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Everything posted by Celina

  1. If your dress is tight enough it may be okay, if not I went with a Goddess long line bra - like a strapless bustier. They sell at JC Penny's. Good luck!
  2. Like everyone else said, you guys look like you are having so much fun..great pics, thanks for sharing!
  3. Congrats Rebecca - the babies are so sweet!
  4. I haven't read all of everyones posts, but wanted to put this out there...I changed my state ID to my married name and since we are going back to Mexico for a mini-honeymoon without the kids (YAY!!); I had to get another passport with the name change and it cost $75 since it was over a year ago. For those of you whose passports are still fairly new, change them with your new name as soon as possible. I was so bummed to have to pay all over again! Nice to read up on everyone. This is a great thread Erin!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Maureen When I went to mass this weekend I did not go up for Communion because I haven't been to Church regularly which is a sin and I have to go to confession before I can receive the Body of Christ again so I sat in the pew and had TJ in my arms. Well the usher thought I didn't go up because the baby was asleep so he cleared the people from the pew in front of me and brought over the Eucharistic Minister and atlar boy to serve me Communion in my seat. Everyone was looking at me. I was mortified. HOLY MOLY Mo - I would have been petrified and mortified too! Quote: Originally Posted by Abbie now THAT would be a fun reality show "Confessions from a Confessional" HILLARIOUS Abbie - this would be great! I put that I am spiritual. I believe in Jesus Christ and God and all that. I like going to Christian church, but DH doesn't like to go. Our daughter was "dedicated to the lord" in the Christian church. I will attend every couple of years or so. Our son was "baptized" in a Catholic church. I went to Sunday school when I was a kid - my parents made us go however they never went. They probably just wanted some time alone LOL! I just believe in praying and living a good, honest life. I guess I'm part of "The live a good, honest life and pray whenever you want church". I believe in Karma so I always try to do unto others at all time. My father is TOTALLY immersed in his church which is baptist and my sister is the same way with her Catholic church. Needless to say according to them I am going to burn in hell or purgatory because I don't go to church nor do I make my kids go to church.
  6. Have you asked at LeKliff? I'm sure they have a vendor that would be able to give you some pics and prices.
  7. Here is a pic of my bouquet during the ceremony: Here's a pic after the end of the night: (excuse all the crap on the table) Here is a pic of our guestbook table. It had all of the BM's bouquets, my bouquets and the flowers from the arch: Here's a pic of the table set up in the Flamingo restaurant. We had three tables with 10 to 11 people each. We purchased six centerpieces from them (two for each table) and we brought our own blumeboxes because we initially were going to go to the market to buy flowers, but when we got there DH said to just have them do the flowers. BEST DECISION! After the wedding since we were there for 7 more days, we kept all of the flowers in our suite and enjoyed them. It was so nice because they were beautiful. Hope this helps!
  8. I ordered my BM dresses from Newport News. I suggest buying one dress and having the girls check it out. It takes a long time to get a return from NN - like 4 weeks. Yes - it's a super cute dress and very fitting for a glam/beach wedding! Good luck!
  9. We went with paper fans. I DIY'd these. I bought the programs at Office Depot, the little sticks at Hobby Lobby and the ribbon on-line. It was an easy project and these were placed on the seats of the chairs before the ceremony. Hope this helps!
  10. On the top of this section of the forum there is a sticky for centerpieces, you'll find tons of great ideas there!
  11. If VP doesn't work and you can't find something on there that you like, you may have to make your own. Try Michaels, Walmart or Target - they may have some DIY products you could try and all you have to do is print out the information.
  12. I think you should sit down with all involved and tell them what you think. You only get married once and when the planning and wedding are over - they're over - no going back. Don't live with regrets. Getting this out now will only save you anguish later.
  13. I was in PV last November from the 5th thru the 10th and I don't remember it being windy. I would suggest using a hurricane type of candle holder if anything just to be on the safe side.
  14. YAY!! SUPA-STAAHHHHR! AND WELL deserved! DUDE!!!.....l am LOVING that blinking star! LOVE IT!
  15. I'm bumping this in case anyone is buying M&M's over Easter and plans to use them later. Bottom line - M&M's will stay fresh in their original UN-OPENED packages if you buy them now and store them in a cool dry place. DO NOT FREEZE THEM! All of this info is per the folks at M&M's.
  16. Celina

    Hi Everyone!

    STFU!!! LOLOLOL! This is the funniest thing ever! Welcome to the forum Abbie!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Heatherbean Did any of the Riu Vallarta/Jalisco previous brides arrange for a welcome/rehearsal dinner? If not, what did you guys do for group activities? Was there any type of ceremony rehearsal? DH didn't want a rehearsal, but we did have a dinner. We had it at Fajita Republic in Nuevo Vallarta. We sent out separate invites because everyone who went down wasn't invited and the invites had menu choices on it. I created a seating chart and we got there early and had everyone's place cards set and the servers knew what went where. My MIL paid for it so I'm not sure what the total was. I may still have the menu. Quote: Originally Posted by jmiranda Since we are not having the ceremony at the riu we can not get one of there packages so this leaves us with choosing either the riu florist or an outside vendor. I just need to find out prices so that I can determine which route to go with. GO WITH THE RIU FLOWERS!! Mine were stunning, as were Mel's. You won't regret it. I had them do our centerpieces, boutoneeres, bouquets and arch flowers. I was beyond pleased with them. I had both white and yellow cala's and white and yellow roses. All were goregous!
  18. Our wedding was on a Saturday. We met with the photographer the following Tuesday in the hotel lobby. Mind you - the guy we met WAS NOT the guy who took the pics. We looked at the pics before purchasing and after going thru them all, DH just said here's the money we'll buy the cd. He gives you the CD without any copywrights or anything so you can distribute and print as you wish. I STRONGLY Suggest that you tell the photographer beforehand what pictures you want. Depending on the time of day you might get into it with the sunset pictures that the photographer provides for the hotel as well. Have a list of pics you want ready and make sure your guests who you want in the pics know this as well. We had some guests wander off and I am missing some of them from our big group picture.
  19. Oh Amanda - those are great! Thanks for sharing!
  20. I think you are right in thinking that this acting out may be because of the inconcistencies in her life right now. She has a lot going on at home and then her dad is re-marrying. She has to feel like she isn't sure where she belongs. Continue to be loving and patient with her. This too shall pass!
  21. EEK! Sorry I haven't checked this thread in a while, but this is the info I have. Quote: Originally Posted by Ruth Here's another question for Riu Vallarta brides. Can we bring CD's and hook up to their speaker system or does it have to be an iPod? I'm not sure about the CD's. We had everything on an Ipod and went that way. Quote: Originally Posted by Ruth Hopefully no one will get sick of these questions. If the groomsmen are wearing khaki shorts and linen shirts, will they be able to get into the a la carte restaurant for the wedding dinner or do they have to change into long pants? I don't know how strictly they enforce the dress code for reception dinners. I was told that because it is a wedding party you can wear whatever you want for the wedding reception dinner. Any other time the dress code would be enforced. Quote: Originally Posted by Ava Does anyone happen to have a copy of the legal ceremony, or can tell me how much flexibility they had with their ceremony? I wrote our ceremony and DH and I wrote our own vows. We had a prayer, sand ceremony, exchanged vows and in all I would think it took around 20 minutes total. You can write whatever you want, I think you just have to keep it at a reasonable amount of time. We did the non-legal ceremony (had a JOP wedding here), and during the ceremony we had to sign a certificate. I thought that was nice because now we have two wedding certificates - one from here and one from Mexico.
  22. Thanks for starting this thread Erin! Nice to see everyone! Quote: Originally Posted by Chiquita I don't really post alot on here anymore but I check in daily just to see what's up with all the old-timers on here so this is the perfect thread for that!! Hey Lisa, thanks for calling us old-timers LOL! That is hillarioius! I haven't been doing much since the wedding. We had the holidays and have since been just working. I miss wedding planning - I really enjoyed it! I still have wedding pics to give out but there is just not enough time in the day! We are now working on opening a bar and I've taken to drinking wine. Besides that, not much going on here! Oh yeah - and we are going on a mini-honeymoon WITHOUT the kids in 45 days! Abbie - what day do you guys leave?
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