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Everything posted by Celina

  1. My Earrings - Liz Claiborne - puchased at Dillards My shoes for pictures: My DIY Flip Flops for dancing: FI's Pants - they are ivory and we purchased at Beach Wedding Attire: Drawstring Linen Pants, Cotton & Linen Shirts, Shorts - Island Importer I don't have a pic of FI's shirt (Sorry), nor do I have a pic of Ring Bearer or FG dress. Both outfits are at my parents house so you'll have to wait on the wedding pics for those! BM Dresses - purchased for $19 at Newport-News: Women's Clothing, Sportswear, Shoes, Jeans, Special Sizes, and more MOH's dress is the same except in a lighter green: Invite:
  2. WOW - I can't believe it's my turn! Thank you BDW for being here for me! I have met so many wonderful women and many of your ideas have been the inspiration for so many parts of my wedding! Thanks for listening, encouraging, crying with me when times were tough, laughing and cheering me on this past year as I planned this wedding. Many thanks and MUCH LOVE to all the Mods, the November brides, PV Brides and those extra special brides who have become my friends and confidants! I love you and couldnt have done all of this without you! Now....here's what you want so here it goes! The ring that started it all in December 2005: Our bands Mine is gold and his is tungsten: The Dress (tea length)- Purchased at Lane Bryant for $89 (excuse the hair and make up) - you can see the veil laying on the side - it's a fingertip length with scalloped edge with beads and crystals all along the edge - I paid almost $200 for the veil but it was the one thing I wanted to hand down to my daughter:
  3. OMG Erica - that's terrible! What a rollercoaster ride for you! Here's my home e-mail address as today is my last day at work too! (well it's FI's but we both share) [email protected] I am getting ready to post my planning thread. I can't believe all of this work is almost over! What are we going to do with ourselves come December and January?......maybe I'll finally join the gym! Ha ha!!
  4. Erica I just noticed your son looks just like you! What a great siggy pic!
  5. Oh Leia - everything turned out beautiful! I got goosebumps looking at your pics - you were a beautiful bride! I love the sparklers! Great pics - thanks for sharing! Oh yeah - what were you doing on the stage?
  6. My other Date Twin! Wow girlie! Everything looks great! You did a wonderful job on everything! All of your DIY stuff rocks! I can't wait to see pictures. Your BM Stuff is beautiful! Great job on everything and I'll have you in my thoughts on the 8th!
  7. Dang Erica that sucks! OMG Tara - I would be going crazy too!!
  8. I thought I would bump these dates: Quote: Originally Posted by EricaG Tara and Joe Leave on 10.30.08 and get married on 11.2.08 Danielle and Derek Leave 11/1/08 Get Married On 11/6/08 Lisa and Jayson leave on 11/2/08 and Get Married On 11/5/08 Mike & Michelle leave on 11/4/08 and get married on 11/7/08 Dave and Carrie leave on 11/5 and get married on 11/7 Celina and Shawn leave on 11/5/08 and Get Married on 11/8/08 Jocelynn & Shawn leave on 11/5/08 and get married on 11/8/08 Amy and Greg leave on 11/21/08 and get married on 11/27/08 Shelley and Dave leave on 11/22/08 and Get Married on 11/25/08 Melissa and Kendall leave on 11/24 and Get Married on 11/28 Erica & Larry leave on 11/27 and get Married on 11/30
  9. OMG Rach - I can't wait to see your pics! Don't forget ...you have to talk like her too! End everything in "Braaa" LOL!
  10. Good mornin Ladies! Erica - tell Hailey she rocks! My son loves that ramp thing too at the bowling alley. He tells me he "needs" to go bowling. He is funny! Awww Amy - maybe you can have a nice dinner on Friday or enjoy a great breakfast together? I have no idea what we are doing. I have no idea what I am wearing either! FI is really excited for Friday, but I'm not as excited as he is. I think we'll probably go to a nice lunch since we will be downtown. And then I am having myself a drink!! Ha ha! Let the cocktails and vacation begin! Woo-Hooo! OH YEAh...Amy...I'll be back before you leave ~ you won't be alone on your last days!
  11. HOLY MOLEY - I didn't even know I was being considered! Awww...I am so flattered! Thanks!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Helen_S81 Looks like a fun night Celina! Not long to go now! I know Helen! It seems like Katies wedding was yesterday! NEXT Saturday...OMG I can't believe it!! I have 3 more days of work! Our legal day is Friday. YIKES!
  13. YAY DEZ - SO glad to hear you are doing okay! We missed you! We need details...you know how we roll up in here!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Tiffiney01 Wow you looked like you had a blast...everything looks great, love the cake lol......No stripper pics?? Congratulations again from one RIU Vallarta bride to another. Thanks Tiffiney! No pics...the bouncer at the bar saw my camera and he said - if you turn that on and take pics we will take it from you. - so no pics! Quote: Originally Posted by Raeka Looks like a great time Celina. The wigs looked like fun. Male strippers gross me out too, glad I'm not the only one Less than 2 weeks to go, oh my!!! These guys weren't that bad. They didn't go all nude. Some of them we just laughed at! They had the corniest expressions and one was young and had a receeding hair line. We laughed the entire time! I know - less than two weeks! It sounds weird to say we're getting married NEXT Saturday. YIKES! I had a total melt down at dinner last night. Every time I think of the wedding I start crying and get all emotional! Quote: Originally Posted by 2bebridejamaica YAY it looked soooo fun my wedding twin!! Gotta luv that you can be all penis'd out in public no one can say a word to you!! LOL HA - that's what I was thinking! I'm only doing it once - why not do it big!! Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB Celina I'm glad you had so much fun! That was a lot of fun & activity to cram into one evening! Male strippers weird me out. I've also had some awkward experiences with them. I was surprised, not once but twice, at parties where I knew the stripper. One was a trainer at my gym and the other was my teacher! OMG Erin - I would die if that happened! Quote: Originally Posted by Dez921714 Your pics are great! You look like you had so much fun!! I love the wigs, it's so different!!! Thanks Dez, good to see you back! Quote: Originally Posted by jmiranda Wow Celina!!! Im so glad you had a blast. Your BM's and MOH did a great job. Your wedding date is so close now. I cant wait to see your wedding. Im so excited. I know me too!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by *Casey* Those pics are awesome!!! I LOVE the wigging out idea, and it looks like yall did it right! And are those giant pink marshmallows? Yummmmmy.... Looks like yall had such a blast!!! OMG Casey - those marshmallows were yummy with chocolate! Actually, I ate one and that was it! I was trying to talk to everyone, have cocktails and before I knew it we had to go. I could SO go for some chocolate and banannas right now!
  16. I finally finished my blumeboxes! We have six of them that we will fill with orange and/or white callas and white roses.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by kerryjbrown Here is our first idea for the table. Lookign for feedback please! Excuse the ugly white sheet as we were usign it for a white table cloth, and the poor lighting it was early morning. Here is the table with the invite (mock) and fans to show how it all ties in Table Example for card table (will be using additional trays for holding the cards) What a very striking blue! Beautiful! Quote: Originally Posted by neen here are pics of my trial centerpiece...already cleared it with my WC at the resort so should be good to go These are pretty! I tried to do the sliced fruit/flower look over the weekend and couldn't get it figured out. I like the whole lemon & lime approach!
  18. Lisa - eveything looks great! I love your flip flops and BM dresses! I remember seeing your invites a long time ago! WOWZER Girl - Next Friday! Doesn't that sound weird to say?
  19. Okay, so I wanted to do a "Wigging" out party, but only my bridal party and a few other girls did it. We had a blast! At 3pm I went to the MAC counter and got my make up done. Then went over to one of my bridesmaids house at 6pm. We had tons of food, drinks and a "Slumber Party" lady came and did a toy presentation. They had a SPREAD! There was another table with tons of food on it, but here's the chocolate fountain! (Yes - that's the veil on the counter there with the light-up penises on it that I had to wear too)! Here's me and my bridal partyLeft to Right) Irene (BM) Melissa (BM) Me and Erika (MOH) Here's a group photo of everyone: Here's a picture of me and my cake: Everyone kept yelling "LICK IT, LICK IT!" It was hillarious. The girl who had the cake done said at the cake shop the girl on the cake looked kind of light, so she asked the baker to make her darker - well he made everything darker!! We had to leave by 9pm because we had a table reserved at a strip club. Unfortunately I couldnt' take pics in the strip club. SORRY GIRLS!! They had both male and female strippers. It was my first time there and we had a blast! After being there about 5 minutes I got my first lap dance by a male stripper. I had that ONE FRIEND who kept sticking dollar bills down my shirt and the next thing you know ....here came the men! I was kind of grossed out and embarrased at first, but by the end of the night the drinks were flowin, the dollars were droppin and I was lovin it!! Only about 10 of us went to the strip club. We danced, drank, laughed and partied all night! OMG - now that I think about it we were there for 5 hours!! HAHA!! We got home at 3am and I have to say that I had the BEST TIME in my life! They totally gave me a proper send off for my "Last Night" and I have the absolute BEST friends in the world! I am so blessed to have girls like them in my life! Everything was incredible! We got a lot of gifts off of our registry and some unmentionable gifts as well. I opened some of the gifts there with the girls, and some of them I took home and opened with my fiance and our kids. It was a GREAT night!
  20. OKAY..... So - Saturday I went to the MAC counter and had my make up done. I thought it came out good. Heres the pic I had my daughter take before I put on my pink wig. My party was awesome! My friends put out a spread that was amazing! We drank lots of champagne and I got lots of gifts off of our registry and some unmentionable gifts as well! I was so excited and nervous I couldn't eat! There was a "Slumber Party/adult toy" lady there and she did a little show. We were rushed because we had to be at the strip club at 9pm - so we hurried up at the house and went to see the strippers. The strip club was a blast! 5 minutes after we got there I did get my first lap dance! I had that ONE friend who kept sticking dollar bills in my shirt! It went like this....1st time my reaction was EWW! 2nd time my reaction was Hmmmmm. 3rd time my reaction was BRING IT ON BABY! OMG - it was hillarious! We danced all night and had lots of drinks. I couldn't take pics in the strip club, but we had a blast! I'll post a thread later, but I wanted to show you guys first! Here's me and my bridal party Here's the whole group of girls: Here's the cake! OMG - they kept telling me.."LICK IT - LICK IT!" I swear it was hillarious!
  21. I am loading Bach Party pics as we speak....just a sec.... Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 Celina, I hope you have an awesome time tonight!!! Picked up my dress today. I love how it came out with cutting the train off. Here are some pics, you cant see my awesome hot pink shoes though. Oh well and please dont mind the crazy looks, yikes!! Steph - Your dress looks amazing on you! You look beautiful! Are you tanning? If so - your color looks great with that dress! Michelle - LOVE Your hair color! It came out really great! Amy - Yours too! Gosh - I love all of these highlights going around! Now I want some! That pie sounds delish! Lisa - MY Effing God girl - what a rollercoaster ride you have been on with his dad. Wow - I am so sorry to hear that he had to have surgery. At least he can start to recover now.
  22. Oh Carrie - Congratulations! That is wonderful! Our legal day is on Friday. Your day is creeping up girl! You are almost there!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek good seating chart michelle. fi insisted on us having round tables which made it even more of a PITA to do the seating chart. i wanted long tables so i could throw everyone on the same table or two tables. I dont even know why fi wanted round tables, seriously some of his requests are sooo weird, what kind of guy cares about tables? Ha ha, that is funny! You would be surprised what the guys like - they pick the most random things. FI looked at our chart and immediately started in with his complaining. I told him, "Look - I worked my butt off on this all day and considering the wives of your groomsmen aren't in the wedding I am being nice by having their wives sit with us." That kind of stopped his momentum. Michelle, I got my passport covers at yourweddingfavorites.com They are the same "Passport to Love" that Yari got, except I didn't personalize mine. Erica - that is very odd about your aunt. Did she have a stroke? My goodness you have been busy! Glad to hear you are ok. Tara - your dress is SO pretty! You are going to be so beautiful on your wedding day! Tomorrow night is my bachelorette party! Woo hoo! I got my light pink wig ready! I am so excited - it is going to be a fun day! I will take pics and post Monday! One of the girls slipped and said - oh my goodness....wait till you see your cake. I HEART cake - so I am excited to see it!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride08 I'm so glad things worked out with the dress! I can't wait to see the blumeboxes. What did you get your BMs? I know! Every time I look at my Blumeboxes I think....gotta show Michelle! As far as my BM's and MOH's...I did this for them: Purchased their dresses and flip flops Made their hair flowers Their "Swag Bags" will include: "Bridesmaid" or "Maid of Honor" tank Manicure set lip gloss lotion body puff earrings luggage tags passport cover I got my MOH will get an embroidered hankie that I will give to her privately on the morning of the wedding. I also got them each of them and my "almost" SIL's starfish necklaces that I will give to them at the Rehearsal Dinner. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride08 I just posted my planning thread if anyone is interested... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...072#post578948 I checked it out too and everything is beautiful! Gosh you guys...time has flown by! I've been working on the Rehearsal Dinner seating chart. UGH...that was a pain and we only have 30 people! I have to run it by FI and see what he says.
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