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Everything posted by Maura
you really ought to tell her that she should not be making changes to anything without informing you first, IMHO. so can you not upgrade now?
yay! congrats martha!!!!!!
so is she still gonna be your MOH then?
Quote: Originally Posted by bshortzie We had both our legal and religious ceremonies in Cabos. It was really very easy. We filled out most of the paperwork and faxed/emailed it months before. The coordinator came to our room with a technician and it was over so quick. My husband is usually such a wuss and was a nervous wreck but even he said he barely felt a thing when they took blood. The legal ceremony was the next day. It was done in Spanish with a translator there as well. It was actually a beautiful ceremony. Then we signed and fingerprinted the papers and they sent them to the appropriate place to get stamped so it would be legal here in the US. We had our religious ceremony on Sunday. It was great! Our families came to both ceremonies, although we consider our religious ceremony to be our actual anniversary. i just wanted to make you guys aware that barrie had a religious ceremony, but it was not a Catholic ceremony. (i believe barrie's was jewish...she was married by a rabbi i think because i remember her mentioning something about the rabbi's flight being late and it delayed their ceremony) Catholic ceremonies are not as easy as the one she had - the Catholic one, as many of you know, requires lots of paperwork and precana etc etc but if you are non-catholic then it should be a cinch to have a religious wedding haha
Mexican Catholic ceremony - prayers for the Lazo
Maura replied to Maura's topic in Wedding Etiquette, Traditions, to dos
of course, go ahead! i hoped that posting it would help other brides like me since you're in chicago, you can also visit the bookstore i got everything from if you'd like - its Pauline Books & Media Pauline Books & Media - Daughters of St. Paul and it's at Michigan Ave and Randolph but on the Michigan side, and right near the 7-11. They were super helpful, they have a huge spanish section in the back and lots of religious gifts. ask for juan if you go! he was so helpful and sweet! the little book i bought that had the oracion de pareja was only like $4 too! -
Mexican Catholic ceremony - prayers for the Lazo
Maura replied to Maura's topic in Wedding Etiquette, Traditions, to dos
yeah definitely going to use this prayer! i had tears in my eyes reading it when he showed it to me! -
** Coupon + Discount Sharing Thread **
Maura replied to RaydensMama's topic in Buy / Sell / Trade Archives
anybody got a shutterfly picture book code? -
Mexican Catholic ceremony - prayers for the Lazo
Maura replied to Maura's topic in Wedding Etiquette, Traditions, to dos
Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Maura that is really beautiful! I wish I could have done the lazo but my parish doesn't do it, since its typically a traditional Mexican ritual. But I did get to do a presentation to the Virgin Mary which was especially nice b/c James' deceased grandfather loved the song 'Ave Maria'. It played while we did the presentation and his grandmother was really moved by it. I think your ceremony will be beautiful but if you can I would ask for a mini trial run b/c believe it or not all this stuff can get messed up really easily. Mine's was a mess and Amy's got screwed up a bit too in PV. So just make sure you and Jose and the priest know exactly what your doing. aw G, what a bummer that your parish doesnt do it! i still dont know whether we are doing a ramo or not so i need to talk to my MIL to find out if she ordered flowers of any kind for that. dont worry - i FOR SURE am having a rehearsal on the day before just to run through how everything will go. i dont trust anybody to get it all right without a run-through (incl. our priest), especially since we are meshing cultural traditions! -
yikes morgan - what kind of fungus was it?
hahaha your FI is too funny
Mexican Catholic ceremony - prayers for the Lazo
Maura replied to Maura's topic in Wedding Etiquette, Traditions, to dos
jessica - theres a difference between the prayer being said to bless the gifts (arras, lazo, ramo) and the prayer (or whatever) that is said while the lazo is actually being put on. we have both sets of prayers now. the priest will bless all those items at once, and then a separate prayer will be said during the draping of the lazo. KWIM? -
Quote: Originally Posted by Kelly C Maura, OMG your getting close. Are you getting nervous? I think I will probably have a melt down. Oh wait I already did that. honestly no not really - i am a little nervous just about everyone making it there ok and having a good time. but i am not nervous at all about the wedding since we got legally married here last weekend. it all kind of just disappeared. (of course, the spa treatments - pedicure, acupuncture, reflexology etc didnt hurt in alleviating some of my nerves last week LOL) i promise i will post my welcome letter as soon as i get it done. it's taking me forever, and its going to have a lot of hotel-specific info but i am hoping to get some general cabo info in there too.
Mexican Catholic ceremony - prayers for the Lazo
Maura replied to Maura's topic in Wedding Etiquette, Traditions, to dos
ok, good news! just got back from the catholic bookstore that is several blocks away from my office (that a coworker of jose's recommended) ---- they have a wonderful man there named Juan who helped me (and they have an entire section in Spanish in the back!). there is NO formal text for the priest to say during the draping of the lazo. HOWEVER, Juan did show me this huge (and expensive, like $60) prayer book that is in spanish and focuses on family-oriented prayers. there was a very lovely prayer in the back of the husbands/wives section and he suggested that the priest say this prayer while our padrinos are draping the lazo: Te alabamos y te benedecimos, oh Dios, creador de todas las cosas, que al principio creaste al hombre y a la mujer para que formaran una unidad de vida y de amor; también te damos gracias, porque te dignaste benedecir la unión familiar de tus servidores (nombre del novio) y (nombre de la novia), para que fuera imagen de la unión de Cristo con su Iglesia; tú que los has mantenido unidos por el amor en sus penas y alegrÃas, mÃralos hoy con benevolencia; renueva constantemente su alianza nupcial, acrecienta su amor, fortalece su vÃnculo de paz, para que gocen siempre de tu bendición. Por Jesucristo, nuestro Señor. and then, after the draping of the lazo (by the padrinos), Juan showed me a very nice "oración de la pareja" for the bride and groom to say together/to each other --- hope this helps someone! (juntos los dos:) O dios, nuestro Padre en el Cielo, ahora nos arrodillamos frente a ti muy felices pero un poco nerviosos. Sentimos que al principio nos acercaste, ayudaste a que nuestro amor creciera y en este momento estás con nosotros de una manera muy especial. Te pedimos que te quedes con nosotros en el futuro. Protégenos de qualquier cosa que pueda hacerle mal a este matrimonio, danos valor cuando vengan los problemas, enséñanos a perdonarnos cuando fallamos. (El esposo:) Te pido la ayuda que necesito para ser un buen esposo y un buen padre. Nunca dejes que tome a mi esposa por sentado o que me olvide de que necesita ser amada. Si tu nos bendices con hijos, te prometo que los amaré, los cuidaré y les daréel mejor ejemplo posible. (La esposa:) Te pido la ayuda que necesito para ser una buena esposa y una buena madre. Que nunca deje de darle ánimo a mi esposo. Si me bendices con la maternidad, te prometo darme totalmente a los niños, hasta el punto de quitarme del medio cuando ellos tengan que ir solos. (Juntos los dos:) Por último te pedimos que en nuestra vejez nos amemos tanto y tan profundamente como lo hacemos en este momento. Que nos concedas estos deseos que te ofrecemos por medio de tu Hijo, Jesucristo, nuestro Señor y Salvador. -
Mexican Catholic ceremony - prayers for the Lazo
Maura replied to Maura's topic in Wedding Etiquette, Traditions, to dos
Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Do you think the priest can tell you? no - he sent us an email this morning saying that the lazo part is the one part he does not know and is not very familiar with so he doesnt know what to say during that, and he cant find anything about it either (obviously, because he is at a church in the US in a non-hispanic community, so theres nowhere for him to find anything in spanish really) -
oh btw becks, thanks for the PM about the welcome booklets... at this point im not sure im going to have enough time to still do them unless i get them finished in the next 5 days, so dont worry about it but thank you nonetheless! i originally started them as full page newsletter style documents... i may just do that and bring a clear plastic report cover to put them in or something.... i still dont know what im going to do. i really dont want to spend another dime honestly, so we will see what happens.
Mexican Catholic ceremony - prayers for the Lazo
Maura replied to Maura's topic in Wedding Etiquette, Traditions, to dos
you're supposed to be kneeling on the cojines when they drape the lazo, the side of the lazo going over the groom is placed first, then the other half is draped over the bride. i just cannot find anything about what the priest should say -
i designed my ceremony programs last night - have to make 2 small changes tonight at home and then will post a photo of what they look like when i can. we are having the HARDEST time finding any info on what should be said during the draping of the lazo toward the end of the ceremony.... i am getting so annoyed, i have to go walk to the catholic bookstore down the street in a bit to see if they have something that will help me
Mexican Catholic ceremony - prayers for the Lazo
Maura replied to Maura's topic in Wedding Etiquette, Traditions, to dos
mmm... no this is not quite right according to my booklet in spanish. i already have the wording for the arras, but can't find any info on what should be said during the draping of the lazo -
rebecca your TA is a bitch!!!!!! you should write up a nasty review of her. and LOL about the lady on the train hahahahahhahahahahahaha
Quote: Originally Posted by sassybride LOL that's what I was worried about so we decided to go with the cheaper all you can drink but with limited drinks. It was much cheaper and we don't have to worry. We will be going back to the riu at 11pm so they can drink all they want when we get back. How often did you get to see your BEO. I haven't seen one form Westin yet :S you only get to see your BEO at the very end, you wont see one until like 4 weeks before the wedding and they will send you a first draft, and then you make corrections and then they send you a new one to sign and pay.
BEO is like the final bills that have the list of every little detail of your wedding that you have to sign and pay your 80% before the wedding - i think youre right it will probably end up saving us money to do it on consumption, i just hope some of jose's drunky friends dont drink too much and end up costing us more!
We are having a traditional Mexican Catholic ceremony, and we are doing some parts in English and some parts in Spanish. We have a copy of the folleto Matrimonio (preparacion de la ceremonia liturgica) but we can't find anything in it about what is said during the draping of the lazo! Can anybody help me?
we're working on correcting our BEOs this week and i was wondering what everyone's thoughts are on the bar on consumption versus the open bar where you pay one fee per person and they can drink however much. we went through our guest list and figured that only about half our guests are really drinkers, that everyone else might just have 1-4 drinks total....so my MIL wants to do by consumption, but i cant help but feel like we're going to get screwed. she's paying for it, so i want to do it whatever way is going to be cheaper.... barrie and steph what did you two do? what is everyone else doing?