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Everything posted by J&M

  1. Hi Calia I don't think you get a discount on hair or makeup. I just a week ago made an online reservation and you do get 5% off for booking online. With the Royal pkg you're supposed to get a natural body exfolation for both the bride and groom from what i understand
  2. Ours is about $4300 (txs and all) Junior suite from Toronto...can't wait for the prices to drop a bit as then the wedding time slots are filled. I think it's about a 4 hr. flight
  3. Thanks girls for the replies....appreciate it:)
  4. Nope this will be a first for me...my mom-in-law to be has been and she suggested it so....
  5. Hi girls I made a reservation for the salon using PayPal...I'm new at paypal... should it take a week or so for it to go thru?? It was an "echeck"...plus I'm way up in the boonies:) (Canada) Sorry. but like I said new to PayPal Thanks alot
  6. Thanks Davina for posting the pics....I went with the Junior Suite. I'd love to have the jacuzzi on the balcony though!
  7. Thank you so much for posting it for me Lizz getting hungry just looking it over:)
  8. Hi Ladies I know I saw it somewhere on here but does anyone know which thread had the menu posted for the different Hor D'ouvres that are avaiable? Thank you
  9. Congratulations Mo....glad you had a wonderfull time. Your pictures are so nice...you look beautifull!
  10. Hi girls I just heard back from Chandlyn about the flower stands at the beginning of the isle. She told me they are $85 US a pc. but damn i forgot to ask her if we just get the standard color flowers for that or if we want more pink color theme in them does that cost extra? Does anyone know? Thanks
  11. Welcome drhubby You'll find the people on this site very helpfull with any questions you have....
  12. Thanks Lizz for the reply...guess i will email him later on to ask about having him do a video
  13. Hi Ladies Does anyone know if I need to contact the on-site photographer ahead of time or does he automatically have us booked in his time slot for the ceremony time? I did read somewhere that you meet with him a day or two before but wasn't sure.... I don't want to hound:)Chandlyn with it yet as she just got back to me about the dinner thing Thanks girls
  14. Hi all Does anyone have any idea how long it usually takes Chandlyn to answer your email? I sent one a few weeks ago and she answered the next day. Then i sent one early last week asking about arraingments for the dinner and she still hasn't repied. I hope I haven't left it too late to book the dinner...I don't need the Plantation as we only have 10 or 12 guests. hope she can fit us in somewhere... Thanks:)
  15. Thank you MoBride for the reply... I was thinking of the bamboo- frame with white curtain like things for mine. You haven't got long to go now....it'll be here before you know it:)
  16. Hi everyone With the "royal" pkg apparently you get Royal decoration of the cermony site. does anyone know what is in this and what it looks like? Thanks
  17. Thank you very much for the reply Jerzzygirl and for the pic. It does look nice... Congratulations on your wedding...and thanks again!
  18. Hi everyone Does anyone know (maybe Jerzzygirl?) what the Mamee Bay restaurant is like for the wedding dinner? I'm still waiting to hear back from Chandlyn. At this restaurant it's not buffet for your guests is it? Thanks
  19. J&M

    Riu bride

    Thank you all for the replies....I will be asking alot of advice this is such a great site
  20. J&M

    Riu bride

    Hello all My name is Jen I've been reading all the msg. this is a great site for brides just wanted to say hello
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