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Everything posted by Maura

  1. i just told people "it's immediate family only and a few of our best friends" - obviously this wont work in your case... grams is not going to be happy that she's family and that you may have invited friends over her. just out of curiosity, why isnt she invited? you cant squeeze her in? my own grandmother is mad at me for getting married, and is too sick to travel anyway. but if she had been supportive and wanted to come, we wouldve figured out a way to include her. we wouldnt pay for her trip or anything, but we would've cut someone else from the guest list in order for her to go - i shouldnt talk though, we sent out 300 invitations, and have 100 people showing up in mexico next week, so my wedding is nowhere near the "small and intimate" that i originally imagined.
  2. rebecca - 1) thank you for emailing me those docs - i got swamped the day you sent them and yesterday and didnt get a chance to thank you 2) are you kidding about your TA? why the F would she put your nephews in your room with you?!?!??!?!??! this woman is gonna get it bad!!! she shoulda realized who she was dealing with!
  3. happy birthday morgan!!!!!! have a wonderful day!
  4. happy wedding day sweetie! i hope your day is beautiful - you deserve an amazing day!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by yamille I had an oil incident today! It freaked me out becuase all I had eaten was 1 cup of fiber one cereal with 1 cup of lf milk, banana and blueberries. I had 1 tsp of pb just to throw some fat in there. If i calculate right that's still only 8 grams of fat. Thankfully I was home. I was a little freaked out. I know this is TMI but I had to tell someone and it's sure not gonna be FI who just got back from being out of town. What do you guys think- too much fiber? what time did you eat the fiber, what time did you get the oil incident, and what was your meal previous to the fiber cereal?
  6. tara, if you REALLY wanna experiment, go get some mickey d's or burger king and have that for dinner.... LOL, i guarantee you it will produce results
  7. ok i just heard from yari! she is ok. she is heading home to see if their house is damaged at all, and she is going to go pick up angela from somewhere. she said she cant get thru on the phone to brian because the phone lines are still down (at least for her). she said she would check in with me after she's been home to let me know everything there is ok.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by cabobridey OMG! maybe it was removed cuz i am a GOOBER and deleted the pictures from photobucket.. not realising that would delete them from here! SHEESH!!!!! Then the mods prob thought "what the heck is she doing!" OK... sorry guys! Will repost tonight and NOT delete the pics! (are pictures is photobucket private, or can any joe blow see them?) LOLOLOL LOL holly, oops.... yes if you delete them from photobucket, they will disappear from here. you can set your privacy settings in photobucket i believe - but i think somebody would have to know your username on there to be able to access your gallery randomly or you would have to have named your photos (i.e. holly&brad.jpg rather than CIMG23805, KWIM?) in order for someone to be able to search for them.
  9. hmmm strange. maybe it was accidentally deleted during housecleaning. i havent been around much today, but the mods will look into it. give us a couple hours and one of us will PM you and let you know it's ok to repost the thread, ok?
  10. holly you are not crazy, i remember seeing your thread early this morning. let me do some searching and see if it was moved by one of the mods.
  11. jamy works overnight, so she may have been sleeping
  12. erica!!!!!!!!!!!!!! welcome back!!!!!!!! ive been wondering about you!! cant wait to catch up
  13. yari lives in chino, i just emailed her to check on her
  14. LOL christina you are too cute. i have been dancing around too. this time next week ill be packing my suitcase for cabo, and one week from tomorrow, i'll be there!!!! woooooooooot
  15. muchas felicidades!!!!!!! i have been thinking about you lately - so glad to hear everything worked itself out. how are the surgeries going though? i am concerned that you just had another one!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by becks I LIVE for my packing list. Couldn't survive without it. Actually, I'll attach it. There's way too much info on it, but you can clean it up and do with it what you want. I'm carrying my flowers on - it's just the one bouquet. Chris' bout and my hair flowers will go in my luggage. I've already enlisted my niece and nephews to do the assembly line for the bags when we arrive. I'll get to spend time with them and will buy them off with something fun. I finished my day of timelines for the girlfriends. Let me know if you want it, and I'll send it your way. maybe its not a bad idea to put my bouquet inside my garment bag with my dress? LOL just wrap it in tissue paper and tuck it in the middle of my skirt at the bottom of the bag. can you email me your packing list and your day-of timeline? that would be so awesome
  17. eeeeeeeeeeee marthas back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am going to be stalking for pics haha
  18. what great news kristy! we'll continue with the prayers for a speedy recovery
  19. our priest in chicago sent the paperwork to the priest in Louisiana (who is a family member that we are flying to MX to marry us), and the priest in Louisiana sent the paperwork through the chancery to MX
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by becks Well, the honeymoon is in November in French Polynesia. But I've already placed dibbs on 2-weeks in Italy. 1 week in Tuscany and 1 week in Capri or Positano. um... if you are seriously planning this... let's chat. i am DYING to go back to capri we would really like to do a romantic getaway 3 or 4 day weekend some time in the fall. our next big trip is a family vacation for christmas - his parents are taking us on a cruise. not sure where to yet. MIL wants carribean, DH wants mexican riviera because it stops in cabo. then we have to go to mexico city for DH's goddaughter's christening in early Jan... then we have to make some trips within the US to visit fam/friends in AZ, Miami, etc a friend of ours who lives in france is supposedly proposing to his longtime girlfriend in october this year... they plan to eventually marry in france... we are hoping they get married in 2009 so we can take a vacation
  21. #4 or some jewelry - you can never go wrong with nice jewelry. all the rest of your suggestions seem too impersonal to me.
  22. ok becks, give me your list of whats left and then ill type up mine my boss keeps asking me "are you ready?" - i am gonna punch his lights out if he asks me one more time. maybe if he didnt give me so much work to do the week before i leave, i WOULD be ready!
  23. eeeeeeeeee rebecca!!!!!! 12 days!!!!!! i forget, are you & chris leaving on wednesday the 6th too?
  24. no it has nothing to do with you being on a mac. the layout is different than it used to be. click MY ALBUMS and you should be taken to your page, and then you can upload from there
  25. yay! katrina, you were beautiful! the resort photog did a really good job. some of your pics look like something from a dream sequence or a brochure or something!
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