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Everything posted by Maura

  1. it's like 80 degrees here in chicago yesterday & today. i was ALMOST wishing for snow LOL - we like the cool fall weather and we got hit with a warm front this week out of nowhere. i'm looking forward to the cool weather returning! take some pics of your snow for us!
  2. Happy wedding day Erica & Donnie!!!!!! I hope everything went perfectly and that you didn't get any rain today from Norbert! Can't wait for you to get back and show us pics of your beautiful day! CONGRATULATIONS MRS!
  3. tami its beautiful, i love it!!! you did such an amazing job!!
  4. Happy Anniversary Mel & Jared! Can you believe it's been a whole year since your DW?! Yours was one of the first I remember because I joined the forum shortly before you left. Congratulations to you & Jared I hope you guys have a great time this weekend at Disney!!!!
  5. felicidades yadira!!! i hope you & brian have a beautiful day out at LC! congratulations and may you always be so happy, xoxo
  6. wow, delta should be ashamed for charging that much per bag. yeah i would say just get the fresh flowers for $200!
  7. sylvia, all you need to do is change it from a private to a public video in the settings.
  8. it will cost you more to ship it than it will to pay a possible baggage fee for an extra piece of checked luggage.
  9. do NOT ship artificial flowers to mexico. its a serious risk. 1) because they will likely be mistaken for real, and confiscated, or if there is anything that says china, they will also be confiscated because they have laws about importing things from china. 2) many people dont know this but the mexican mail system is 100% volunteer basis... mail is NEVER guaranteed to get anywhere. when you ship with FedEx or a like carrier, once it gets to a certain point, that company will hand your package over to a local ground transport company. it is not guaranteed to get there.
  10. just an update... i did email and PM her, but got no response from either message yet...
  11. my DH did not wear one - it got "lost" somehow LOL. i wish he had worn it just for the ceremony because of the ugly little mic the videographer put on his suit...maybe the bout would've hidden it a little better, but i think it looked fine without him wearing one. he really didnt want to wear one from the get-go anyway.
  12. congratulations - what a blessing that your dad was able to see that!
  13. i was going to suggest movie maker.... you know who used movie maker to upload their video? kate (LALA). her husband actually did it, but i bet she could give you some directions how to get it onto your computer.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by amdecker Do these fold well to put in a suitcase? trisha is already in mexico for her wedding later this week... i am sure she will answer you when she gets back...
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by tamit5799 I think Azul Fives looks amazing! We are looking for a place for a January wedding. Will you send me any info you get? [email protected] Thanks and Good Luck! Quote: Originally Posted by KLC77 Erica congrats on securing your location! That was probably the most exciting decision we made. Now you can start on all the little fun stuff! So exciting... Quote: Originally Posted by selina Congrats!!! I was torn between Sensatori and Fives. I loved the look of Fives. It was pretty much price that helped me decide on the Azul Sensatori. Our wedding is in October too (the 3rd). Are you doing a site visit? Erica changed her wedding plans and is no longer having a DW. You can use the advanced search function to find her thread about that.
  16. her account hasn't been active since sept. 20th. if you want, i can send her an email to check in on her...
  17. carly, i like the nicole cut, but a couple inches shorter. i like you with chin length hair
  18. sylvia, just checking in to let you know im thinking of you today and hoping that this meeting was not to cut you all loose. if so, that sucks, but remember there is a silver lining to every cloud. (sometimes you just have to look really hard for it.)
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Limor Hello brides! I just booked a trip to go to see the differerent hotels and meet with the WC's at the hotels for the end of October. When Im there I hope to 1) Pick the venue for my july 5 2009 wedding. 2) Find the resaurant/location for my welcome dinner. 3) Meet and finalize the photographer and videograpaher. What else, from your experience, would you recommend I get done during this site visit. I don't know if I will make it back to Cabo again before my wedding and so I want to be sure I get it all done as much as possible! Side note-not yet sure if I'm going to get a seperate wedding coordinator, but if I do, I can always book that and talk to her after my site visit, right? Also, still unsure of flowers..you suggest I meet with a florist during this site visit?? Thanks for your input! why dont you let us know what hotels/restaurants/photographers & videographers you're considering and we can give you some more help... for example if you decide on a hotel closer to san jose del cabo, i wouldnt recommend having your welcome dinner in cabo san lucas. so if you give us some specifics of where you're looking, that will help us give you some advice. and yes, you dont have to book an outside wedding coordinator when you're down there. in fact, i would honestly say dont book an outside wedding coordinator before you pick your hotel because theres a good chance you wont even need an outside coordinator. my hotel's WC was so good that i am really happy i didnt waste extra money on an outside coordinator. you could meet with a florist, but again, it makes a difference as to which side of the cape you're thinking of.
  20. what kind of music do you want? classical? something with words? something upbeat? something slow? tell us what you are looking for and then we can help you. also, please be conscious of the subforum you post things. if it's not jamaica-related, it doesn't belong in the jamaica forum. i moved your post into the correct place.
  21. for all the out of town weddings ive ever been in, not once has anyone ever offered to pay for my dress, travel, lodging, etc. in fact, i'm singing in a wedding in november for a friend, and she didnt even offer to buy the sheet music for $5. i had to go find & pay for it myself. we did not pay a dime toward anyone in our bridal party's travel or stay. we told them well in advance and were very upfront, we understand if you cant afford to go, but we can't afford to pay for you. the only person who ended up backing out was my own sister. my other 3 BMs were there without any bitching about cost. 2 were my best friends from college and the 3rd was my SIL.
  22. i let my husband register for stupid guy shit like a new electric razor and a new electric toothbrush at BBB - but nobody bought it for him. i will probably buy him those things for christmas, because everytime we got a gift in the mail, he'd say "we got another gift for you today" - as if he didnt help pick anything else out on the registry or like he didnt want the rest of the stuff we got. we registered for stuff that he bitched about being "girl stuff" but that i now catch him using, like a bathroom scale for example. i see no problem in getting him a gift for him though. maybe you can also get something small from their registry that is for both of them rather than solely a gift for him?
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