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Coffee Addict

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Everything posted by Coffee Addict

  1. luggageonline.com Code: RTI84A 15% off, expires 6/26. It works for Briggs & Riley!! I just saved myself over $49! Code: ACEYXL $10 off for purchases $50 and more, plus free shipping. Expires 6/2. Not valid on Travelpro, Samsonite, or Tumi.
  2. I would recommend the Gaige house in Sonoma: . : THOMPSON HOTELS : Hip luxury hotels in NYC, LA at the official Thompson Hotels site :. It's gorgeous!
  3. I just got their email today, Jcrew.com code: PRIVATE 20% off for purchase $150 and more. It's 3 days only until 3/28. Have fun..! Quote: Originally Posted by nylalany Does anyone have any Jcrew coupon codes? I'm ordering a bunch of dresses from there for my bridesmaids, and it would certainly help a lot!
  4. Trisha, I got mine today and love them!! Thank you so much...!!! How much do I owe you for shipping..?
  5. Yikes! Break up sucks. At least it took you 1 month to find out the relationship doesn't work, unlike someone in the past.. (--> 8 years!) Hang in there... !!!!
  6. Thank you for the translation:) . It is an old song by Charles Trenet and it's often used for French cabaret performances. Quote: Originally Posted by JABride I made updates to Melissa's translation. See changes in her quote above... pretty sad song ... are you using it at your wedding ? I don't recognize the words, who sings it? Celine Dion? By the way, que "reste-t-il" is "What's left of ..." , "what's remaining .." ... other thant that, I made some little changes (my preferences) but Melissa did a great job.
  7. Not for walking down the aisle, but I was originally thinking that this might be a nice first dance song , with some word-tweakings. Hmm, I don't know now, I agree.. it does seem like a very sad song..!! Quote: Originally Posted by DreamsTulumBride That is such a sad poem ! ! ! I hope you will not walk down the aisle to that !
  8. Wow, I haven't been online for sometime so I didn't know if anyone replies. Thank you so much.., all of you, , are so kind to translate these for me. This is the French version of the song "I wish you love". I was so so in love with this song as well as with the voice of the singer but wanted to make sure that the wordings are wedding appropriate. Oh well.. It's the first song listed on this webpage (Que reste-t-il?): Mia Buchignani - International Vocalist
  9. How exciting! Yes, I'm okay with the increase and I've sent the payment. Thank you...!
  10. Wow! I'm sorry to hear about all this mess. Trisha and Carly, thank you so much for all you've done! Especially with your SOON coming W date, you must have enough stress already. Just let me know what you guys decide. Here's a somewhat related news: BBC NEWS | South Asia | Hundreds of Pashmina goats dead
  11. Would anyone be kind enough to help me translate this song? Ce soir le vent qui frappe à ma porte Me parle des amours mortes Devant le feu qui s' éteint Ce soir c'est une chanson d' automne Dans la maison qui frissonne Et je pense aux jours lointains {Refrain:} Que reste-t-il de nos amours Que reste-t-il de ces beaux jours Une photo, vieille photo De ma jeunesse Que reste-t-il des billets doux Des mois d' avril, des rendez-vous Un souvenir qui me poursuit Sans cesse Bonheur fané, cheveux au vent Baisers volés, rêves mouvants Que reste-t-il de tout cela Dites-le-moi Un petit village, un vieux clocher Un paysage si bien caché Et dans un nuage le cher visage De mon passé Les mots les mots tendres qu'on murmure Les caresses les plus pures Les serments au fond des bois Les fleurs qu'on retrouve dans un livre Dont le parfum vous enivre Se sont envolés pourquoi?
  12. Hi Christine, sorry to hear you had a crummy morning. I am glad that you are feeling better now:)
  13. I heard many good things about netbride.com and I know it has Bill Levkoff dresses too. I'm not sure if they have your style number though, but it wouldn't hurt to check. Good luck!
  14. What is the difference between those terms? Can you tell the difference from seeing one picture versus another?
  15. Maria, I am hoping to learn how to make monogram, but couldn't find the DIY brides section on your website, help! Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak I've had quite a few people looking for the document and after thinking about it, I'm not too worried about people messing up the website because I can always edit whatever I need to. So here's the info on how to get the DIY monogram instructions. Here's the website: Frank and Maria - Our Wedding Journey Click on "DIY Brides" and the password is: ourwedding The instructions on the page will tell you how to download the Powerpoint. I also included some basic designs that are quick and easy to make your own, as well as starting from scratch. There's some other stuff on the page also that you can download, if you want (budget spreadsheets, resort comparisons, etc...). I plan on adding more as time goes on, including instructions on making some STD's and then eventually, invites, flowers, decor ideas, etc... So feel free to check back and download whatever you can use. If you have any questions or issues, let me know! Maria
  16. I vote for Pilates, could be join a class / dvd. I started from using the DVD for 20 mins. each time. It worked for me.
  17. Gloria Ferrer Winery – Wines from Sonoma, California – Sparkling Wines, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay We went there, the vineyards looked stunning! But the site will be on remodeling late this year until early ‘09 (can book events up until end of Aug ’0.
  18. I usually put 1 packet of Quaker instant plus water in microwave for 1 min. while getting dressed.. and bring the whole bowl to eat in the car. I put less water, so no mess. (Apples & cinnamon is my favorite)
  19. Good points. Thanks! Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus ya. i shoot about 50 weddings a year. ive seen 1 groom put on make up and well... i was kind of wondering if he really meant to marry a woman or if he showed up by mistake hahah.. seriously though if for some reason he should happen to have a blemish or something its so easy to photoshop that out. make up would just look kind of strange.
  20. Not sure, just trying to know the game:) I couldn't imagine my FI got well sculpted eye brows though! Wait until I see his reaction hearing this Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Are you wanting your FI to wear make up? Or is he? I can't imagine seeing a groom with make up on. I mean, yes your getting pictures done, but people will be looking and talking to him all night. They would see that he has make up on. It wouldn't be like a "photo shoot" where it's just the two of you and a photog. It's bad to even see too well sculpted eye brows on a man. It doesn't look right.
  21. Hey, is it really a so cal thing? because my relatives live in San Diego The reason am asking.. I've been to several weddings where the grooms' face looked so smooth and polish (--> in a good way, i.e., not oily, clear complexion), nothing cakey or "make up" that we used to imagine. It looked very natural, I couldn't tell. Perhaps a little light powder, blotting papers, or a good facial? I didn't dare, but I should have asked Quote: Originally Posted by Nic D yes I have had a couple of grooms get a little luvin from the makeup artist. Maybe its due to living here in so cal?
  22. Yay! Thank you!! Quote: Originally Posted by carlymcmullen Coffee Addict - yup, it worked!
  23. My burning question: Did the groom get any makeup (foundation, touch-up, powder, etc) on the wedding day?? Ladies, what was your experience?
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