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Everything posted by geology_rocks

  1. And remember, tips are for good service! If you get great service, tip away, if the service stinks, don't feel bad not tipping. We tipped the bartenders and servers but Chandlyn didn't get a dime of our money since we didn't get a minute of her attention. I was fully prepared to tip her but really didn't feel she deserved it!
  2. I didn't use a travel agent either, i just couldn't justify the extra cost. Don't count on ROR initiating contact with you. You need to contact them and ask very specific questions and be detailed in what you want. They won't offer any information you don't specifically ask for. For most things, you can find answers to your questions here on BDW and most things (except the disco, plantation on beach reception) are booked when you have your planning meeting at the resort. My recommendation is to arrange a time for your meeting before you leave for Jamaica. That way you know your schedule ahead of time. Hope that helps!
  3. We had our wedding at 2 which I think was perfect, maybe even an hour late! It meant we could wake up at a decent time, have breakfast and head off to the spa. Our guests relaxed in the morning, my husband even went snorkeling while my MOH and I were at the spa. By 2, there was a bit of shade at the wedding gazebo. After the ceremony, we hung around and enjoyed the steel drum band, had some punch and took some pictures. After that, we went at sat around at the bar by the quiet pool for awhile, took some more pictures and were actually a little late for dinner! The guests who wanted to, changed out of their fancy clothes for a couple hours but everyone was dressed nicely for dinner. There were a few pictures we missed out on taking since we ran out of time but I guess we could have been taking pictures instead of visiting at the bar. No matter what time your wedding is, the day will flow, your guests will occupy themselves, it will be great, I promise!
  4. We paid for our wedding/steel drum band and flowers by credit card. The florist charge is separate. There was no addition fee for either of these payments. I cannot comment on the photoshop though because my uncle did the photography.
  5. The beach party was on Saturday when we were there too.
  6. This is what we got for the "free" decorations. They said we could use the palm leaf arch inside of the gazebo but I told them I'd prefer not to. I wore shoes with about a 1" heel but took them off after the ceremony because it was easier walking around without them!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by ButlerGirl08 Where do you get those waz melter thingies We got one at Walmart for like $1. The wax chunks were 25cents. Something like this... http://www.keystonecandle.com/images...ganz_mauve.jpg
  8. You won't regret hiring the steel drum band, it totally adds to the atmosphere.
  9. I suppose I could answer my own questions now if anyone is still interested. -No extra charge for the sand ceremony -We brought vows with us. The minister read our vows and then added in his own "I now invite you to pour the sand..." and finished it off with the bit about being unable to separate the sand grains. -We used pink sand and beach sand. Make sure that you insist that the beach sand used is DRY!!! The co-ordinator (or her assistant) filled it up with damp sand and we had pouring problems. No problems with customs. Also, I wanted to add how we got the sand home because I stressed over this for so long! We bought a cheap wax melter, you know the kind with the tealight underneath and the wax wafers on top. Well, we let the sand settle for a few days and then poured the melted wax on top. The sand did settle a little bit more after the wax but for the most part the sand is still in its original pouring pattern when we got it home. Hope that helps someone else!
  10. It's kind of hard to describe Mammee Bay. It's not a big open space like most restaurants but kinda separated into long corridors separated by railings. Our table was far enough away from other diners than we couldn't hear them and didn't really pay much attention to them. We were set up closest to the ocean so we got a nice breeze and could hear the waves crashing. Unless you want to have some kind of entertainment or dancing as part of your dinner, it's a great option especially cause it's free! Here's a picture from the end of our table looking towards the head of the table. No other diners in the way!
  11. We were there May 2-9. It sprinkled like 16 drops one day and one day the skies opened up and it downpoured for about 20 minutes, though none of the weddings that day were affected I don't think. Most of the time it was sunny and warm with a light breeze.
  12. International stamps were $1 at the resort. They sell them at the gift shop next to St. Ann's buffet. Oh, there's a postcard drop off box at the front-desk too. It took about 3 weeks for my postcards to make it to Canada.
  13. Orchids for your hair are $2/flower. They come taped at the bottom to make them a little sturdier.
  14. First off, don't expect Chandlyn to contact you about anything. If you email her first, she'll reply with a short email but don't expect her to offer any information that you didn't specifically ask for. Second, as for flowers, you pick and choose at your planning session. There's a book of the standard carnations/daisy arrangements which you have seen. Then there's the upgrade book (from Tai Floral.) I picked about 4 bouquets before I found something that they had in stock and didn't cost $250. Here's a picture of my bouquet, it was $110 for mine, the bridesmaid bouquet (same flowers, smaller size) was $65 and the bouteniers (pink rose) were $9 each I believe. Keep in mind that these flowers travel from Montego Bay and there's no guarantees that anything will be in stock on the day you need it. My flowers were wilty when I got them. I kind of wish I had just so I could have kept my bouquet, I cried a bit when I had to leave it in the hotel room as we were checking out. If you're interested, I do have the Tai Floral catalogue. It's too big to post here but I can email it. Unfortunately there are no prices in it, but it's good to get a rough idea I guess.
  15. Welcome back and Congratulations! Glad to hear you had such a great time!
  16. I brought my own foundation and mascara and gave them free reign. I said I am not normally a make-up person and that I wanted to look natural. Well, any make-up makes me feel un-natural but everyone assured me that my make-up looked great. I did wipe off the lipstick as soon as I lef the spa though, I HATE lipstick. I was pretty pleased with how my make-up turned out in the end. It was much better than I could have done, that's for sure! And it lasted ALL DAY! I felt like a sweaty mess but the make-up stayed put! This is the best picture I currently have to show how my make-up was done. My MOH had her make-up done at the spa too.
  17. Our ceremony was over pretty quickly but we spent a while hanging out on the beach with our guests doing the hug thing. I don't think it lasted the whole hour but, it may have because the steel drum band was packing up before we really got started with the pictures. I believe all dinners start at 6:30pm. We had 28 people and it took us about 2.5 hours for dinner but it was an unorganized gong show. Our waiter knew nothing about our cake or champagne so a lot of time was spent running around trying to find that stuff. Add a little time in for unexpected things just so you aren't rushing around, you'll enjoy things a lot more that way!
  18. The day of my wedding, i didn't notice anyone other than us at the beach! When I saw other people getting married, there were other people hanging around watching, nothing obtrusive though. I would say that you'd get more observers though at the pond gazebo with all of the over-looking balconies. Choose what you like and don't worry about anyone else.
  19. I've heard of a few people who had their dinner at Mammee Bay (the standard aka free option) then had a beach reception at the Seagrape Bar on the beach. I think it costs $10/person for the bartender to be there. You can hire a DJ or do your own music IIRC. I also saw someone having their dinner on the beach while we were there. I don't even want to guess at how much that would cost! We toyed with the idea of a beach party after the dinner but ended up calling it a night after dinner. I'm so glad we did cause I was exhausted by that time and very ready to find some A/C and PJ's!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by chicklet You look beautiful and had some great pics! Did you find you were hot during your ceremony? Your dress seems poofy like mine is gonna be ..just curious if you had trouble with temp. Thanks! I don't know if it was cause I was in my own little world or what but I found that our wedding day weather wasn't as warm as other days. I wasn't too hot at all and normally I'm the first to find it hot. I think the fact that it's strapless keeps your top half cool and I just lifted up the skirt a bit if my lets got warm at all. There's a real nice breeze on the beach too! I wore my dress all day too, my mom insisted I pack something to change into but for the price I paid for my dress there was no way I was changing out of it! I'm thinking of wearing it to work once in a while too, just for funsies!
  21. I got more pictures today! Sorry for the facebook quality. Getting down to business, got pass off the bouquet. Sand ceremony, something was funny Only took 7 years, but it's official now! After the ceremony "Rum" punch Me and my MOH And this is why we chose to get married on a beach!!! ...and again!
  22. Welcome back! Good luck with the reception!
  23. That's a big thing to cross off your list! Everything seems like an easy decision in comparison!
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