaptotes (i actually have to sell them because i ordered other ones) but they are really nice quality. are you getting the canvas ones? they are very nice, especially for the price. btw, i received my totes we had done today. when i get home i'll post a pic, they look great. Yeah, it was my Maid of Honor, brides maid and her hubby and kids and my aunt and uncle. I think our group is about 30 right now. My logo is in a word file, so I haven't posted it because I thought it took points to view- do you know if it does? I attached it anyway. Yeah, I got the canvas totes. I tried to post a pic of the logo she had embroidered, but I couldn't get it to upload on to photobucket. I think it is because I'm at work which is weird because it has worked before. Round Monogram.doc
  7. I will save this one as I was going to order some. How is the quality? Thanks for sharing!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by ethrondson I have been away for 11 days, so I see there has been a bit going on! LOL. First off, as for the FI and my dress, he figured that he should get to pick out the dress for me. I finally got him to understand that he gets to see it when I am walking down the isle to him. There that part was taken care of. But then he knows our daughter is having the same dress as mine but no train, and when he found out they had it in the city and she tried it on, he wanted to go and see what it looked like on her. Now he uses the excuse, "She's my daughter and I should get to have a say in what she wears". I have told him that my dress is white with Teal, but that is it. It seems to have held him off for a bit. LOL I got my shoes last week too. I am planning to go barefoot for the ceremony, and then I got 2 pairs of flipflops for the reception. One pair is white, and when I walk in the sand they will leave little palm tree impressions. I got these ones at Pay-less. The other pair are a green/teal colour and they have sea shells across the top. I got these ones at Winners. I would love to see your shoes! I got some things marked off my list myself - I got MOH, BM, her hubby and kids, my aunt and her husband to all get their deposits on their trips yesterday. This morning my friend got our logo done for our OOT bags, so I went ahead and ordered my bags from Promotional tote bags custom sizes and styles from cheap totes and I ordered some handkerchiefs from Bumblebee Linens - Wedding Handkerchiefs, Linen Napkins & Towels, Embroidery Blanks She is going to do the embroidery of the logos on the bags and she will embroider our wedding date on the hankies. I forgot that I was doing hankies! I got one for me and FI, one for each BM, MOH, my Flowergirl (daughter - who is a BIG crier at weddings) one for FMIL and my stepmom.
  9. I'm happy today because my friend who is working on our logo for out OOT bags finished the logo and I LOVE it! Now I can order my bags and get this part of my planning done!
  10. Since I paid for my MOH and BM's dresses and shoes, their bags will have regular OOT stuff, with the exception of a BM or MOH tank, manicure set, a magazine (each one will be different so we can all share), a pashmina, shout wipes and whatever other cute things I find. I have 1 MOH and 2 BM's so it's not a lot to buy for. At our rehersal dinner I am going to give them their jewlery which will be starfish necklaces with a nice card I'll have my MOH read our loud. I'm also going to give my MOH a hankie with our wedding date embroidered on it.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Very cool!!! You'll have a blast - again! BTW I've been to Denver airport 2x, both for layovers. It is nice, and big (I think that is the one where there are subway-like cars to get you around?) One thing that struck me was how white it was...lol I know that sounds funny being that I'm white and all - and maybe it was a coincidence both times I was there - but almost everyone was the same color with the exception of a few airline employees. It was so striking I called my parents from the airport because I had to tell someone! Maybe coming from CA that was strange to me because I've never seen that before, but it was sort of eery. Anyways, that was pointless but you struck a memory....have fun in PV!! OMG - that is HILLARIOUS! I've never noticed! I am cracking up!
  12. I am happy today because my BFF (MOH), Aunt, Uncle, Other BF (BM), her hubby and two kids all booked their trips today! They are all on the same flight! Also, my aunt in law finally got an on-call job with the City. I am so happy for her. She just got her last unemplolyment check. Also, FI is giving me $1K to pay towards our furniture bill, but I am thinking of spending $200 of it to get some misc. wedding stuff done so I can get all of my DIY projects going. The bill doesn't get interest on it until September and I'm using my tax check to pay it before September anyway. So I can get the wedding stuff now, or later - doesn't matter! ALSO - I'm happy that FI got an unexpected credit line increase on his American Express Card! I teased him that now he can pay for my mariachis at the wedding!
  13. OMG I am so jealous! I want to go to PV!! No you aren't crazy for wanting to walk down those stairs - I would totally do the same thing! The Denver airport is the best! I actually work there and can say it is the best. (O.K. - so I'm partial) You'll find plenty to eat and little stores to check out. The main terminal just opened a patio where you can go out and get a beautiful mountain view! I'd say grab a bite to eat, and go chill on the patio! Have a great time!
  14. Carly everything looks amazing! Your shoes are SMOKIN! I LOVE them! You have worked so hard on everything and it has turned out so wonderful! Pat yourself on the back, because you have really outdone yourself! Saturday will be here before you know it! I wish you the best!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by JennyK I want her shoes!! I want those shoes to wear for a BD pic! HOT-HOT-HOT!! Gotta have the sparkle!
  16. Helen, I want to say thank you so much for the review. Katie looked amazing and you don't look too bad yourself! All of your information has been so helpful. What time did Katie get married? I am concerned with all of the lookeyloos on the beach. I would love to hear her perspective on how everything went. She seems so laid back. You have answered so many questions for me, and I think she is the first RIU Vallarta Bride! Thank you for sharing your pics and for all of your help. You have been so wonderful and helpful! Thank you again SO MUCH! ~Celina
  17. YAY for shoes!! BTW - did you guys see Target had flip flops on sale for $6 this week. I told FI that I needed all of the sparkly ones! They have brown, turquoise, white, black and pink!
  18. Hi Edna, You are in my thoughts and prayers! I wish you a speedy recovery! Love ya! Celina
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