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Everything posted by Maura

  1. carly, so glad to hear everything turned out great! i hope danielle got a few great pics for you even just as a guest
  2. thanks everyone for all your sweet comments. we were so pleased it turned out so well. for anybody wondering, since everybody seems to like the dress so much, its from jcrew and you can find it here: Women solids & textures Embossed halter long beach dress Quote: Originally Posted by carly Maura, I've missed so much over the past week! I love the pictures, you are absolutely beautiful and look SO happy! My fave pic though is of Jose, the one where he is just looking at the camera with a HUGE smile on his face. It's adorable how happy he is. Oh, and I also loves your dress, very appropriate. thanks carly - thats my fave pic too, i had it made into a 5x7 that i have to go pick up tonight so i can frame it! Quote: Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE Oh Maura, I am SO happy for you and Jose! You looked beautiful! You look so radiant and are glowing in your pics! Who was the lady you were holding hands with in the group photo? You can tell there was so much love there! Your weekend sounded amazing! Congratulations! Luv ya! Celina thanks sweetie, the lady i'm holding hands with in the photo is my stepmom!
  3. Thank you thank you thank you for all your well-wishes and prayers for good weather! Our legal day was fantastic! We started off the day having breakfast at the café across the street on Saturday morning and then I left to get my hair done. I liked it, but I will definitely be doing my hair different for the wedding in Mexico because it didn’t hold up great in the wind and from moving around and being hugged by everyone, so I can’t imagine what it would’ve looked like if we had been dancing all night too. I haven’t gotten the photos loaded from my own camera but when I do, I will come back and add a close up photo of my hair. We ended up actually doing our ceremony on the garden terrace overlooking the Chicago River at a fancy restaurant about a block from our house. The weather ended up being beautiful, there was a little bit of wind and it was a little cloudy during the ceremony, but the sun came out toward the end. We toasted with champagne afterwards, and had a few glasses of wine before heading to dinner with our parents. We spent the weekend at a hotel so we had a kind of mini-moon, which was really nice to have some privacy while his family had the run of our house. Today (Sunday) we went to brunch at the Four Seasons Hotel with our parents before we took Jose’s parents to the airport. It was absolutely incredible! All in all, it was amazing, and we are so so so excited for our wedding in Mexico now! Here are some highlights in photos from the day. we both got a little emo during the ceremony
  4. i moved your thread because it was in the wrong part of the forum, please be conscious of posting things in the right places, it makes the mods' job easier.
  5. barrieeeeeeeeeeeee wheres your reviewwwwwwww im dying to read it with less than one month to go before MY westin wedding!
  6. have a great time at the AHR jac! where has carly been recently anyway i miss her!
  7. gorgeous prints kate! are they miami grads?
  8. well rebecca at least its more romantic than my living room LOL we dont live near any nature.... and most public places in downtown chicago you are supposed to have a permit to do that kind of stuff. plus its going to be 90 degrees and possibly rainy, so im just telling myself that its good we'll be inside in the AC. if it's nice out though.... like 30 mins beforehand.... maybe i will change my mind and move it to the park down the street if i can convince jose
  9. Maura

    I'm VIP!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB Maura, you must explain this secret formula! LOL i honestly dont know the formula, but different people have achieved VIP status at different times with different post counts. so i know that post count is not the only factor.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Go Maura!!!! she said she knew she had to feed the picture whores LOL and since they leave for cabo sunday, she didnt know if she'd make it on before then.
  11. Maura

    I'm VIP!!

    no kat, it's not based on your number of posts - its a combination of factors
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB We need at least one teaser pic before you leave for Cabo![/size][/font] i talked to her on the phone yesterday afternoon and she promised to send me at least one or two provided that she can get someone to take her camera and snap pics for the night so she can load them into her computer tomorrow. she said if she didnt have time to post it herself, she would email me the pics and i could post them for her while she's in cabo
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by KirstenRN6 Also not everyone is a candidate for organ donation either, even if that person wanted to be. The patient must meet very strict guidelines in order to be considered at the time of donation. Thanks for mentioning this Kirsten - I often get shit from people because I am not an organ donor. It's not because I don't want to be (although the idea creeps me out a bit), it's because I have a medical history (both meds that did some damage to organs and a rare genetic disorder) that prevents me from donating. Also, I think it's interesting that some cultures/religions do not allow you to be an organ donor because you must be buried "whole" so to speak.
  14. oh yay im so excited it worked out for you!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by ethrondson Hahaha! I love the one with the girl passed out. That one made me giggle the most. hahaha me too!
  16. Happy Wedding Day Katrina & Mike!!!!! I hope your DW today is absolutely amazing! I know you'll be such a beautiful bride, can't wait to see some pics as soon as you get back. Congratulations sweetie!
  17. Happy Big Fat Wedding Day Abbie & Doug!!!!!!! I hope your day is completely perfect and I can't wait to see some pics of your beautiful wedding #1!!! Sending you all my love and good wishes for a wonderful day/night and many happy years to come
  18. yes, baby mia was born - we dont have pics to share yet though - will post a thread when we get some from susan!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by teacherbride Thanks so much for the photos! It's great to see the dresses on actual people. They all look beautiful. Are the other dresses in the photo from Davids Bridal as well?? This is all confirming what I thought, I should change the dresses. My FI is going to be excited about all the new brown options no, they are not all from DB. the one i am wearing is from Ann Taylor Celebrations and the other one I honestly do not remember where the girl got hers, but I know it wasnt DB. The bride just told us all to get a chocolate brown dress we liked and it worked out well. Quote: Originally Posted by Jen5372 I like the brown one-however the girl in the pic is super skinny-I wonder how it woud look on someone a bit heavier-NOT that your sister is heavy...just saying if theres someone else who would be self conscious!! Brown is great for winter! see pics above that i posted for how the DB dress looks on a "normal" sized heavier girl
  20. mylee, and everyone else who reads this ---- start backing up your wedding files!!!!!!!
  21. girl..... i am not going to lecture you because you know it was silly not to back up your files, but go out and buy some CD-Rs and start backing your shit up as soon as you have the computer fixed! in the meantime, i will email you all the BDW templates i have on my computer at home in case any of them strike your fancy.
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