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Everything posted by Celina

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek You should definately do a Wig out party they look like so much fun from other girls pics. How was "Made of Honor"? i have to rent it to get me in the mood too. How exciting your picking up your dress!!! and the basket sounds beautiful perfect for the DW. I'll tell you how the movie is after we watch it this weekend. It is going to be cold and may snow on Sunday - perfect for veging out and watching videos. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 Hey ladies! Danielle, you look fabulous! That dress is gorgeous! I am heading off in a few minutes for my first dress fitting. Dont think too much needs to be done. Celina, I love your welcome letter! Love all the colors!! Great job!! I have my shower next sat, Oct 18. Very excited! I dont remember who said it but I agree, it will suck to not be able to send happy wedding day wishes to you all!! But know I will be thinking about you guys!! Thanks! I know, I llove Danielle's dress too. How cool on your shower! Gosh - I know that on our day Steph, you will absolutely be on my mind! We've been date twins forever! Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 I am back from my fitting. No pics sorry ladies, I was alone and honestly just forgot the camera. Not too much needs to be done. Go to pick it up Oct 25. Woohoo! That is awesome! Is yours a lace up back or strapless? Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek Little alterations needed means little cost. i go for my last fitting Oct 27th. it doesnt really need anything else done unless i lose a lot-a lot of weight but it's a lace up back so still should be okay. Wooohooo i'm so excited i'm leaving work in a half hour and 2morrow is my bachlorette party. which reminds me i have to make sure i bring my camera with me OMG Danielle that is awesome on your Bparty! You better take some pics! At least it wasn't a surprise! I'd hate to have had you running around again all primped up again! LOL! ERICA - I am excited too to see your TTD dress!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Ava Hey again Raeka! Just a few more questions. I know you brought your own photographer, did you try substituting out the photographer in the package (I know he was there in the end)? I want to switch out the photographer for a DJ, and while I know they will do it for smaller items, I'm wondering if they shot you down on this one. Another question: Did they have like a hors devoures (no idea how you spell that) option? For example, to serve appetizers on the beach after the wedding? (We get married at 1, so trying to fill up the day!). Thank you! Hi Ava, Have you tried e-mailing the WC to ask her? She is pretty acommodating and may be able to help. Mel, did you go to the disco and if so, how was it?
  3. I am blessed to have wonderful in-laws. FI is an only child so he doesn't have any siblings but has two best friends who are like my BIL's. I get along with them wonderfully. One of their wives and I get along fantastic, and the other one I don't have anything in common with. We get along, just don't have much in common except that we are both moms. FMIL is great. Always upbeat and adores our kids. I sometimes wish she lived in the same state as us - but realize we probably get along so well because we don't. FI's bio dad passed 10 years ago and I was lucky to have met him. FMIL's hubby is wonderful too. He is so giving and caring and we all get along great. They are both great grandparents to the kids and I am so blessed to be a part of their family. As for my FI - unfortunately he got the short end of the stick on this deal. My dad and step mom aren't bad, but they are religious and are VERY stiff. So I feel sorry for him. He got dissed on the in-laws and sister in law department.
  4. To answer the person who asked about why so many of us are taking centerpieces it's because many resorts charge insane amounts for centerpieces. Mine won't even offer vases unless we buy their centerpieces, that's why I went with Blumeboxes. They are pretty easy to pack and I plan on using them at our AHR too for the few reserved tables we'll have. I hope to plan my finished Blumeboxes next week. I'm waiting on some rhinestone monograms to come in before I post them.
  5. Wow Mel! I can't believe it's been a year. My goodness how time has flown by! You were my first BDW crush! ...AND the original RIU Puerto Vallarta Bride! I remember crying the first time I saw your slideshow it was amazing! (Boy am I a big sap today or what) Congratulations to you and Jared. Have an awesome anniversary!
  6. You look so pretty! I love your dress! The B&W pics are nice. Congratulations!
  7. Thanks for the compliments on the brochure! I have been told several times the past few weeks that I am very detail oriented. My MOH asked me yesterday after I told her I want us to "Wig-Out" for my Bach party; She was like, "Where do you come up with all of this stuff??" I told her - Oh my friends on BDW! We were on the phone and I swear, I could hear her shaking her head! LOL! Okay - so I go tomorrow to pick up my dress. I am SO EXCITED!! It will be the first time I've had it on where it actually fits. I am going to try to get some pics with my old camera so FI doesn't see it. If all goes well, I'll be dropping the bag in the mail to Tara. I plan on packing OOT bag stuff this weekend and dying my hair. FI and I went to the video store last night and I rented "Made of Honor" to get me a little in the mood! haha! Erica - I could not give myself a shot! You are brave! Jocelyn, I love the purple on your letter. OKAY - I forgot to tell you, one of my BM's told me that she went to someone's house and they had this basket with towels in it and it had all of these starfish on it. She said they were white but had little rhinestones all over them! Of course I fell in love with the idea so now I think I am going to accessorize all of my baskets for my AHR with these lovely starfish that I can glue little rhinestone thingeys on. Doesn't that sound great??
  8. Yadira....know that you and B are in my thoughts today. I wish you a wonderful day as you marry the man of your dreams. I hope for a perfect day in beautiful LC! Hugs and kisses! We miss you and of course can't wait for pics! Love ya! C
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt I've had that same thing. Sometimes I look at the pics and I love it, other times I hate it. Oh, and I have wedding dress nightmares - where the alterations lady royally f's it up. Nope, we're giving them out at the resort. OUr guests are from all over so it's easier for us that way. I leave 3 weeks from today. That just blows my mind. We've been engaged forever, and I've always had the "wedding is so far away" feeling. And I still do, only now the wedding isn't far away at all!!! I have been feeling the same way Tara! Danielle, This is what we used for our welcome letter to the guests. We did a brochure from my favorite....you guessed it....Vistaprint.com Here's the outside.... The outside cover says welcome to the wedding, outside/back middle has a place where people can write down room numbers, and the other flap is a note from us thanking them for coming. Here's the inside.... The inside flap has a map of where we are located, the middle section has the wedding day timeline, and the other flap has misc. info and tips on PV and things they should know. We are going to put these in their OOT bags which will all be assembled when we get there.
  10. WOW - I was thinking the same thing for probably the past few weeks! I saw her on a post somewhere and she had people booked airfare for her wedding. She hasn't posted on the November 08 brides thread. Dez - where are you??!!
  11. Oh my gosh - where to start?? Erica - I love your cake topper! Is your reception outdoors or in the evening? That would have been perfect for me, I love it! Danielle - Woman - I LOVE that dress! Oh - I love the hem and it is just perfect for you. Quit worrying - that dress looks amazing on you! It's beautiful! Tara, your cake will be beautiful without a topper - don't worry about it! Some pretty flowers and you'll be fine! I am going to acquaint myself with our new camera this weekend and get some pics of our OOT bags.
  12. OMG that is adorable! I love his little flip flop peeking out!!
  13. I'm in the same boat as we won't be back till the 15th. Steph, and Jocelynn we are down to 1 month!
  14. How fun! I am tempted to tell my girls to "wig it" for my bachelorette party! That sounds like a blast! I love the girls in the Afro's! Great pics!
  15. Hmmm..Criss Angel is just weird - maybe that was just rebound. HECK - she probably wanted someone with firm skin! EWWWwww - could you imagine making out with an OLD Ass man like Hugh? OMG that is SO gross! LOL!! YUCK!
  16. Dang Girlie - you're right...he IS a freak! I wouldn't be mad at your dad. He probably got caught in the middle and didn't know what to do. Your ex just dragged him into it. I'm sure once the judge hears your last paragraph and all that he isn't doing - they will see both sides of the story. I'm sorry you are going through this. What a jerk!
  17. Awww...those are too sweet! The words are perfect! They look great and I'm sure they'll say yes!
  18. No...I saw a 7 day one before that didn't seem so bad. I saw an ad for it then I saw the actual package at Wal Mart. It wasn't too expensive either.
  19. Unless my boss stops snapping at me I won't even consider it!
  20. Ha - how fun! You guys were adorable! Totally reminded me of LC Rachel's party! How fun!!
  21. First things first..... Quote: Originally Posted by Chiquita Danielle and Derek Leave 11/1/08 Get Married On 11/6/08 Lisa and Jayson leave on 11/2/08 and Get Married On 11/5/08 Celina and Shawn leave on 11/5/08 and Get Married on 11/8/08 Michelle - I think you have plenty in your bags. You'll be fine. Tara - I love your earrings! I'm sure someone will buy them. I agree - stay true to yourself! Lisa - your shower pics are SO cute! I love your dress! Both you and Danielle wore purple! OH - I also love that margarita set! Amduran - I think the idea of a costume is great! Most costumes aren't bulky. It sounds like fun! Tara - Congratulations on your one month marker! *Steph - tomorrow it's me and you kiddo! Danielle - I am thinking of doing a cleanse that will be a couple of days. None of that month long stuff for me either!
  22. I like Katie and Jennie. I would add more texture to the Katie bangs and a little more volume to the Jennie hair. Either would look cute on you!
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