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Everything posted by Maura

  1. Yay...Leia, everything looks awesome! When do you guys leave for florence?
  2. sylvia glad to hear your DH got the full time job! so are you eligible for the transition pay bc the new company didnt hire you? have you started looking for another job yet?
  3. trust me, do the civil ceremony first. once your DW is over, you will want to be totally done with wedding crap!
  4. agreed! i'm also going to go through this thread tonight and clean up the old comments.
  5. Ladies, let's not meddle or speculate too much into why she's not been around. I've sent her 3 messages via PM and emails... I think it's best if we respect her privacy at this time. Perhaps there is a reason she hasn't answered any forum communications.
  6. i still have not gotten any response from the messages i sent her. perhaps she just needed some time away from the forum.
  7. carissa, off the top of my head, we have two past cabo surf brides who would be a good resource to you: Christa & Janet. Here's Christa's review: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t3895 and her pics: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t4151 Here's Janet's review: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t1585 and her pics: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t1650 try using the advanced search function to come up with more cabo surf stuff. i personally did not get married there, but i did hire their spa services for my wedding (they came to my hotel to do hair & makeup) and we were VERY happy with the salon services. the name of the salon is Sea Spa and it is located on the cabo surf property. i'd be happy to pass along contact info for the spa if you are thinking of using them as well as having your wedding at cabo surf - that would be so convenient for you! here's the link to the spa: Sea Spa Cabo at Cabo Surf Hotel i will have to look through my emails for the contact info if you want it, so please PM me if you do.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by MarieSam Maura, I totally shoulda PMed you on this, cause you're right, we are totally in the same boat! I think I'll do exactly what you've suggested ~ it makes sense and my professional name will still be intact. Aside from the fact that my legal name will now need its own zip code -- Maria Samantha S------ W----- I think it's a great solution. *sigh* thanks girl!!! if you wanna PM me and we can exchange emails to talk about how i did it/why i did it the way i did, feel free! i'll need my own zip code for my legal name too (Maura C----- E---- W---- H----- last name is 2 words, total of 13 letters!)
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by gossip girl Thanks so much for this info! We had planned all along to have a symbolic ceremony as we are going to get married at city hall before leaving, however a phone call this weekend and my FI's mom is saying his grandma is inquiring about having the ceremony officiated by a catholic priest. This is very important to his grandma and his grandma is very important to him. I am not Catholic however, will this be a problem? I am very interested in doing the "closest thing to a catholic wedding" at Dreams. I think if we can incorporate SOME catholic aspects and then some symbolic aspects that would be great. marcoloscabos, can the ceremony still be conducted by a Catholic priest? We don't need it to be a legal service. And it doesn't have to be heavily Catholic, I think it is more for appearances. 1) it is not important that you are not catholic. only 1 of the 2 people has to be catholic to be allowed to get married in the catholic faith. 2) NO catholic priest in los cabos will perform ANY kind of catholic marriage rituals in a ceremony outside of an actual church sanctuary. in order to do what i did (get married in a catholic ceremony on the beach with all my guests there), you would have to not only fly your own catholic priest down there like we did, you will also have to go to the church in either san jose del cabo or cabo san lucas and do a quick & dirty wedding inside the church before you are allowed to do your "vow renewal" on the beach. basically, we went to the church in san jose del cabo, our priest gave a welcome to the few family members we invited to that part, he said a few words on the sanctity of marriage, and then he skipped right to the vows. the only way your wedding can be truly catholic and receive a certificate from the church is if you have it inside of a sanctuary. but you cannot use a catholic officiant to do a semi-catholic ceremony, because they just WONT do it. feel free to ask me any questions, as i dealt with the catholic church down there for my wedding.
  10. Happy Birthday Ame! Hope you're having a great day!
  11. MarieSam, being in the same profession as you I can totally relate to your feeling. You could do what I did - keep your byline and masthead as your maiden name, but add the new last name onto your maiden name on your email signature. legally when i change my name after i've returned from mexico for christmas (have to wait because ticket is booked under maiden name, plus i didnt want to change name & jeopardize my papers not going through quick enough for me to re-register to vote in the election!), i will just be adding his last name onto mine (so ill be Maura W----- H-----). i will still legally keep my middle name as my middle name, and my maiden as part of my last. this was a solution that allows me to keep up my "professional brand" without getting rid of my maiden name. KWIM?
  12. omg hahahahahahahahahahahaha thanks for the laugh morgan. i couldnt resist and clicked at work anyway!
  13. wow... at $12.50 a slice, it better be covered in gold leaves/flakes. i would NEVER consider paying that much per slice! there has to be something cheaper than that in LV. while $3-5 is the standard average in mexico, i'm not sure what it is in the states right now. but i guarantee you it is less than $12.50!
  14. i agree you should call. if you wanna do a little invite, send that later. but the first thing you need to do is get them info right away. april is not far off so the sooner you tell people, the more likely it is that they will be able to come.
  15. look at you Tami, all DIY! i love the postcards. what did you use to design them?
  16. LOL Tami we had the AC on in our house over the weekend. hopefully by the time you get here, it will be nice crisp fall weather.
  17. if you can find out the ceremony/reception location options and PM me a list by the 21st, i will pass it along to my SIL. you're welcome - anything i can do to help you gals out is my pleasure. it was totally random & last minute that she's headed there. she was so surprised i was familiar with the name of the resort, so i explained to her that it was a possible reroute hotel from dreams tulum. one of her best friends is a conference organizer in mexico and so gets amazing rates at resorts, so they are all flying there for the weekend of the 24th and it was super super cheap.
  18. amy, is there anything specific (a small list perhaps) of photos you all might want? if you guys can come up with a small list, i'll send it to her and ask her to get as many of them as she can while she's there.
  19. ladies, are any of you being redirected to secrets silversands? my SIL is going to be staying there on vacation from the 24th-26th and is willing to take some photos of the resort for you... let me know so i can email her to take pics of anything specific while she's there.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by carly Have you checked your subscriptions? I saw that Maura had replied to that thread already. Go into your UserCP and there will be a list of threads that have UNREAD repsonses in them, that you created or responded to previously. Otherwise, you can do an advanced search for threads created by you. Whooopsie, I see that Maura already responded to this one too. thank you for pointing that out carly - i dont think newbies and junior members realize they can check the subscriptions. it defaults to subscribe to all threads you reply to. even if the name of the thread changes, it will still stay in your subscription folder.
  21. i merged the two http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t30587
  22. no - it was an accident, sorry. i was trying to do something to the thread and it accidentally deleted. we do our best to link back, but please remember that we all have full time jobs and sometimes just dont have the time to go searching for the old thread to link back to. always try multiple search phrases to find a thread, and scroll through the most recent 7 days of a subforum if it's not linked back.
  23. i merged the mother-in-law thread with this one and changed the title. please be conscious of not starting threads on the same topic.
  24. gorgeous! i cant wait to see how you look with your hair & makeup all done up in it!
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