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Everything posted by Maura

  1. Mods are doing housecleaning - EVERYONE is going to lose posts because we are cleaning out old stuff. Don't worry about it.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by jmiranda Congratulations Maura you look so beautiful in your dress...so where di you get your dress? Cortes Modernos Aguilar in Pilsen, PM me if you want the contact info, they do not have a website
  3. i had my final fitting yesterday - if you havent already seen the pics, here you go: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t26011 p.s. amanda, your seashell bouquet is looking great! you'll have to do a whole planning thread when you get back. i spent most of last night putting my planning thread into a word doc organizing everything getting it ready to post, i just have to finish 3 DIY projects this week so i can get some pics and post next saturday!
  4. thanks everybody! i just updated the first post with a pic of what the dress looks like bustled, although i could not get the dress on by myself bc my DH is still sleeping and i didnt want to chance trying to get the dress on alone and have him wake up and catch me LOL
  5. LMFAO - great story amy!!!! now when are you gonna post some pics of you in this dress hmm missy
  6. oh good i was afraid i missed it because i have been looking for it and havent seen anything anywhere. i love your new siggy pic you look amazing! i am dying to see more pics
  7. katherine! i booked my resort only 7 months in advance, so dont sweat it.
  8. katrina!!!! we missed you!!!!!! we want wedding pics and reviews STAT!! did you post them already and i somehow missed them
  9. congrats girl! cute story and love the pics! how funny her glasses ended up in the potty my sister always had a problem with losing things in the toilet when she's drunk too
  10. My final fitting this afternoon went perfectly! All the alterations that were done ended up being perfect and no further changes needed to be made. i am so pleased with how i look in it. i worked really hard to lose a bunch of weight so it would look like i had a waist haha my seamstress' assistant laura told me it took her 2 hours to steam the wrinkles out of my dress, so i feel really bad that it's getting wrinkled already hanging in the garment bag, and will get wrinkled on the way to cabo. it will have to be steamed again at the hotel. Sorry the pics arent great, I don't have my veil on, and we didnt get a pic of what it looked like bustled (i am doing a french underbustle) - but here they are for your viewing pleasure! (p.s. - is the girl who took the pics retarded or what? how freakin hard is it to frame a shot properly with a digital camera for crying out loud) and edited on sunday to add a pic of what the bustle looks like (sorry couldnt get it on by myself with the bustle done):
  11. i cant change mine til we get back from cabo because my name has to be the same on all my travel docs that i booked with. boo.
  12. i bought my dress in january and my wedding is in two weeks. so if you do the math, it was almost 7 months before that i bought it. ordering it in jan, it arrived in april. i had my first fitting a few weeks ago and my final fitting today, and we leave aug 6th.
  13. Sorry but I didn't take my veil with me to my fitting, and I also wasnt able to get a photo of how it looks bustled. If I can manage to get someone to come over to do it and then take pics before I leave with it bustled and with the veil, I will and then post, otherwise you just have to suffer with these until after the wedding i will tell you that the bustle is a french underbustle, and they sewed a loop and a button underneath my skirt. I apologize in advance that I have no makeup on, and my hair is wet from the shower. And that the girl taking the pics clearly doesnt know how to take pics with a digital camera. http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/h...l/CIMG1061.jpg http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/h...l/CIMG1062.jpg http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/h...l/CIMG1064.jpg http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/h...l/CIMG1063.jpg
  14. I am totally copying amyh with the dry erase boards! Here's some inspiration pics from her: (this first one is not from amy's wedding, it was one of her inspiration photos) http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/h...l/beckerhh.jpg this one actually was hers: http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/h...boardlabel.jpg we will set one up on a stand like this, with the sign next to it (and another sign taped to the back so people read the directions), and the other one will be floating around (so a total of two boards): http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/h...l/CIMG1069.jpg http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/h...l/CIMG1070.jpg
  15. Don't know that I ever posted photos of how it turned out! (obviously taken after we had eaten some haha) Here you go! http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/h...l/CIMG1068.jpg http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/h...l/CIMG1066.jpg
  16. amyh, where did you get your dry erase boards from? im having a hard time finding ones like yours
  17. abbie, scott did a GREAT job! unfortunately i KNOW that i could never get jose to do a TTD with me... i may talk my dad into going out with me early in the morning one day before jose gets up since my dad & stepmom are staying until thursday of our honeymoon week. J seriously asked me last night if we could give my dress to his parents right after the wedding to take back to mexico city for storage! i was like NO! i want to wear it in the house!!!!!!! not to mention i am doing a TTD shoot with a local photographer the weekend after we get back, she is doing it for free to build her portfolio. so i need my dress anyway.
  18. hahaha, see? arent you glad you have us? sucks for your cousin but thats what ya get for rushing into a marriage with a girl who's a beotch that forces you to buy an engagement ring with your first paycheck!
  19. TVT - dont take the pill before you eat - take it after the 2nd or 3rd bite. This may be the changeup that you need. Go to the alli website and watch the FAQ video about how it works, and what I just said will make total sense.
  20. Andrea DO NOT CC crazy mary on ANY email you send to management or HR - do you think she would give you the same courtesy? hell no she wouldnt! dont send a general email either. get specific, and fast. keep it private between you & your manager and HR. tell your manager you are going to be reporting these incidences to HR because THIS IS HARASSMENT IN THE WORKPLACE. you need to use key words in your messages - harassment in the workplace is a VIOLATION OF YOUR CIVIL RIGHTS!!!!!
  21. HA. no. i havent finished the newsletter, i have not even come close. i am going to have to work on it all weekend because i need to start printing them at work on glossy brochure paper starting monday!
  22. no actually, it was very simple (it was just tedious doing everything, filling out the paperwork, meeting with the priest multiple times, doing precana, making sure the precana certificate and letter from our priest allowing us to marry outside the parish got to the priest in MX etc etc) we did our local prep through Assumption Catholic Church on the corner of Illinois and Orleans downtown because that is closest to our house. we signed up for precana through the chicago diocese at Family Ministries
  23. yes bernie, your marriage will be valid in the eyes of the church. my DH and i got legally married here in chicago a few weeks ago and we are having our religious wedding in MX. you just have to make sure you have all the proper documents for the church and you're all good.
  24. we sent out about a total of 300 invites between two countries (yes, if you could see me, i'm rolling my eyes right now, and i totally freaked that my MIL invited so many people) but we are only having about 100 show up. my wedding is in 2 weeks and most of our guests are staying at our hotel, and a few are staying in the timeshares next door as well as 2 other hotels.
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