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Everything posted by Celina

  1. Michelle - Of course I love all that you did! Your BM's are going to LOVE those bags! You did a wonderful job on everything. I am so excited for you and will have you in my thoughts on the 7th! Great job! THAT is the neckline I want on my dress! SEXY!
  2. I nominate for Mrs - Becks and for BTB I nominate all of the November 08 Brides! He he!
  3. Good Morning Brides to Be! Hope all is well with you! I went last night and took my dress. She is taking in 1 inch on each side of the bodice of the dress and is cutting off one line of the scalloped lace on each side as well. I had the dress on and she pinned it up pretty good and when I left it looked a lot like the original dress. We discussed a halter neck, but she would have to reconfigure the entire back of the dress and the zipper, so I decided against it. I finally got my rhinestone E's in so I can finish my blumeboxes. I can't wait to show you guys! We have to post our planning threads next week! I have my makeup trial Saturday afternoon. I am excited for that! I am also going to finally get my hair cut tonight! I am finishing up all my loose ends here at work. I work 4 days next week and will be on vacation till November 18th! We also have our legal day next Friday. Me and my BM's are going to go out for brunch next Sunday and I am giving them their "Swag Bags". I also picked them up some passport covers so I'll toss those in as well. The guys at work are teasing me. They are too cute. They are calling me a "Short-Timer" and asking if I had cold feet.
  4. MarieSam, I feel just like you! I too am having the same issues and can't seem to get past them. Like you I was a single mom, accomplished everything on my own, and I am now at a crossroad where I just can't let my last name go. My last name is very Latin, and my FI's last name isnt. I've been telling everyone that I am trading in my Mexican card and am going to the other side. While I say it jokingly - that's really how I feel. It is VERY hard for me. I have told him I wanted to hypenate my name and he is dead set against it. Nothing is making me feel better about this. The sweet thing is my daughter has already changed her name at school. I think for me the only thing that makes me feel better is the fact that I am doing it for my kids. Otherwise I don't think I would or could. This for me is the biggest adjustment. I feel your pain sister. I feel your pain.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt so going to check this out!!!! thanks for the info! I know - me too! What were the prices for breakfast? I would like to go in to town, have some breakfast and do some shopping!!
  6. Great shoes! I love that little fluff on them! Sigh...too many shoes...so little $$$
  7. Waah! My computer froze at page 23! Yari - you look so beautiful! The pics with your parents are perfect! All of the colors compliment everything and it looks like it was a wonderful time! Congratulations! You have been on my mind and I was praying that you guys would have a wonderful beautiful day and it looks like it was! The shots at dusk are amazing!
  8. I can't wait either! I am going to send each of you some of my extra boobage ~ I swear - these girls have got to go!!
  9. Baby Noah is coming fast! My only advice is to count your blessings that you are having it scheduled and you know why. I was in labor for days and was physically exhausted, hyperventallating and was in such traumatic pain that I honestly thought I was going to die because I wasn't dialating and the epidurals had quit working long ago. I would say let go of any inhibitions with hubby before hand because he will see it all girl and will have to help you with everything - including changing the bandage on your incision. If you have a bi-level home try keeping everything on one floor. Make one trip down the stairs a day and take one trip up the stairs for bed. Keep a basket of the babies stuff nearby wherever you are resting so you dont' have to get up. Pre-cook some dinners for yourselves and freeze them so you don't have to worry about cooking. Stock up on everything at home so you don't have to go to the store for a while. Consider a housekeeper for a while or have family/friends come by and help. If they offer - take them up!!
  10. Oh Steph - you are too sweet - always my cheerleader! Yeah - some of that fabric has to go! I need va-va-voom coming down that aisle! Not Muffy the Matron Bride! Ha ha! I wanted to wear a regular bra for support, but now that you mention it...hmmm. The zipper is in the back and she'd have to do something with the zipper and she could add some satin ties or whatever to fix the neck. I could definitely ask her. It would add more va-va if it was a halter. She showed me a halter dress she did the last time I was there and it turned out really cute, so I know she can do it. We will definitely discuss that option! Thanks for pointing it out!
  11. I'm almost married...and know I will be a big a** cry-baby!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by trisha0612 seriously....pictures and the video are all I have left..lol..Oh yeah..and Travis! It goes by way toooo fast! That is too funny! But seriously Trish, you look beautiful and so happy! Congratulations!
  13. Oh Amy - that is so awesome about your shower! You will love your freezer too! We couldnt' live without ours. That is so cool about your co-workers. Thanks for the dress support! Here is the pic and here is my dilema........... I spoke to the seamstress last night and I am going to her house tonight to have her fix the dress. Excuse my hair - I just took it down from a ponytail. Anyhow, I don't want to lose the scalloped edge on the lace. I tried it on again last night with the right bra and realized the lace has the same scalloped pattern right below the current pattern. I want her to take in the satin underneath to expose more and she will have to cut the lace down a scallop (I hope that makes sense). Because it is so covered up, it doesn't look flattering at all. She is going to have to do something with the width of the strap area. It is just too much coverage. BTW - my dress is actually ivory. SO - no need for a new dress, and I feel much better. I think I totally had a Bridezilla moment! Whewwww.....crisis averted!
  14. Okay Yari - I am SO glad I wore waterproof mascara this morning! The minute that song came on I started crying like a baby! and when I saw the pic of your daughter with her hankie - the floodgates opened and they haven't stopped since! Of course you were the beautiful bride we knew you would be. Everything turned out amazing! Congratulations sweetie! Love ya! C
  15. Well...I'm back and no luck! They didn' thave very many dresses. The ones they did have were HEAVY ball gown type dresses that werent what I wanted. SO - no luck. I am bummed, but on the way home was thinking that I would call the seamstress again and see what she says. The thing is, she is really good. I've seen her work and she has done a great job on what I've seen. The thing is, I want my cleavage back!!! I left her a voice mail and will wait to see what she says. She sews pretty quick, so hopefully I can go over tomorrow night and we can see what can be done and we can get this done by this weekend. I'm hoping she can do something. I knew my $16 alterations were too good to be true! Michelle - Magiannos is yummy! Have a wonderful time!
  16. Look at you girl! Cute! Yellow looks good on you. A lot of people can't wear that color. Your hair is sassy too ~ love it! You did a great job on the dress!
  17. Thanks for the well wishes! Lisa - your pics are too funny! The chest hair?? Ewww! LOL! The one with the stocking between your legs and the bottle - that is hillarious! Steph, you guys look like you had a chill time! How fun! The little nightie is cute! I wonder where Erica is?? Tara - no problem on the stuff! You are so cute I couldn't help myself! I fell in love with those Snuggle things...I couldn't help but spread my good find! I'll be in touch later! I need your prayers that my dress is waiting for me. I pulled up some pics from Davids Bridal's website. I am taking them in and hoping for the best.
  18. Oh my God...Last night I had a major dress meltdown. I had my daughter take some pics of me in my dress so I could post them today. I put the dress on and even when I had it on at the seamstress' house, it felt like it was choking me (if that makes sense). Well, I put it on and she took some pics and I went to look at them and OH MY LORD - my dress looks terrible. I don't know if it's cause the camera adds 10 pounds or what - but....when I took the dress in I wanted more side coverage because the arm holes were too far down. So she pulled in the shoulders. By pulling in the shoulders caused the front of the dress to be pulled up, but it took away from the cleavage. So now, I have no cleavage and most of my chest is covered. If I wore a necklace you wouldn't even see it. Looking in the mirror it doesn't look bad but looking in the pictures it looks terrible. I don't know if I have warped vision or what. My boobs look GINORMOUS and I don't look good at all. I called David's Bridal last night and had them pull all of the dresses in my size and I have an 11:30 appointment today. This is so bad. I couldn't sleep last night. The dress looks too matronly and is not the way I want to look on my wedding day. I brought bra's, girdles and my veil. Say a prayer that I find something. I brought my camera in case I do find something. This is supposed to happen to the bridesmaids and not the bride!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. My FI did the same thing. Bought me a beautiful ring but in a gold setting. I love the ring, but (not to sound ungrateful) would have preffered a silver setting or white gold. Now - he went and got a tungsten band and our rings do not match. I polled all of my married friends and they all said that after a couple of years, none of their bands match because (usually) the husbands lost their bands so they ended up getting something different. After hearing that - I stopped worrying about it. I would rather him wear a ring that is comfortable to wear than somethng he would be worried about losing or didn't like.
  20. Yeah people - what's up with the pictures I got my hair appointment scheduled at the hotel! Tara - we will definetely get together in PV!
  21. We had this conversation too and told them that we chose a hotel that best acommodated everyone. At RIU Vallarta our passes for non-guests are costing $60 for half day. I would tell them that unfortunately they would have to pay for them. You would love to have them there, but if they cant' stay at your hotel - you can't pay for them.
  22. HOLY CRAP !! MINE AND STEPH'S TICKERS SAY 19 DAYS!! OMG!! Tara - you'rs says 13 days!! Holy cow!!
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