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Everything posted by Celina

  1. Awww MAN! That sounds like a blast! Last year we just missed the parades for Guadalupe day in December. We got downtown late and went to dinner at El Arrayan and when we came out the people were cleaning up from the festivities. Sounds like fun though!
  2. Yeah, I couldn't be too mad at that little boy...he has a way of tugging at my heartstrings. He is being mean to me lately. Last night he wouldn't go to bed so I put him in with me and FI. He tells me, "no mommy this is my spot. You go sleep on the couch". He is a stinker! Anyone have any plans this weekend? Tomorrow I am going to work till 11am, then at 2 we are going to a b-day party for one of my BM's sons, then at 6pm we are going to dinner for FI's b-day. He doesn't know about the dinner. I invited his two best friends and cousin. (Basically all of the groomsmen) and their wives. We are going to meet at this hole in the wall Italian place that sells the BEST calzones that he has been craving for the past two weeks. Sunday am we may go pick up my nephew and take him to breakfast for his b-day. Then of course come home to watch the Bronco game. I finally got my last two DIY tank tops done. I had to do one for one of my BM's and I did one for myself. It says "Just Married" and it has a palm tree on each side - all in rhinestones of course! It came out really cute! I ordered some custom invites for the rehearsal dinner and menu selections from Vista Print yesterday for my FMIL. I should also be getting my completed cake boxes back from one of my BM's who was working on them. I think that's it! Next Saturday we need to go to the church to look for linens and look at the space for our AHR. My Step mom said they have TONS of linens that were donated to them but we have to go through the storage area and pull them out. OH YEAH - we also got a gift from our registry! That's it for now! What about you guys?
  3. Hot Damn girl! That dress is hot! You must have an awesome bod to pull that one off - good for you!!! I too am wearing an ivory dress, FI is wearing ivory pants and a white shirt. We found ivory linen pants at islandimports.com
  4. I must say though....my closet has that "hanging out at the pool" smell! Which really isn't that bad.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Chiquita Hey ladies.. just checking in with all of ya Michelle your dress looks fantastic!! Danielle.. I hope that is your shower date! Just be prepared in case it is.. heh! I'm still working on scrapbook pages.. it's slow going.. ugh And for some reason I just don't feel like logging into BDW that much anymore.. I don't know why? The only thread I really check out is this one.. and if there is anything new in the Maui section.. it's so weird. Hope everyone is doing well!!! Awww..I know what you mean. There are so many newbies. I usually check this thread and any others that are posted by the older members. What else have you gotten done? Your day is coming soon! Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride08 I am going to try and print my wedding programs. I think I have been saying this for the past couple weeks, but I think I might actually have some time this weekend to do it. I just have to finish getting stuff ready for our garage sale next weekend, and go out to eat with the fam for my Grandpa's birthday. I got my raffia fans today! The handles are bigger than I thought so I'm not sure if the personalized ribbon is going to work. I'll be bummed if it doesn't because I'm going to have this big thing of ribbon leftover with our name and wedding date on it. I used it on our bubbles, but I don't know what else I can use it for. I do have some fat green ribbon left that I can wrap around the handles, but I don't think I have enough of that ribbon for all the fans. I also ordered some blumeboxes today. I got 6 of the hot pink to use for centerpieces, 2 hot pink ones that can be used to hold the BM bouquets and I got a green one which I will put my bouquet in which will be the centerpiece on our table. We are going to have a sweetheart table so I thought having that and a centerpiece would be too much. I'm the only one with a green vase/box, but my flowers will be pink so I thought pink on pink would be too much. The BMs flowers will be white/ivory, and I haven't decided what type of flowers to use for the centerpieces. I need to think about that one. I should hopefully get my parasols soon. The only thing I think I have left to order is the maracas for our favors/placecards. I just need to see how much room we are going to have left in our suitcases. I wanted to do a pair of maracas per person with a tag tied to them with their name. Otherwise, I don't know what else to do for favors. I wanted to do bottles of tequila, but I don't know if we'll be able to get those down there and worry that we won't find enough. Although, we can do one bottle per couple so we would only need about 15. Your Pink and Green blumeboxes sound cute! I love pink and green together! Are you decorating the blumeboxes? I ordered the aqua colored ones, but am thinking of ordering some additional smaller ones since our tables are long. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek Tequila with Margarita mix would be so cute for a favor. That would be a super cute favor! Okay - so I have to tell you last night that my son was in rare form and was acting like Satan's twin. 1st, during the day he poured his Lucky Charms all over the living room floor. Then around 6:00 he emptied a bottle of ketchup all over my living room table and poured water on it. THEN as if his hellish antics couldn't get any worse - I was upstairs in my bathroom that is in our bedroom. He was in the bedroom. I hear the closet door close and can see that the light is on so I know he is in there. Usually he goes in and plays with my shoes or he likes to hide. Well, over the weekend I was packing up some stuff. I had a bottle of sun tan oil in a zip lock bag inside of another zip travel case that also had extra deoderant, sunscreen and the tanning oil in it. You may be able to see where this is going.....I had the bag on the table by the closet door. I walk over and open the closet door and there he is....sitting on the floor....COVERED in suntan oil!!!!!! He has it all over him, his clothes and the carpet. Guess what is sitting behind him MY WEDDING DRESS!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK GOD he didn't get anything on it or I would have taken the day off to go buy a new dress.
  6. Girl you rock! I love everything - esp. the table ware and centerpieces. It is going to be beautiful!
  7. These are great. I still have no idea what to do for centerpieces for our AHR. I have some round tables and some rectangle tables. These are great ideas!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Awww Amy your pictures are priceless! Besides the beauty in the love and details, you are so blessed to have had so many family members and friends attend. You and Hans have an amazing group of supporters to share your life. Thanks for sharing, LOVE THEM!!! I couldn't have said it better myself! I absolutely agree! I love the picture of the bridal party on the steps of the church. Everyone looked amazing and the colores were absolutely perfect! Thank you for sharing Amy - they were beautiful!
  9. First time moms are usually like this. By the time the 2nd one comes around they are totally over it and aren't so nitpicky and it's usually the moms who are like this. Hopefully BIL talked some sense in to her! Keep us posted!
  10. I'm with the others that said champagne with red accents. I think it would look so elegant. Red & white would be kind of Valentines. Red & Gold reminded me of fall. The red does look good on you!
  11. Where are you guys staying at? Are all of the guests staying at the same hotel?
  12. She is ABSOLUTELY over reacting! Mr. Keegan is going to be fine! She doesn't even have to get off the plane for one and if someone is there to help her, she'll be fine. My little guy did great on our trip. He was almost 2 when we went to PV last year and the thing that was the biggest life saver was the portable DVD player and snacks. I took the DVD player with movies he had never seen, but were themes he liked (Max & Ruby's Halloween, a Nickelodeon montage of kid shows etc.). We picked up some snacks at the airport and took his empty sippy cup with us through security and got him some milk at McDonalds and he was fine. One more little trick I learned was to take some toys. I have been saving all of his McDonalds happy meal toys. I don't show them to him or open them. (Poor guy - he doesn't even know Happy Meals come with toys) LOL!! I throw a couple of the unopened toys in the carryon bag and when he got fussy I would pull out one. He totally thought it was new because I made a big deal of opening it and it entertained him for a while. If he lost it, it was no big deal either. If she is going alone I can see where she would feel overwhelmed. With a little bit of planning she will be okay. Kids at that age are tricky. My kids were both very active at 1 yr. They liked to scream just to hear their own voice. Hopefully the flight isn't too long. I'm wondering what Gravol is myself.
  13. WOW Alyssa ~ you look amazing! I love, love the pic with the parasol! I am so happy you guys had a wonderful time. I can't believe Kareem got into the water - suit and all!! I am so excited to see the rest of your pics. You both look so happy! The group pic is great too! YAY!! You are a Mrs!! Congratulations and welcome back!
  14. Oh how fun Erica! You look like you were having a great time! YUM - you had a chocolate fountain too! Yummy! That is awesome that you get to keep the plates! Looks like a wonderful time! Your expression in your dress is priceless!
  15. Oh, Kat - I am so sorry about the video mess. I don't know what I would have done. I am glad that everything else turned out for you and that you didnt let it get to you! You are now a Mrs! Congratulations and glad to have you back! You look beautiful!
  16. OMG Yari - those are great! Not only did you ride the bull - you did it in a dress! Way to freakin' go! You are my hero! There is no way in hell I would ride that thing!
  17. BLAAAAAAAHHHHH!! LOLOL! OMG Yari! YOU ARE A HOOT!! I CAN'T wait to see pics! What a freakin' blast!!
  18. OH Danielle! I am biting my nails for you!!!
  19. I love your CD's! they came out great! How awesome that Donnie is involved - too sweet!
  20. Let me be the first to say CONGRATULATIONS! Love ya! Celina
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