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Everything posted by Maura

  1. gosh i dont remember.... i joined in october of 2007 and in 9 months, i have nearly 4K posts
  2. my rsvp deadline was 2 weeks ago and we still have people RSVPing, and i started making phone calls to people to confirm they weren't coming because they didnt respond, and got some pretty rude attitude -- wtf people, its only polite to tell someone you are or are not coming to their wedding by the deadline. wedding guests are so ignorant let me tell you.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by RyanAmanda I guess we don't really see it as a 'wedding event'. We're not wearing our wedding clothes, there will be no speeches, etc. It's just a chance for us to see everyone who couldn't come to Mexico. We would have had it at our house but we just bought our first place (a townhouse) and there's not enough room for everyone at our place. I guess AHR is the wrong word for what we're doing. It's not a 'reception' really. ok maybe YOU dont see it as a wedding event - but your guests will since this may be the only chance they're able to celebrate with you. it doesnt matter if you are wearing your wedding clothes, if there are speeches, its still just basically an informal AHR. Quote: Originally Posted by RyanAmanda I guess I should have explained this better - it's not so much a rolling guest list as it is that we're sure our out of town guests will RSVP no. The hall we were able to rent for our AHR holds 100 people and we have 127 guests. We have a lot of family from out of town and we are 99.99% sure that none of them will come. If you don't count them in our guest list, we're well under 100 people. Even if some of them come (which is highly unlikely), we'll still be under 100. The difference in price to rent a bigger hall was a thousand dollars. Since our DW is already costing us much more then we expected (all said and done we're at about 17K) we couldn't justify spending another thousand when we could fit into the smaller hall. Maybe it's just being being paranoid, but I don't want to send out all 127 invites until we get the no's from the OOT's. how far away are the OOT family members? you COULD just still send postcards directing people to rsvp to your website or call - but what you do is send the postcards to the OOT family with very short notice, so theyre less likely to book a flight to come. honestly, yes, you are being paranoid about it - all brides are paranoid about it! i know it sounds sneaky.... but we sent out several late invitations to family members who live far away and out of the 15 or so we sent (which amounts to about roughly 25-30 people), only one person decided to book a flight and come.
  4. no i really have no other tips... just that exercizing while taking the pills gives me almost double the results. i just have been too crazy to make it to the gym much so my weight loss is pretty steady.
  5. i agree with yari that i think sending out an evite for a wedding event is a bit tacky. but to each his own, and thats just my personal opinion. cant you just send out a postcard invitation for the AHR and ask people to RSVP to your website or call you by X date? sorry but i think that the reason for wanting to use the evite (so you can have a rolling guest list) is quite rude... either people are invited right away or not invited at all, IMHO.
  6. Happy Wedding Day! Hope it's fantastic - can't wait for you to get back with pics!
  7. danielle, thats great news. im so happy to hear your mom is doing well. keep us updated! big hugs to you.
  8. abbie i have it in my sched to call you early this afternoon for a quick minute to give you last minute love before your wedding tomorrow - legal day seems to be shaping up - my stepmom is handling getting the chairs. i pick jose's parents & sister up from the airport tomorrow at 2. i am getting psyched! i had a reflexology treatment last night to help me ease my anxiety about the big wedding and it helped a lot. i just have to clean my house tonight and do laundry and run the dishes through the dishwasher and stuff. i have a pedicure at 6 tonight and getting my underarms waxed tomorrow morning at 10. i plan to work out tomorrow morning too. is there anything you need to do last minute? i am so excited to hear from you before you leave for cabo, i hope you can get your hands on some pics!
  9. well, the reflexology was great! i can say i am significantly less anxious because of it. during the treatment, my mind went totally blank, it was awesome. the reflexologist told me when the anxious thoughts start to creep up, to imagine myself in front of a soothing rolling river. every time the feelings come up, drop them in the river, over and over again. who knew something so simple and stupid would work?! she was so good, i felt waves of relief come over me during the spots where my mind was going blank. i would definitely recommend this to anybody else with anxiety issues!
  10. heidi i say wear the dress, and wear it with no shame LOL if i could wear my dress everyday without people looking at me like a nutso, i would.
  11. Best Destination Wedding Forum - Announcements in Forum : Forum News & Updates the forum (as it is now) has been around since 2006 and was started by Tammy Wright, who is now a travel agent (check her agency out at Wright Travel Agency - she is the TA to many BDW brides and she's totally fantastic!) and was also a destination bride who got married at Dreams in Cabo. here's her wedding review, she's the ORIGINAL BDW bride! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t7845 and here's a link to her beautiful photos: http://www.juancarlostapia.com/Tammy&Steve/index.html the forum used to be just for Cabo (see here: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t793 and here: Best Destination Wedding), but she expanded it to encompass many other destinations to help other brides.
  12. kim - i moved your thread because you had posted it in the wrong section of the forum. you can only post once in the newbies thread to introduce yourself, please post all your future topics in the appropriate sections.
  13. FI calls me at work this afternoon because he's standing in the sporting goods store trying to decide on a pair of sport sandals for our wedding & honeymoon trip (the kind that are like flip flops but without the thing between your toes because he hates that), and whines to me "i'm having a brain anuerysm, its like i cant make my own decision, i need you, i cant do this by myself, thank god i'm marrying you!" - i just busted out laughing! so then i went through the pros and cons of each sandal he described for me and he decided on some navy blue crocs. i hung up and then he calls me 5 mins later "honey! i found crocs that have a cubs logo! im getting those!" hahahaha
  14. please use the search function for the forum. there is an entire thread dedicated to this question - the quick and easy answer is there is NO polite way to ask for cash. its tacky to do so. it's tacky to ask for gifts at all. your registry should be displayed on your website or spread by word of mouth from your family/bridal party. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t17320 people will bug you to register for gifts even if you dont want to. check out something like a bed bath and beyond registry - they give you cash for all returns.
  15. i like the brown dress so much better. i was in a wedding last year where the chunky MOH wore that dress and she looked very decent in it. if push comes to shove and your other girls like it, just tell your sister to suck it up. its not her wedding - she doesnt HAVE to like the dress. let me see if i can find a pic of that wedding i was in... ok i blurred out everyones faces but mine...
  16. you absolutely dont have to do one. i'm not. we are having ONE wedding, and its in mexico, and if people are too lazy, cheap, or whatever other BS reason to go, why should i shell out money to throw an extra party just for those people
  17. welcome to the forum tiffany! but i'm confused... you're getting married at your own church in oregon. are you doing a symbolic destination wedding somewhere after?
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by MelanieS Mandy did her photoshare through Snapfish because of the price - 9 cents per photo. However, I've ordered photos from both Snapfish and Shutterfly, and the pics from Shutterfly are consistently better color and quality. Their price is 15 cents a photo right now. thanks for posting that melanie -- i think i may upload the same pics from my most recent shower to order the same prints from each service and see if i can notice a difference. i definitely like that snapfish has the high res option for uploading so i would want my guests to upload there, but if shutterfly's prints are nicer looking, i may just have some of the prints for relatives done through shutterfly. will get on that sometime this week and let you guys know the results!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Rache1124 Maura - thanks for offering to help with photos - it is on my list of things to do, but i'm at work right now... Quick question ladies - I want to set up an online photo account for my guests to upload their photos to...which is better/easier/more user friendly - photobucket or snapfish - or do they not work the same way?? rachel, they dont work the same way. you want to be able to upload high resolution shots - for this i'd recommend snapfish. your guests can upload their photos there and you can post your photos (and pro pics) too. i started a thread about the difference between snapfish & shutterfly for making photobooks and for the purpose of having guests upload photos, and i came to the conclusion that snapfish is the best option for that. let me see if i can find the thread for you. here you go: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t24691
  20. haha glenda - see i told you you'd find a treasure trove of my stuff on here
  21. wow, jay that is AMAZING! i LOVE it!!!!!!!!!
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