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Everything posted by J&M

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by ochoriobride Jmhein, I have a question for you. I was wandering where did you get your fans? I looked on different site that deliver in Canada but the shipping is more expensive then the fans. I looked on weddingfavorites and asiansideas for the fans and weddingfavors for the stickers. Thanks Hi I didn't see any pics of Jmhein's fans so i don't know what you're looking for... but are they for wedding favors or? I got some done with personalized tags (they are small maybe 8" and unfold to tulip shapes) anyways got them from hansonellis.com they ship to Canada I got 15 and it cost about $65.00 then another $30.00 cause they deliverd UPS
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by md_ocr so the bride and grooms bouquet & boutinnaire are already included? Are there certain flowers that are excluded from that? Or do you have to upgrade if you want a certain type of flower? Hi From what I understand you do get a free bouqet and a boutiniere but only the standard flowers ( tropical mix...white daises...or carnations ) any other flowers you have to upgrade. I emailed the Tai Floral 2 weeks ago for price quotes on rose bouquets etc. still no reply....man they are slow
  3. Congrats!! your pics are beautifull...i read your reveiw in the other section thanks for posting
  4. Just wanted to say thanks for all the replies...just wasn't sure if they "boot" you to set up the next wedding... Thanks again:)
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by CaliaA07 You'll be fine. Our wedding was Wednesday at 4. We went the next day to look and had them back on Thursday. Had one wrong size got it before we left. They're pretty fast. Thank you Calia (also thank you for the info about the H'orderves hr.)
  6. I noticed on Micheal's info it says something about due to editing you have to have an appointment to veiw pics at least 48hrs. before departure. My wedding is on Wednesday noon so if I can get an appointment Thursday am to look at them will this leave enough time? My departure is around 6am the saturday...so it won't be 48 hrs. Does anyone know when you picked your pics pkg. how long was it till they were ready for pick up? Thanks:)
  7. Hi girls How long do we have at the ceremony site? is it a hour or so? We are only having 8 ppl and just wondered if you can have Hor'derves right there after the ceremony or do you have to do it elsewhere? thanks:)
  8. Congrats!! Glad to hear your day turned out so well Thank you for posting all the info..I was curious about how the guy does the DVD so thank you for explaining that
  9. Hi all has anyone else had a long wait to hear back from the Tai Floral shop at the Riu? when I email her to get prices I'm waiting 2 to 3 weeks for a reply?? Anyways I checked with a florist up here and found i could get silk made on time so maybe i'll just go that route
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by MoWife Michael doesn't do the video. That is separate. A guy from off the resort comes in to do it. It needs to be paid for up front. I got my DVD the day after the wedding. They mic the groom so you can hear the vows (just remember the mic is there and picks up things you may have only meant for the groom to hear). It was professionally edited. I was happy with it. There were 2 things I didn't like: 1. they add music to the video in editing so I couldn't hear the steel drums we hired to play. 2. the graphics they add to the video are a bit cheesy. But overall I was glad I got it and my family that couldn't make it to Jamaica were glad I got it too. Thanks for the info Mo, the video you got made, I know he tapes the actual ceromony, but whats in the video before and after the vows? Does he start the video as you walk down the asile? or does he start with other footage, ie: coming from your room? After the vows are taped, does he follow Michael around and take video of picture taking? Just not sure how the video gets to be 25 mins, if the vows dont take that long I want to get a video made just unsure of what to expect and also I read somewhere you can add your own music in mp3 format, did you do this? Thank you so much Mo, you're a wealth of information
  11. I know there does seem to be alot that week... I am starting to get a bit nervous...hope everything goes smooth
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by CaliaA07 if you're talking prints yes you get those plus the cd before you leave Jamaica. I recommend bringing a hard back folder to take them back to the states. We had one print in the wrong size and the day we left they rushed into town and reprinted to make sure we had it. You get everything before you leave. Oh yeah he gives you a release there is no logo. You have permission to print and everything. Thank you Calia for the info I was wondering the same thing but jenanmag asked first So Micheal is not right at the resort? he's in Ochos Rios? Thanks
  13. Hi Alesha4 The first pic of the archway on this thread is $200.00 (with the tulle)
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Heidi Does anyone know how much extra it is to have this decoration?: or this: Bumping for new girl Alesha4
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by twelve_piece I can't believe everyone has had so many problems. When I went to the bank I had photocopies and I had the actual birthcertificates and passports and the lady notarized the copies and then had me sign them. Quick and easy! I am a little concerned though about the address I sent them too b/c the "faqs" page on the RIU site says PO Box, but there is no number so that's how I addressed the envelop. Then last night I was looking thru the PDF file from the site and the address had a PO Box number! I did send it registered mail, but I don't want it to get returned 2 or 3 weeks from now. GRRRRR Hi I originally sent my copies to the address with the PObox--- and Chandlyn got them ok so you should be fine. I kinda wondered though too
  16. Hi cantwaittobemrs We are in the same boat...ours is even smaller just 8 of us altogether. I thought it might seem strange not to have a reception but it also seems weird with just 8 of us so i'll have to think on it some more then decide what to do (if anything)
  17. Congratulations!! Thank you for posting.... your pics are great...Love your dress and the flowers were beautifull
  18. Congratulations!! Your pictures look beautifull...I love your colours. You look so happy... glad everything went well Thanks for posting
  19. Welcome back and Congratulations!! Thank you so much for posting all the info for us
  20. I can't really think of any particular questions...just your reveiw will be great Hope your wedding is all you dreamed it would be... and have a wonderfull time
  21. oh my god i hope i didn't screw up i just assumed if a passport is okay to get done by a postmaster then my documents would be the same but now i'm worried i've screwed up and my docs aren't actually "notorized" how did you girls in canada get it done? thanks
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by KimmyKatBride Hey fellow Canadian Bride! You are awesome! Congratulations, I am so happy for you guys!!!! I'm so glad to hear Michael was great! Did he take photos of just you and your hubby and then wedding party photos of your guys? I'd love to see you guys and his work!! Congrats again!!!!!! Hi KimmyKat I think Cherie has a link to her pics on pg.4 of this thread:)
  23. In Canada when you get a Passport application you have to have a notary public sign it and it tells you right on the form there should be no charge to have this done.....I just got my Postmaster to do both my passport a yr. ago and my docs for Chandlyn a mth ago
  24. Hi Make photocopies of your BC and Passports and take the originals with you to your local Post Office the Postmaster can do it for you...he'll stamp the photocopies
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