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Everything posted by J&M

  1. Hi Girls I would like to get Micheal for pics for an additional hour. But I'm also planning on having Hors d'eouves right after the ceromony and i'd like to be there..my time is noon. Now I wonder would I be able to get Micheal for the ceromony time ( which he'd show up for automatically for the Royal pkg.) then have him back say 1:00 or 1:30 for the extra hour or does it have to be right after the ceromony 45 min. included time? also anybody that purchased the cd was there any problems with it when you got home? I know I'm paranoid:) Thanks
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Cherie I finally *phew* uploaded some pictures to Photobucket. There were too many to do at once...so I uploaded the pictures I thought everyone would find relevant. By the way, we had tables of anywhere from 8-10 people as Chandlyn didn't mind. Cheers, Cherie CHJamaica08/Wedding at RIU Ochie 08 - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Just looked at your pics...they are beautiful....the ceromony site looked really nice and... well everything did!
  3. Hi Cherie You mentioned how much you liked Michael's work...did you end up buying the prints or the CD? Just not sure what we are going to do yet Thanks alot
  4. Congrats Cherie Thanks for the reveiw...glad to hear the wedding went so well!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Ange I was wondering what are the required documents for the ceremony, I've received a different list from the wedding sales coordinator and my TA, both of which had only two documents that pertained to us: certified copies of our passports and birth certificates. But today when we were at our lawyer's getting them notarized she mentioned she had to do an affidavit for another couple stating their addresses and work info and that kinda stuff. Neither my TA or the wedding sales coordinator made mention of this document, any of you know what that is? I'm still worried about getting down there and the people refusing to marry us! Hi Ange What I did was photocopy the birth certificates and passports then got the postmaster to notorize them after i mailed them i send Chandlyn an email to ask her to email me when she receives them to let me know if they are good
  6. Just moving this up...someone wanted a pic of the Mammee restaurant i think there is a link in this thread
  7. Hi Chigaco88 Thanks for posting the info...let me see if i understand this right..I have the Royal pkg. I assume i don't have to do anything till i get there and then meet Micheal and let him know which pic pkg. i want? I talked to him (email) mths. ago and that's what i understood
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by JamaicaBride08 Are you using Tai Flora? Did you use the email address : [email protected]? Just curious because they haven't responded to my email. Thanks! Hi Yes I'm using Tia Flora...the email I have is [email protected] I find she does take quite a while to reply sometimes
  9. Hi The florist told me the corsages were $40.00 each and boutonieres were $8.00 each
  10. Aren't you allowed to just send your notirized things by regular mail??
  11. thanks girls for the replies...i think i'll try and sqeeze a coffeemaker in my luggage
  12. hello girls.. I have a question that might seem alittle silly but Im unsure of what to do, My wedding time is for 12 noon and my dinner isnt until 6:30. My original plan was to not wear my gown to the dinner, instead I bought a nice dinner dress, but my mother feels like I should be putting my wedding dress back on for the dinner. My thoughts were that, once the wedding dress is off, it should not be worn again. Any opinions?
  13. Hi May seem like a silly thing to ask but can anyone tell me if the outlets are normal or are they like the one in DR? Thing is I want to take a small 2 cup coffeemaker for my room...can't see me doing anything or going to the restaurant for one till i've had a cup as soon as i wake up:) thanks
  14. Hey Mo...just took another look at your pictures...they look so nice looks like everything was perfect!
  15. Congrats on your wedding...just looked at your pictures they are really nice
  16. Hi when I emailed him I think he answered in 2 days...
  17. Hi Kitcatkit Here's the email for Micheal the photograper [email protected] he'll send you a pricelist and sample pics
  18. you can contact the florist at [email protected] she'll email you a catolouge
  19. Thank you Maureen for the info...I do remember looking at your pictures and your flowers were beautiful Amy I sent a few emails to Micheal (at Photoshop) and he just sent me basically a price list and sample pics...then we just meet him as soon as we get there to discuss details
  20. Hi Girls I have been in contact with the Florist Tia Flora by email and she has sent me a catolouge to look at flowers. Anybody thats already done this...did you just let the florist know by email what you wanted so it's all set up or did you wait till you got there to pick and pay? Thanks
  21. Hondagirl Do you by any chance deal with Carolyn at Bradfield Travel in Alliston? I think your'e really close to where i am by your name:)
  22. We got our confermation # from our TA there was no problem with this as she actually booked the wedding online for us
  23. Hi Leslie I'm having my dinner there too... if you go to either page #4 or page5 there is a thread "mammee bay restaurant" with some info and a link to a pic a girl on here posted
  24. Welcome to the forum...it is awesome you'll find the girls on here very helpfull
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