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Everything posted by Maura

  1. you should put 3 options if you can - 1) (NO response) We regret that we won't be able to attend. 2) (MAYBE response) We'd like to join you but need to iron out the details. 3) (YES response) We will be joining you and have made a deposit with the travel agent. something to those effects so that if you have "maybe" people, you at least KNOW they're maybes and not 100% yes.
  2. the boy found in the SUV was dead of multiple gunshot wounds. the family is on their way to ID the body. chicago PD will be holding a news conference at 4 pm CST to confirm whether the body is that of julian king. see here for updates & more details: Sources: Boy found in SUV was shot - Chicago Breaking News here's a timeline of what's happened thus far: JENNIFER HUDSON CASE: Jennifer Hudson -- chicagotribune.com
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa but in all seriousness this is a really big deal. how you handle finances is huge for a marriage b/c essentially it is a contract and being able to depend on your partner's word is fundamental - he needs to re-earn your trust now and that takes time. i completely agree with alyssa. marriage is a contract. think of it this way: if your business partner did this to you, how would you react? essentially, your FI is about to enter into a contract with you (marriage) and already is not upholding his obligations to be a good "business partner," KWIM? Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan i agree- this is a much bigger issue than finding money for the wedding. how did you find out the money was gone? have you checked his fico score? could he have other issues with money you don't know about? the fact that you have been a student & not contributing financially does not give him the right to call all the shots with money. he should have been honest with you. yeah, how did you find out all the money was gone? was he upfront about it with you or not? did you discover it on your own? I agree with morgan that just because you are not the money-maker does not mean you shouldnt be involved in financial decisions involving your household. it worries me that even though you told your FI no to a number of seriously large purchases, he did it anyway. in our house, even if it's a personal purchase, if someone is planning on making a large purchase, we run it by each other. not for permission, but giving the other person the courtesy to know how money is being spent. if there's something we need, or think we need that's for the house and is expensive, we talk about it. whether it's smart to buy it now, where we can look for it on sale, etc etc etc. we have open finances with each other; although we have separate checking accounts, we also have a joint account and a joint credit card. i'd say you really ought to at least postpone, but you should do what is right for you & your FI. i don't think its a great idea to take money out of investments or retirement accounts to pay for a wedding right now. did a little part of you at least question whether all the money going to the new stuff was chipping away from your wedding budget at all?
  4. michelle, if you'll see any of the people at the wedding, i would give them a verbal thank you so that they know it was received. then you can send your custom thank you notes when you get back!
  5. and how old are you now? (just trying to establish how long your dad has been holding onto this and can't let it go) have you tried talking to him about it? like done everything you could to repair the relationship from your end so that you cant be made the bad guy? how do your siblings feel about the lack of relationship you have with your father?
  6. can i ask why you & your dad have no relationship? considering that you work in the same building and he didnt say hi when he ran into you... yikes.
  7. congrats carrie! it's good to see you posting, i havent seen you around in awhile. i cant wait to see your DW pics!!!
  8. a nice instrumental for guitar is called "Cavatina" by stanley myers. here's a youtube video of someone playing it. i used this song in my ceremony for the communion processional. YouTube - Stanley Myers "Cavatina"
  9. just to be clear, it doesnt matter whether she virtually killed the avatar or not - the crime she's being accused of is hacking. hacking is a crime. granted, this is stupid, but she still committed a crime.
  10. happy anniversary jules & curt! how fun you get to celebrate with ella i hope you'll be doing some grown up celebrating too
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by MarieSam Thanks gals, I was so clueless. Maura, I shoulda known the journalist/editor extraordinaire would know!! Thank you again you're welcome - and don't feel bad, if you've never worked on a copy desk, then you really dont have any need to know how to fix kerning i know how to do it in quark and indesign too if you ever need help with those!
  12. Kerning is a typographical term describing the process of moving letters closer together, in an effort to overcome the illusion of too much space between letters. This makes the text both more appealing and more readable. In Word, kerning can be adjusted either automatically or manually. To change kerning automatically in MS word, perform the following steps: Highlight the text whose kerning you want to adjust. Choose Font from the Format menu. Word displays the Font dialog box. Display the Character Spacing tab. Click on the Kerning for Fonts check box. Adjust the character point size to indicate when Word should start adjusting kerning. Click on OK. In most cases, this type of kerning will be acceptable. There may be instances, however, when you want to manually adjust the kerning between two characters. For instance, you might want to create some special effect for the characters. In these cases you can manually adjust kerning by following these steps: Highlight the text whose kerning you want to adjust. Choose Font from the Format menu. Word displays the Font dialog box. Display the Character Spacing tab. Clear the Kerning for Fonts check box. In the Spacing pull-down list, select Expanded or Condensed, depending on whether you want to move the characters further apart or closer together. In the By box to the right of the Spacing pull-down list, indicate the amount of space (in points) by which the character spacing should be adjusted. Click on OK. That should do it!
  13. got this email discount code from shutterfly today about holiday cards! Send more than just a holiday greeting–make an impression. Place an order and you’ll receive an award for 12 free designer cards in a future order.* You’ll have until November 15, 2008 to redeem your award. Place your order by October 27, 2008. Enter code DESIGNERCARDS in your shopping cart.
  14. michelle, i LOVE your hair dark. dont cut it on saturday! just a little trim. you only have another month to go before you can cut it all off if you want! hang in there and dont forget to post pics after your appointment saturday! we wanna see what you end up with!
  15. shelly, i had some serious surgery on my upper back a few years ago and my surgeon recommended curad scar therapy patches every night. they come in big patches, which you can trim down to fit your scar. in your case, you may need to just cut them into strips. i used these for about the first year, and then when the scars were bothering me with a little scar tissue, i started using them again about a year ago for a few months. also this is a bit more down the road as an option, we're talking 1-3 years down the road... i ended up needing to do this because the scars were bothering me (itchy, keyloid, purple-pink in color) there are laser dermatologists who can inject the scar with a steroid to flatten it if you get scar tissue, and then they use a laser to help lighten the pigment. i went for 3 treatments before my wedding and you cant even see the scars on my back in any of the photos, and they havent been bothering me since i did the treatments. i have one more treatment in november (yikes just a few weeks). if you want more info, ill be happy to tell you more about it.
  16. sarah is a L&D nurse, martha. maybe you might want to PM her for some more advice?
  17. just FYI gals, you will almost always get a better price when you ask for quotes in MXN pesos than USD!
  18. yari, love it love it love it! so beautiful. i totally lost it when i saw the pic of angela with the hankie and the pics of her dancing with her daddy. and you, you looked stunning! i need a kleenex after watching that!
  19. Gals - for those of you considering secrets silversands, i posted a thread where you can tell me what pics you want of the resort. my SIL is going there from friday to sunday this weekend and agreed to take pics if i give her a list. here's the thread. please post your requests there by the end of the day tomorrow so i can email it to her before she leaves friday morning! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t30889
  20. thanks sarah you rock! i totally am going to try that with mpix! did you pick that bakground from mpix, or did you design that in lumapix or something else?
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa yeah, you have to view the 'back' or 'inside' - i tried it with 3 different styles and it was there on everyone on the 4x8 card, i dont even have the option of viewing the back or inside the one i am talking about is a one sided flat front 4x8 card. if it's on the back, then i dont care. but if i was ordering a folded card, i sure wouldnt want it on the inside. i wonder if it actually prints that way or if that is a deterrent for copying stuff off their site & printing it elsewhere? i can call the 800 number later this afternoon to ask if you want
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa here is some more info...so i just checked out Kodak - they have some nice templates but every card actually says KodakGallery.com on it i hate that! also for mpix -the prices in the spreadsheet are only for the flat cards and i agree Maura i don't really like those templates either. their folded cards are MUCH more expensive now what!?! lol wait, i dont see kodakgallery.com on the card when i make a dummy 4x8 one and put it in my shopping cart like i'm about to purchase it. are you sure? where do you see it?
  23. alyssa, i was debating the same thing (because the kodak coupon makes it worth it). i was thinking... i might get the mpix ones for family only and then do the kodak ones for everyone else. the only thing is that i personally am not crazy about most of the mpix templates, so im considering just doing kodak if i design one on mpix and dont care for the template... i wish there was a custom template so you could create your own on mpix. but for the value & quality, plus choices of templates, i like kodak best i think. sarah (or someone who got sarah's card last year), can you upload what it looked like (obv w/blacked out personal deets)?
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